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Non duality kicking in?

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So I've been meditating for 3-4 years now. Now I meditate about 1h daily.  I got some results, my happiness is moderately better. I took AL-LAD back in december and it was shortly after Vipassana retreat. I had non dual experience then, I realized that I am my friend, I realized that I am everything and stuff. And now I've been taking psychodelics every 1 month. I have non dual insights here and there, so I realize that I am my father, I am my friend I am my mom and I see that we are all connected. It's huge, because  since they are me I can't be angry with them. So given I am them I am 100% responsible for our relationships right? It's interesting. Or maybe they are also responsible? So if I have an argument with my friend it's not his fault but mine? So to change him I have to change myself? What do you think guys? Sorry for not being super clear I just want to start a discussion about this.

Edited by Amadeusz

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I'm mixing my old  dual perspective with this non dual - that's why I used these words... I still largely believe in duality. But sometimes this non dual state appears and it kills my anger. I just cant be angry with my friend anymore then ;o

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