Anton Rogachevski

From green to yellow

16 posts in this topic

What happens to green's will to abolish material belongings in seeking of a higher satisfaction? Could he be back to buying nice things for himself once he reaches yellow?

Could that desire to be a sort of nihilst about materialist possession a part of going through green?


It strated to happen to me and I was at first worried that this is regression back to orange. What do you think?

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If I understood Leo's videos, green is more like an entrance door towards Tier 2. In green, people connect more with their feminine side and, when they realize that life needs a purpose, they walk towards yellow.

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6 hours ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

Could he be back to buying nice things for himself once he reaches yellow?

Green never really stops buying nice things. If anything, Green buys fewer but nicer things. Green people love expensive Apple products and expensive yoga pants, for example.

Green just realizes that happiness is found more in relationships than in material objects.

Don't over-simplify Green as being against material objects. Healthy Green is not against those things. In fact, Green should realize that life cannot work without material objects. It's just that Green understands that material objects are not what life is about.

Green is also conscious of how buying up useless material objects affects the environment in unhealthy ways. So Green will be mindful of what they consume whereas Orange doesn't give a shit as long as it suits them.

For example, Orange will drive a Hummer and doesn't care about how much gas he burns. Green will prefer to drive a Tesla. Tesla is a nice, expensive material object. But it is also eco-friendly.

Green buys nice material objects, but for different reasons than Orange.

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2 hours ago, Feel Good said:

@Anton Rogachevski

I tend to think of green as a mental illness and yellow as opening ones eyes again to understand that there was no need for green to try to change what is. Green is like that dark night of the soul :)green are quite dysfunctional in lots of ways. Im green and im starting to see how i demonise all stages and how its a self defeating stage to be at despite my shallow pluralistic values. 

You are misunderstanding Green.

Don't give Green a bad name.

Green can be very healthy. In fact, mostly it is. Only in rare exceptions does it get toxic. These days people in the political sphere love to demonize Green and over-exaggerate Green's excesses. If you use the news or YT political commentary to judge Green, you will get a very distorted picture of Green.

80%+ of Green people are moderate and easy-going.

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30 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Orange will drive a Hummer and doesn't care about how much gas he burns.

Just a nitpick. Orange will care about the price of gas when a car burns a lot of gas.

Also, in my perspective, the most eco-friendly car is no car. Not driving saves environment better than driving an eco-friendly car. I don't drive a car.

Edited by CreamCat

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@CreamCat That's right, Orange will only care about price, not about gallons burned. Because he has not yet developed eco-consciousness so the health of the environment is beyond his circle of concern.

Green's care for the environment goes beyond just saving money. Green actually cares about the environment for its own sake. Green has developed heart, which Orange cannot understand because Orange is too self-centered.

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@Leo Gura you once said that Scandinavian countries are very happy and they are stage green. But who is happier, green or yellow? Because you also said that one of the reasons that yellow goes to turquoise is because yellow suffers too much. 


"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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@How to be wise Very roughly, happiness should increase as one goes higher up the Spiral, but this won't be the case for every individual. It's a rough average and depends a lot on circumstances. A stage Yellow person could be diagnosed with cancer while a stage Green person might find a great job, etc.

Scandinavian countries rank some of the highest on the world happiness index.

There are no stage Yellow societies or governments so we don't have a ranking for countries above Green. The prediction is they will rank higher than Green when they do emerge.

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1 hour ago, Anton Rogachevski said:

Thank you for your replies!

So one could easily say that hippies that dress like homeless people are not green but more like blue. Reminds me of christian monks who dress with a bag and a rope.

No, hippies are not Blue at all. They are Green.

Blue dresses formally, properly, in uniforms and clean cut suits and dresses. Blue is all about maintaining up-tight order.

Green is much more laided back and easy-going, wearing flip-flops and loose clothing.

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@Leo Gura In the book ‘spiral dynamics’, it says that blue and green are the most rigid of the stages. Should we expect the Scandinavian countries and maybe Canada to make it up to yellow anytime soon? How long would you give it?

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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37 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

it says that blue and green are the most rigid of the stages.

I hypothesize that there are two kinds of Green.

1. Rigid close-minded Green

2. Easy-going open-minded Green

The second type of Green can climb to Yellow more easily.

Edited by CreamCat

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On 8/21/2018 at 5:01 PM, Anton Rogachevski said:

What happens to green's will to abolish material belongings in seeking of a higher satisfaction? Could he be back to buying nice things for himself once he reaches yellow?

Could that desire to be a sort of nihilst about materialist possession a part of going through green?


It strated to happen to me and I was at first worried that this is regression back to orange. What do you think?

Green and Yellow people still buy material possessions.

But their emotional connection to material possessions is different.

Green and Yellow sees material possessions as =  a piece of the earth

Orange thinks material possessions = a valuable item found in store

This is the main difference between green/yellow and orange. haha

When you see a guitar, do you see earth or do you just see a guitar?

When you see cake, do you see earth or do you just see cake?

In both cases, green and yellow, sees earth first and then sees the guitar and cake afterwards.

This explains why some green people are emotional about the environment and animals. It's because they see the earth EVERYWHERE. haha

It's like superhero [earth] goggles that they are wearing that Orange doesn't have....or that orange forgets to put on.

Edited by Brittany

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14 hours ago, How to be wise said:

@Leo Gura In the book ‘spiral dynamics’, it says that blue and green are the most rigid of the stages. Should we expect the Scandinavian countries and maybe Canada to make it up to yellow anytime soon? How long would you give it?

If anyone evolves to Yellow, it should be them.

I have no idea how long. Probably not in our lifetime.

12 hours ago, Outer said:

Sorry man, this entire "grouping people into colors" thing is unbelievably shallow. I've never seen an enlightened being do so. Do you know of any?

You categorize and group reality all the time. That's pretty much what all knowledge, language, and science is. You just take it for granted.

You group people in male vs female, black vs white, conservative vs liberal, moderate vs radical, conscious vs unconscious, sane vs insane, friend vs foe, etc.

What you're really objecting to is a new set of categories which you are not comfortable with yet.

For some reason you have no problem when a scientist groups subatomic particles into quarks, leptons, antimatter, etc.

Ken Wilber is enlightened and he talks about Spiral Dynamics and other groupings all the time in a very healthy and reasonable way.

Without grouping, there is no science or math.

Spiral Dynamics is a complex and nuanced set of categories which requires many hours of study to understand.

It would help if you distinguished between healthy and unhealthy application of categories. And also if you remained mindful that all categories are human projections.

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23 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Green never really stops buying nice things. If anything, Green buys fewer but nicer things. Green people love expensive Apple products and expensive yoga pants, for example.

Green just realizes that happiness is found more in relationships than in material objects.

Don't over-simplify Green as being against material objects. Healthy Green is not against those things. In fact, Green should realize that life cannot work without material objects. It's just that Green understands that material objects are not what life is about.

Green is also conscious of how buying up useless material objects affects the environment in unhealthy ways. So Green will be mindful of what they consume whereas Orange doesn't give a shit as long as it suits them.

For example, Orange will drive a Hummer and doesn't care about how much gas he burns. Green will prefer to drive a Tesla. Tesla is a nice, expensive material object. But it is also eco-friendly.

Green buys nice material objects, but for different reasons than Orange.

I'll never ever be green then LOL. And I always be against orange. In fact I was green when I was a child ( until I transcend to nihilism ) I always protected nature, until people started to run on me and my "green childish way of thinking" I always wanted to cure everyone, to be kind to everyone. But society fucked all this, at 13 I probably shifted to Orange for many years. ( you helped me transcend yellow, so thanks you, even if I m still tainted with many orange in myself ) I have a tons of work to do to live from a true yellow perspective. ( if this mean something ) 

I just buy nothing, if this is possible. I put 2000€ in my computer on 10 years and I m still having the power to destroy a current mac at 1500 buck.

so being green is starting to be holy fucking stupid, cause Apple is made by evil himself. Job > Gates ( it's a joke, I do not believe one of them is better ), they both did LSD btw. ( just a note )

They are both "yellow" living in a orange society. It's not because we all need to act orange to be understand that we all are. ( be aware than when I m saying stupid or smart, it's just talk ) I don't mean it. Everyone is fucking stupid and smart.


 I m yellow af ( this is why everything is a joke to me ) absurdism and nihilism is largely above green. Green is silly, and I m not talking about a orange perspective, as orange is aswell stupid af to me.

yes blabla, what if leo you never transcend green and delude yourself being "yellow", you did display what I would call a yellow thinking, but this day you're abusing acting like a green. ( to my sense )

 ( And orange aren't nihilist at ALL. they are egocentric, self centered, they are hedonist at their best ) Nihilism isn't red neither. what do I mean by nihilism ofc, I mean someone who can see the world from ALL perspective and give a sense of meaning at their life from nothingness ) like a computer programmateur, without emotion about the code, just watching how it is working.

 ( I do not need yoga to have faith and value ( sometimes ), I just pick what I want, like a character in a videogame ), it means, accepting life even to the point of thinking that all the yoga thing is just a path to truth.  ( not the truth in itself.. just a way ) like suffering and being an outcast is another one.

self reflection is all I was doing since a child, for a lifetime, cause life even on drug ( I mean computer / internet until 21 ) then weed. And even baked off, everything still sounded borring to me ( needed to find meaning in myself )

I never was aware that it had a name ( "self reflection"  ) of course I have a tons of work to do on myself as I rush everything.

I m not sure all green are open minded, many of them act like it to get profit from society. Like Nietzshe told in his writting ( I m reducing ), there is many philosophers who talks, but all their talks is a dream they create because of the disease in their soul and their feeling of insecurity. Human is incredible to creates solid shit meaning from nothing.

 Deny it all you want, green/orange.

I want to help everyone, so for me all the moral is a human thing, it's not how I conceptualize yellow, and If I m not yellow, it's simple, I'm not at all in the spiral. Tell me now that I m orange if you want, I probably is, like fucking everyone we are born into it, look at your own recent post leo, they all sound orange/green, nothing yellow there. ( or I don't get it, or you're starting to be deluded because of all the dmt : with all my respect and I respect you very much leo. maybe not you to me, though. )

you're just all green thinking you transcend something, it's normal lower stage demonize people at higher tier, so people at lower stage can't get me at all. ( can you see it ? ) [joke]

if you was a real turquoise, as it's in the spiral, you would just quit the whole forum/youtube. This forum is the proof you can't transcend green/yellow. ( or leave it ) you need it to walk I conceive.

Yellow are creator, yellow are artist without bondary of creation. Artist are above green, but artist comes all from green/orange.

green and orange are the same pattern thinking, instead of projecting their ideology on themself they project on dream/associated to their feeling with the world. if this is not a delusion, what is it.

If starting to be a hippie was a thing. And I m talking in a life of electronic music maker, everyone around me use drug. And believe me whole those green could all be orange if you really watch deeply everyone.

I can't even tell the difference between someone orange or green, they are all egocentric in their way.


when green start all to want your green ( weed ), you know they are all a bunch of orange fa* in disguise. ( for the joke )

Hippie/green ( most of you are on the forum ) I don't very like the idea of color though, it's a quick ordering, who isn't very accurate, but not accurate. It's like a big map astrology, of course we see meaning in it. It has been made by guy who believed in budhism firstly.

what If I create a spiral dynamic with 3 stages : 

Idiot, no that idiot, very smart.

I could put the whole human race in those case aswell. I'm not denying spiral is a good map, but it's fucking absolutely not the territory. It's over reducing thinking to a meaningless affair of categorizing people by what you perceive .

difference with orange, is only that : they are hypocrite, orange are not. They are "evil" but they assume it 100% to being egocentric.


now you're all triggered, I liked watch this forum, you're all funny. But you have my respect, it's not easy to work on self and delude his mind at this point. We all have work to do.

if someone now come and hang my hand and tell me, all of this was a joke and a dream, I would say, ok .. what's next lvl ?

I m not sure many of you would do that. I would be sad that I loved my mother though and that she wasn't real. would makes my body and mind very sad, but I already accepted my faith. If god is all and powerful, why fight against his music ? do your own, god makes all of us musician, god doesn't have judgement he likes everything ( even hate and war ). He just like them beating the world.

the dream program us to fight that is clearly the case.. survival/transcend call it how you want.. No matter how. Nietzshe call it the "will of power" and this is accurate. You should focus on the fundamental tone you can hear, not on the cover that you see with your eyes and brain.

If there is no evil, god created it by giving us the power to create light or darkness, we should stop the assumption that god want the world to be "perfect and stable", there is probably nothing more than the music, and music is a flow a stream, it never ends, why transcend anything ? transcend all the things you want, but turquoise or red, we all end in the void/infinity call it how you want.

So why fight ?  study music instead of reading.

everyone play his role.

Edited by Strikr

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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7 hours ago, Outer said:

It's not complex, it's a stereotype.

Read what you wrote:

"In social psychology, a stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular category of people.[1] Stereotypes are generalized because one assumes that the stereotype is true for each individual person in the category.[2] While such generalizations may be useful when making quick decisions, they may be erroneous when applied to particular individuals.[3] Stereotypes encourage prejudice[3] and may arise for a number of reasons."


This is true of all categories and all human thought.

Ironically, you are stereotyping Spiral Dynamics.

Your critique is self-defeating.

It would be wise for you to contemplate what a category is. You're still not fully grasping it.

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