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Inner conflict regarding consciousness

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Why is it so impossible to formulate what consciousness is with help of the (analytical) mind. 

I end up with 'nothingness' as the best description of what consciousness is. 

Consciousness doesn't impress me from the analytical mind's point of view.

And really, if some authority in spirituality, art or science would like to fool me and say that consciousness doesn't exist using good persuasive arguments, I would probably let myself be influenced by those arguments, and I might think to myself..


Yeah, that's probably true, consciousness doesn't exists, just some illusionary thing at play, but nothing is really going on. Nothing to be impressed by. 

That's one side of the coin. 

Other times, often when I contemplating spontaneously, often when I am all alone, maybe I'm running in the forrest or do some other activity, or when I just do nothing at all. Anyway, then it might happen, I'm become strucked with my own intuition, and I go something like..



"Wait a minute, I fucking conscious! I AM CONSCIOUS! LOL, what can be more miraculous than that? TO BE AWARENESS!!?

No doing, no though, no nothing can compare with the magic fact that I AM consciousness. Even if I could control the laws of physics and fly over peoples heads, or even if I could create a completely new universe out of nothing, that would just falls shy compare to the infinite mysterious quality of consciousness, and the fact that I literary AM that! 

To BE awareness is far, far, FAR greater then anything else that you can possible be or do, and it's far, far, FAR greater then anything IMpossible thing you can ever fantasise yourself  to be or be able to do"  


Now, mind and intuition have kind of polar opposite take on consciousness, one side(mind) might even not admit that there is something as consciousness/awareness, where as the other side, the intuitive side, can go crazy about consciousness, and recall it as something infinitely mysterious, something truly Godly. 

Two different takes on the same subject to say the least, why is that do you think? 

Is mind too stupid to grasp what consciousness is, or is the intuitive side of me too naive, maybe it even fool myself completely? 

Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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Beautiful post! This is what I would like to add.

From mind's perspective, Consciousness doesn't seem to exist. It's because the mind can only know and masturbate (!) with objects and Consciousness is not an object.

It's like mind narrating while watching a movie on TV, ''What the fuck is a screen? I can't see it!! maybe just some illusionary thing at play, but nothing is really going on. Hey LOOK! I can see the movie and it seems alive and continuous. That's all there is''...all the while looking at nothing but the screen.

On the other hand, intuition as I understand it, is a far more refined version of 'mind'. That's why it can intuit things beyond gross objects. All these mental phenomena can be thought of as the parts of the 'big mind'. 

And you're right. With mind, you can model Consciousness as empty space at best. But that too is a subtle object. That's the limit of the mind, not the limit of Truth.

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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