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Unique Way to have a deep intellectual understanding of How our Reality is Formed

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We all know ports... USB ports, Audio ports, Video ports

That's the key. Ports! ports open the Portal of your entire Experience!

There are 6 ports (maybe more - someone else with a higher understanding can maybe add here if there are more)

1. Seeing / Video
2. Hearing / Audio
3. Feeling / Sensing
4. Smell
5. Taste
6. Thought / Mind

You are the BLANK SCREEN on which YOUR ENTIRE EXPERIENCE plays on with the help of these 6 ports.

Most powerful is # 6 and that is what you have to stop receiving the input from to realize and see the other 5 senses for what they are and how they all blend together to give you ONENESS. it is ONE EXPERIENCE. 


Just like when you're watching a movie - you are seeing/hearing (feeling if watching a 4D movie with moving seats lol) 

It is ONE movie. all as a whole, that you're watching.


But the main point of it all being ONE EXPERIENCE and ONE is this.

You, the body which you see, you feel, you can touch - that is also the feedback which you are receiving VIA the ports.

You, the BLANK AWARE SCREEN - sees the body, touches and feels the body, tastes with it - yet it is just more feedback/data being sent to you via these "ports"


You exist in a place outside reality - meta-reality , in a place-less-place. That is where all this data is "sent" to you where you "see" it


How liberation from suffering happens is upon the experiential understanding of this.

One KNOWS VIA THEIR EXPERIENCE that this is TRUE and not just as an intellectual understanding as this here (you see, reading it does nothing. if you have read thus far and are still reading on as if nothing powerful was said, it means you DO NOT GET IT FULLY) intellectual understanding IS NOT ENOUGH


lol i am still at the intellectual understanding level btw... but seeing it this way makes so much sense!

just working towards that experiential confirmation now


After the experiential confirmation - liberation is something which is worked towards by letting go of attachment or taking things personally in each moment as you are merely the blank screen watching... and by returning to that knowing in each moment, you tend to care less and less about what experience is being displayed in-front of you and just learn to accept and love it all :) <3 


Love Is The Answer

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3 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

We all know ports... USB ports, Audio ports, Video ports

That's the key. Ports! ports open the Portal of your entire Experience!

There are 6 ports (maybe more - someone else with a higher understanding can maybe add here if there are more)

1. Seeing / Video
2. Hearing / Audio
3. Feeling / Sensing
4. Smell
5. Taste
6. Thought / Mind

You are the BLANK SCREEN on which YOUR ENTIRE EXPERIENCE plays on with the help of these 6 ports.

This seems to suggest I am a blank screen and external stimuli enter to color the blank screen with images, sounds etc. This feels like a degree of separation. An anolgy closer to nonduality would be there is a blank screen from which pixels arise. The screen and pixels are one.

Rupert Spira uses screen analogies a lot.

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@Serotoninluv yes. that exactly. i listen to Rupert quite  a bit. and have heard him use these analogy many times.


and yeah, that's what i meant - just may not have said it as it was needed to be


just "breaking" it down using further that all the experieince occurs "infront of You" and well, it's closer than that, as IT IS YOU and MADE OUT OF YOU :) 

Love Is The Answer

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