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Enlightenment Debates

15 posts in this topic

Guys:), let’s not get involved into discussion about Enlightenment with people who absolutely deny the premise or work we are doing here on this forum.


First of all, it looks like we really try hard to persuade and incline them into some kind of belief or conception. Let’s respect the Knowledge we have. By getting involve, we diminish the whole idea. If you feel like you really want to argue with other people about your believes, ask yourself first:

Why am I trying so hard or what is the benefit for me in this persuasion?

Am I arrogant?

Do I feel more superior toward other people who do not share my position?

Why am I being aggressive toward people who is engaged in denial of website/Leo/Enlightenment what so ever…….


Some folks really kill time here, others just feeling satisfied by battling in cyber space with others, because they do not have any more interesting things to do in their lives.

Let’s keep this Forum and website friendly, let’s have dignity and respect to not proliferate more aggression. Let’s be mindful to our time and people in this community.

Do not allow people to ruin your inner equilibrium. In the long run, if you need to be engaged, work on yourself, understand the need for it. Eliminate it.

With warm wishes, and thank you for being here for support.




Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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I agree, and for my part I appologize for the debate that took place in the other thread. 

I thought I was having a good faith discussion with a person that misunderstood what I was saying. That was a wrong assumption, and the discussion turned into a fruitless debate.



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@SkyPanther Did the debate show you anything about yourself? Or was it all still the other person's fault?  I'm assuming because you have arrived at NLP central then its still "most people's" fault?

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Thank you and that is very sweet of you :), however no apology is needed, we are all humans at the end. :D

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Indeed. Great post.
We live in a network of egos which all think that they themselves are correct (including me as I am writing this), and the annoyance, jousting and so on between all of these egos is created by this very thing. 

It is no-one's fault. :)

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@TwoDays  Same story in real life :)

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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I have no idea which post you're referring to, I assume the "enlightenment is bullshit" topic which I would be guilty of throwing fuel on the fire of.

That being said for anyone truth realized all things in life become a pleasure, for happiness is a state of being not something to be sought.

I would argue that "Enlightenment" has nothing to do with morality in any true sense. If anything true enlightenment has no boundaries, morality included. In that sense while some would deem those debates "negative" I take the view point that they are just as healthy as being completely indignant. It just depends on the viewpoint you're coming from, and what you presently enjoy in this state.

Indignation can be a sure sign of your own faith in your beliefs without needing the world to conform to them, but sometimes these debates allow you to ask the very questions you posed, or allow you to see a previous paradigm you were in and perhaps find a way of explaining the falseness of that paradigm to another and by extension further distancing yourself from it. Better yet at times they can have an impact on the reality around you much later down the road, impacting everyone involved with insights that come with wisdom and maturity. Perhaps something was said in those debates that one side took defensively now, but that will click and give them an AHA moment later.

Case in point I was the subject of a roasting in regards to my own viewpoints on certain topics at one point, it became heated and one individual pointed out that "You're not here to debate, you're here to be taught". In a real sense they were telling me I was so off base my points in the argument were ignorant and unfounded. They were right, and a few months later that lead to a great deal of insight for me which in the end stripped a lot of limiting judgements I was making on others. Was it fun getting roasted? Not at the time. But the beauty it lead to after was well worth the fire of the debate itself.

"He who begins life in sweetness will end in bitterness, but he who is content to begin in bitterness shall gain sweetness at the end and beyond."

I guess my point is simply to each their own. There is nothing wrong with getting involved in these debates so long as you aren't trapped in them. And for some of us they do help.

Just my two cents on the other side of the fence.

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@Zotikos I think what Galyna was trying to say is that:  when arguing with another and trying to convince them of an argument, it matters where/what place you are arguing from. Arguing out of the ego/for the ego is completely different to arguing out of a sense of wanting to help. The former, often manifesting itself in a reckless use of words, or jumping to arguments way ahead of what the other person can understand, thus not really teaching them, but just ego-jousting.

Regarding what you said about morality: There are many definitions of "morality", I disagree when you say that enlightenment has nothing to do with morality. If you mean morality in a cultural sense or as the rules laid down by those before us, or as an ego-based morality then I agree. Of course, "immorality" is just a false concept, but that doesn't mean morality is. There is actually an "absolute" morality that comes hand in hand with enlightenment. Just like how you wouldn't punch yourself in the face for no reason. Although it wouldn't be considered immoral, there is no reason to do it. It's just obvious, and it just is. In a sense, this absolute morality consists of seeing others as yourself, and love. That doesn't mean there's an opposite version (i.e. immorality), where I will get mad if that absolute morality isn't held up, because it is recognized that all beings are just doing what they think is fair. 

Your own indignation and protection of your own beliefs is completely different, and comes from your own belief about what morality is. This type of morality stems from a self-righteous point of view (i.e. "My way is the right way"), so yes, it is false.


Edited by TwoDays

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@Galyna Yeah! Sometime I don't have intention to debate but I really did sound like debating or sounded like an aggressive talk. But....... I have a feeling that everyone here are trying to convince others to understand the what they understand after all. For me, I really love sharing whatever I know and love listening to people who have more knowledge than me.

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Sometimes people forget how hard it can be to express what you really mean, especially when you are typing words out on a screen. Harder to ask questions for clarity, no face to watch, no hand gestures/body language to help in understanding another person's point. Things seem harsh or mean when it's really just lack of connection in communication. 

Patience, compassion, tolerance, grain of salt... All that jazz. 

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@SkyPanther @TwoDays @Zotikos @Khin @Anicko


Guys :), I was talking purely about Enlightenment. I just do not see any point to debate with people who deny it, since it is very intimate experience.

We will not be able to prove it with words anyway. 

I hope I did not hurt your feelings. :$

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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4 hours ago, Galyna said:

@SkyPanther @TwoDays @Zotikos @Khin @Anicko


Guys :), I was talking purely about Enlightenment. I just do not see any point to debate with people who deny it, since it is very intimate experience.

We will not be able to prove it with words anyway. 

I hope I did not hurt your feelings. :$

Lol well see now this I kinda have to agree with. :P

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On 3/23/2016 at 4:53 PM, Galyna said:

Guys:), let’s not get involved into discussion about Enlightenment with people who absolutely deny the premise or work we are doing here on this forum.


First of all, it looks like we really try hard to persuade and incline them into some kind of belief or conception. Let’s respect the Knowledge we have. By getting involve, we diminish the whole idea. If you feel like you really want to argue with other people about your believes, ask yourself first:

Why am I trying so hard or what is the benefit for me in this persuasion?

Am I arrogant?

Do I feel more superior toward other people who do not share my position?

Why am I being aggressive toward people who is engaged in denial of website/Leo/Enlightenment what so ever…….


Some folks really kill time here, others just feeling satisfied by battling in cyber space with others, because they do not have any more interesting things to do in their lives.

Let’s keep this Forum and website friendly, let’s have dignity and respect to not proliferate more aggression. Let’s be mindful to our time and people in this community.

Do not allow people to ruin your inner equilibrium. In the long run, if you need to be engaged, work on yourself, understand the need for it. Eliminate it.

With warm wishes, and thank you for being here for support.




said very nicely,

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why would an awakened being want to debate with belief systems, they dont.  when you have living experience of your core being, there is nothing to debate.

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