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Tony 845

Awakening vs. enlightenment is there a difference?

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People use both of these terms very loosely "I" lol feel, some people say they are the same, some people say awakening is prior to enlightenment thoughts? 

Some other words used:





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awakening is when one has an experiential seeing/understanding of their true nature - which is pure awareness/consciousness


enlightenment is the end of the seeking/suffering 

when one gets that there is noting to do / no goal / it all just IS . acceptance of what is in each "moment" is enlightenment


awakening alone does not mean direct enlightenment... one has to work his/her way upto that level... this is being said very loosley here... but this is a quick in a nut-shell of a nut-shell version :)


although some people upon their awakening find enlightenment a lot quicker vs others may even fall back to their regular self or may not even notice that an awakening / glimpse of the truth occurred





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@Tony 845 I’ve found direct experience of more value than intellectual descriptions. Direct experience is not as limited.

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