
Meditation routine, or meditation on the arising sensations in the moment?

2 posts in this topic

Hello, fellow practitioners.


I would like to start this topic about meditation tradition vs meditation on the current felt-aspect rising "now".

It seems we have the ones who have One practice. Let`s say you meditate with a tradition, using the same technique every day, no matter what is boiling up in your current emotions. Examples can be; On the same question (who am I?), it can be just sitting down and letting your awareness notice all sensations on a pure physical aspect, it can be to observe your thoughts, and so on. Point is, this is done every day, no matter what your current emotions are.

Then we have the "now" meditators, who meditate differently every day. Let`s say you use 3-5 mins sitting down and figuring out what is the obstacle in your current situation. Are you insanely frustrated, then you focus on these emotions. Same with sadness. It can be physical pain that you are experiencing, it can be that your mind is utterly spinning. Point is, you change your meditation every day to your current "probem", or that which is seducing your awareness the most.


I have found that doing traditional and repetitive meditation can go unfocused, due to emotions. But also, enhance the goal of f.ex observing the rising of thoughts.

I have found that flexible meditation can irritate and make me kinda feel going off track, as data is collected through different aspects every day.


I hope there are more in my boat. Do we set sail and follow one specific direction, or lose the sail and let the boat wander to whatever destination?


Thanks for joining in! :-)

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If you do a technique like Vipassana, it seems to me that it would cover everything that you're encountering, as it allows all thoughts, feelings and emotions to be noticed and observed. It's the "here and now," whatever that means each time you sit. 

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