Light Lover

What is your diet?

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I want to change my diet but have no idea where to go, I hear so much info from so many sources it has left me totally confused. School and college never helped at all with this and the internet is just crammed with different people squabbling over what they thing is the correct Diet or not. So a few questions, 1: Is vegetarian/vegan more healthy than meat eating or is meat eating fine as long as it is 'white' meat (chicken, fish, which I currently have), 2: Is there a set perfect diet for everyone or does it depend on your body type or any other factors? 3: What is your diet atm, by that I just mean breakfast, lunch (if you have) dinner etc...for example if you have fruit daily (which I do, usually carrot, apple, grapes and some vegetables as well like broccoli and spinach) and what you drink as well! Thankyou if you have any helpful replies. My diet is not unhealthy but I feel like maybe I need more raw stuff (which was suggested to me on another post like this) and need to cut out wheat as well which I have in the morning (toast).

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You won't find any hard and fast answers to difficult nutritional questions. Mainly dogma and ideology. Aside from obvious stuff like "too much sugar is probably bad for you" anyway. I think it would help anyone attempting to answer you, though, if you provided some info as to your age, physical condition now, and your specific goals with changing your diet. 

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@Feel Good thankyou very helpful and @ChimpBrain as well. Well I am 19, 5 foot 7 (average height) and exactly 10 stone (140 ibs) which is apparently just right for my age. Goal wise well...I just feel like my current diet isn't what is right or neccessary for the body, of course I will keep eating fruit daily, but yeah I need to know something to replace my toast in the morning and just want a blueprint to completely revamp my diet which might help slim out my body more (be rid of moobs totally for example and minor double chin and just feel cleaner and healthier). For example I want to know what to eat in the morn, how much of it to eat, and the same applies to dinner and eating at night (or if you are supposed to eat at night at all) and how much you are supposed to eat during the day. I am totally new to all of this as I said as none of it has ever been taught to me and on the internet there are too many conflicting opinions, like for example a lot of sites that I would normally disagree with you guys and say that wheat is great for your body etc...has lots of fibre and shit in it, but other sites say it is bad for you. I do eat a pretty much organic diet on everything that I stated about just you know, all org fruit, vegetables, toast etc.

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Snack 1 -- Some raw carrots

Breakfast -- Four egg plain omelette 

Lunch -- A plate of beans

Snack 2 -- Some steamed veggies

Dinner -- Meat (Pork, Chicken, Fish) and veggies cooked in the oven as a side

Snack 3 -- A few Greek olives

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Everyone's diet will be slightly different depending on their 'metabolic type'. Someone with ancestry from Northern Europe will be more suited to eat a diet higher in animal fat/protein. Compare this to someone close to the equator whose ancestors were eating fruits and vegetables for hundreds of years. This will be where tracking your diet and making small changes and observing the effects it has on your body will be huge. For example, you eat no dairy for a week with all the same prescheduled foods and then the next week you have the exact same diet but the only adjustment is you introduce a glass of milk a day and see what it does to your body. This process will be how you and I and everyone else can best hone in on our unique diets; there's no one size fits all. 

All that being said, there are some foods that will be shit for pretty much everyone. This is the easiest, quickest way to make a positive change on your health. Figure out which foods (as another previous user listed) are not great. There will be conflicting information on the internet about all this stuff. True understanding of diet and health requires a deeper understanding of the human body (hormones, circadian rhythm, bacteria, mitochondria, etc). For example, many people advocate a vegan diet but reducing protein/cholesterol intake may have adverse effects on ones testosterone levels (once again where the tracking and experimentation will be incredibly valuable). Just my two cents.

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@Feel Good What speaks against extra-virgin olive oil?

It has been part of the standard mediterranean diet for centuries. People in Italy, Spain and Greek are rather healthy. They got less brain deseases, are less obese and got a rather high lifespan. Also check the book "Genius foods" by Max Lugavere. He has a lot of studies in there promoting the benefits of olive oil. It's even his "genius food" no. 1!

Same for vinegar. There are many sources promoting the health benefits of apple vinegar.

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@Mirror of Confusion the thing with any oil that it is a highly dense source of calories stripped of nearly all of its nutrients. A lot of oils that are not "cold pressed" are processed on high heat and you know you are asking for trouble when heating fats to high temperatures. 

Also the reason that Mediterranean diet is considered so healthy is not high oils but a lot of fruits veggies , legumes, nuts and seeds. Yes, they do eat meat and some dairy but the staple foods are plants. Plus these people are very cheerful, social, get a lot of sunshine , exercise and swim in the sea which is incredibly healthy and ionising.They generally enjoy live more than us in colder climates.

I've spent 6 months in Greece as an exchange student back in 2013 and literally every second person is ripped and fit as f**k. These people are an epitome of health. Greeks more than Italians from what I've noticed as italians tend to smoke and drink way too much, not to mention all the cheese they consume. 

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Sure all those opinions will be based on personal preferenes and beliefs, but I would like to put my words here too.

I went vegan 2 years ago and I've never felt better. In beggining you have to do research about how to transition to this diet as your body needs to adjust, but when It does, you will psychically feel a lot better, you will have more energy, It's way more healthy, in addition you lower the negative impact on environment and obviusly don't kill animals.

Those who doubt going vegan. I'm 6.6" tall and training for triathlon and doing lots of endurane training, my performance is getting only better, so you can not just live on this diet but thrive! It's bullshit that you need animal products, only thing they do is damage your health, environment and feakin live beings have to suffer in order for you to eat animal products. 

How to transition? Youtube has many videos on how to make switch, but best way is to slowly take out animal products and replace them with plants, If you have specific questions, I will gladly answer.

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Thankyou so very much @kev014, @Mirror of Confusion, @Michael569 (your's was especially interesting, never knew about what the Greek populace were like health wise), @Feel Good and RabbitHole (Sorry can't link your name it the site won't let me lol). You all know alot about Health and I am extremely appreciative for you to be giving your advice and experiences to me, I have learnt a hell of alot reading your post. At the moment I am pretty much a Vegetarian anyway as I said, haven't eaten red meat in years now, but still do have chicken and fish every few months as a treat for myself as I do enjoy the taste still. I will see what I can do to transition, for now I suppose all I can do is just experiment with all you guys and the internet has given me and see what works for my body, it is going to take fucking forever though, now I can see what Leo meant when he said how long it takes to find your perfect diet, godamn lol.

@Joseph Maynor

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No two individuals have same body construction and therefore, they responds differently for the same pills/medicines/supplement taken. There are many natural weight loss supplements available that are excellent appetite suppressant that gives you feeling of being fuller for a longer time. Not just it boosts metabolic rate and digestive system but also keeps you active and energetic throughout the day. Once I was searching over the internet for such supplement and came across herintalk. I really find this product information very useful. 


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Mine's Genotype Diet (Peter D'Adamo.) Hunter genotype.

He has a book with flow charts to help determine your type.

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I went vegan about 3 years ago because when I saw the animals being killed in videos it really opened my eyes to what I was contributing to and I felt horrible. As far as health goes I am by no means an expert but I think that a whole foods vegan diet is the best for ones health for the reasons Mic the Vegan discusses. I linked the video because he can give the information to you directly rather than me just regurgitating all of it up in my reply. I know that obviously anyone can just post links and claim to be right and argue to no end but I thought this is a good source as he links the studies he uses in his video description. Also an important thing to be careful of when looking at studies that claim certain products to be good or beneficial is that you have to look where the funding is coming from. If you have any questions about veganism and it's philosophy by all means go right ahead and shoot me a reply in this thread. 

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This video helped me a lot.

I used to eat wholewheat sandwiches that contained eggs, mayo, processed turkey bacon, and hashbrowns every single day for YEARS. I thought that was being healthy but it wasn't. A lot of the time we are unaware of what is in our food, so this video will really open your mind up to what is good and what is not.

Here's what I usually eat on a daily basis

Breakfast: Oatmeal with some brown sugar, one or two egg whites, peanut butter made with 100% peanuts, organic chocolate almond milk, and a sliced banana. All in one bowl. These days I'm choosing to buy organic oatmeal. In the video Leo mentions gluten-free oatmeal which I might look to buy as well.

Lunch: I will usually eat chicken thighs with added flavoring + rice. Not the healthiest thing but for me I'm in the gym 5 days a week so this meal is a good source of protein and carbs, plus its filling, juicier than chicken breast, and taste amazing. Sometimes I will also make some pasta, but again looking to get as much protein and carbs as possible. My pasta would usually contain brown rice pasta, broccoli, chickpeas, turkey hotdogs, angus beef meatballs, marinara sauce, some mayo, and black pepper to top it off. Then another regular lunch I would have is a piece of juicy salmon which should have some squeezed lemon over it, topped off with some pepper and baked in the oven. And I would eat that with some broccoli and rice. Mayo for the flavor.

Dinner: I'd usually eat the same salmon dinner, and same chicken thigh dinner. Then I'd also eat some homemade japanese style beef curry along with some rice.

Snacks: Sometimes I'd have a couple snacks throughout the day. Larabars are a good protein bar for me, they also don't contain that many ingredients which is good. A bowl of blueberries, banana, and mango. Sometimes I'd have some more of my oatmeal. And sometimes I'd buy a small wholewheat burger from A&W.

This is my diet, not incredibly the healthiest diet but better than most. I do my best to look to eat healthy but this is just what I eat because I mainly look for good sources of protein and carbs because that's what is important for me in order to build my muscles and performance in the gym. And I'd rarely eat any junk food these days.


"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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The main topic of weight loss is on how it affects the metabolic rate. Metabolism is the method of chemical substance reactions essential to sustain life. When you move, your body uses energy to support that action. In this manner, the energy stored in the food you eat is used. HGH works well for weight loss by sustaining the metabolism from the body in perfect condition. The human body employs the saved energy of foods undertaken inside without having excess.

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Any tips on how to end a 60 hours fast ?

Edited by Shin

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Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Light Lover  What may work for us/me, may not work for you but I thought I'd throw my two cents in. 

I transitioned to a vegan diet and lifestyle say around 4 month's ago, I fast for 23 hours a day and in the evening I cook a fresh plant based meal (I'm working at cutting the oils out), I'm working on buying a food processor to help me transition to a more wholefoods plant based diet (as a lot of recipes require one). My typical evening meal would contain spices, fresh herbs, chickpeas, wild rice, red rice, sprouted grain bread (on occasions), curries, stir frys (brown rice noodles) and shit loads of vegetables. I recommend giving 'How not to die' book a read followed by the cookbook. Good luck friend, keep us posted ?

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2 hours ago, Charlotte said:

I transitioned to a vegan diet and lifestyle say around 4 month's ago, I fast for 23 hours a day and in the evening I cook a fresh plant based meal (I'm working at cutting the oils out), I'm working on buying a food processor to help me transition to a more wholefoods plant based diet (as a lot of recipes require one).

Way to go !!

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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