
Actualization consistency

9 posts in this topic

I have a serious chain I haven't broke in meditation, Khundalini, life purpose daily practice, I've been offered to go New York for three days, I don't know if that trip is worth breaking my streak of consistency, what would you do?

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I would choose an adventure before a practice. Adventures are super powerful in my opinion. You might discover something in New York, maybe find some treasure, maybe stumble upon some deep inspiration or insight, maybe meet a main character in your life story... you never know. And you never would know if you stayed at home. It depends on whether or not you value new experiences over your disciplined routine.

Also, you could always find creative ways to fulfil your practices while on your trip - that's the fun part!

Edited by St Clair

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Hah, I see I've made an ideology out of meditation, Khundalini practice, life purpose habits etc. 

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@Nahm it's just finding the time to do it on a trip amongst my Christian family looooool

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I think don't be neurotic abd attached to your routine. After all you're not breaking it because you're sliding off but because you are to have some deeper experience.

Also I don't think it's that bad. You can be mindful throughout the day which is like ongoing meditation (actually it's very good to practice all the time) and you can do you kundalini thing while sitting in a traffic or in a toilet or something like that.

Also I found in my experience it's pretty unhealthy to surpress your identity and pretend Ur someone you are not. But you probably have your reasons to hide what ur doing from parents

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