Son of leo

Leo Comes In My Dreams :(

103 posts in this topic

I have been facing this problem since quite a long now. Leo is appearing in my dreams daily now. What do i do???

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23 minutes ago, Abhijeet Singh said:

I have been facing this problem since quite a long now. Leo is appearing in my dreams daily now. What do i do???

Just accept it. You don't control dreams. The subconscious mind does. But I had a dream about Leo once, but he wasn't actually in it. It was really bad. This old couple who owned a diner on an old country road were talking about him, and saying that he just got news that he only had a few days to live. I was really bummed.

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Leo is probably trying out the power realm now, his spirit body visits you at night in your sleep lol. Soon he will make a video about out of body experiences and astral traveling where he claims to haunt someone in their dreams.

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@Abhijeet Singh This is serious.  It could mean you are open to cult brainwashing going on here.  Go see a psychiatrist is my advice.

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6 minutes ago, Rasmus said:

Leo is probably trying out the power realm now, his spirit body visits you at night in your sleep lol. Soon he will make a video about out of body experiences and astral traveling where he claims to haunt someone in their dreams.

That's funny. :) 

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You are being brainwashed by a satanic pagan cult who believe in spiritual enlightenment.

These are the strategic methods used by cult groups.

Breaking down of the sense of self and building it back up with faulty beliefs.

Its all here.

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11 minutes ago, Nomad said:

You are being brainwashed by a satanic pagan cult who believe in spiritual enlightenment.

These are the strategic methods used by cult groups.

Breaking down of the sense of self and building it back up with faulty beliefs.

Its all here.

And this is what his Leo dreams are indicative of...? Also, if you're claiming that is a cult that recruits people, then why haven't I gotten my invitation to drink the Koodlaid. ;) I think people get too conspiracy-theory crazy, and start making things up about various teachers, gurus, self-help people. Everyone wants to think that there's some huge "man behind the curtain" conspiracy. But in the case of Actualized, I highly doubt it. If it's true, Leo does a terrible job at advertising his way as the only way. 

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@Emerald Wilkins This is not intentionally a cult.  But the latest video about the suspense of rationality is the final cherry on the cake for me.

This guy picked up his first self help book in 2007.  You dont go from being the buthole of society to Integral cognition guru in less than 10 years.  

Especially as most of his videos have been about NLP brainwashing techniques to get materialistic needs met quickly.  It's only really the last year that the spiritual enlightenment stuff has come about.

Its easy to hold beliefs about these subjects, it's another to have embodied them. It takes YEARS.

Cults are not only about hero worshipping (although there is a lot of that happening here) and getting people to adopt one system of thinking.  Spiritual enlightenment is a good enough carrot to dangle to manintain a pro-profit website and lifestyle.  

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@Emerald Wilkins You got no invitation yet? Well we are all here, in our secret hideout brainwashing and recruiting new people for our own selfish cause, while Leo collects our cash and our souls. Wait I'll send you an invitation. Cult-Lord Leo must have forgotten. #wearethenextilluminati

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9 minutes ago, Rasmus said:

@Emerald Wilkins You got no invitation yet? Well we are all here, in our secret hideout brainwashing and recruiting new people for our own selfish cause, while Leo collects our cash and our souls. Wait I'll send you an invitation. Cult-Lord Leo must have forgotten. #wearethenextilluminati

That's a bit of a simpletons view of what cults are.

Cults can be very sophisticated these days.  Especially if you know what all the signs of a cult are and take measures to avoid them.  Doesnt mean its not a cult.

Anything that takes people away from the mainstream too much is a cult.



Edited by Nomad

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31 minutes ago, Rasmus said:

@Emerald Wilkins You got no invitation yet? Well we are all here, in our secret hideout brainwashing and recruiting new people for our own selfish cause, while Leo collects our cash and our souls. Wait I'll send you an invitation. Cult-Lord Leo must have forgotten. #wearethenextilluminati

I feel left out. Save me a glass of Koolaid, and tell me how it all goes down. ;)

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@Nomad What are the signs of a cult that are present in I agree that Leo's approach is radical, but call it a cult? Cult members are brainwashed into becoming psychologically DEPENDENT on the leader/ cult system. What Leo encourages us to do here is to be INDEPENDENT thinkers. I doubt many on here would follow him to become yogis, but many will go out to realize their potential and help make this world a more conscious place to be.    

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Hero worshipping

Dependence on ideas

Dependence on ideas from the members

The members giving ideas to the dependent ones (encouraging dependency)

Leo making videos "in response" to viewers requests. (encouraging dependency)

Suggestions on throwing out critical debate and taking the ideas on board without question - and then contemplating life via these "unquestioable" concepts.

Like I said before, once you buy into an idea like enlightenment, then thats what you see.  A society split into a dichotomy of unenightened beings vs enlightened beings.  Which is not actually the case.

Which is why I like the Integral model, because it includes all the previous aspects of the spiral and integrates them.

All this is here is rejecting the spiral and creating a massive dichotomy that doesn't actually exist in reality.


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@Nomad I do integrate also. Which resources/ teachers do you listen to? I like to listen to Ken Wilber.



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1 hour ago, Nomad said:

@Emerald Wilkins This is not intentionally a cult.  But the latest video about the suspense of rationality is the final cherry on the cake for me.

This guy picked up his first self help book in 2007.  You dont go from being the buthole of society to Integral cognition guru in less than 10 years.  

Especially as most of his videos have been about NLP brainwashing techniques to get materialistic needs met quickly.  It's only really the last year that the spiritual enlightenment stuff has come about.

Its easy to hold beliefs about these subjects, it's another to have embodied them. It takes YEARS.

Cults are not only about hero worshipping (although there is a lot of that happening here) and getting people to adopt one system of thinking.  Spiritual enlightenment is a good enough carrot to dangle to manintain a pro-profit website and lifestyle.  

Leo even says himself that he's mastered very little of what he teaches. He's very honest. But he does know a great deal about these topics, and he teaches them well. He has a very healthy worldview, in my opinion. I know that his videos have helped me tremendously. Did you watch the entire video about rationality? He wasn't saying to throw rationality, critical thinking, and discernment out the window, he's saying that the rational perspective is not the end all be all. But I don't think that anyone is relying on Leo to get to enlightenment, at least not someone who is serious about it. Most people I've talked to on this forum have listened to a variety of spiritual teachers on the topic and do tons of independent work that has little to do with Actualized. Also, I don't pay Leo at all for his content. Any money that he makes, he gets from his Life Purpose Course, coaching, or monetization of ads. He deserves every penny he gets because he truly has put in a lot of work to make his channel great. Why should he spend 40 hours a week doing Actualized for free and then working some other 9 to 5 job to make money. It makes no sense.


47 minutes ago, Nomad said:

That's a bit of a simpletons view of what cults are.

Cults can be very sophisticated these days.  Especially if you know what all the signs of a cult are and take measures to avoid them.  Doesnt mean its not a cult.

Anything that takes people away from the mainstream too much is a cult.



As I see it, that's a dangerously broad definition of a cult. If that's what a cult is, I guess that being part of a cult is preferable because a lot of the mainstream is incredibly unhealthy. I just Googled "cult" and it is defined as such:

"a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object."


"a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister."


"a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing."

So, from the article you posted about how cults recruit makes it seem like you were referring to the first definition above. So, I disagree with your assessment. Certainly, Actualized's content is not the norm, but that hardly makes it dangerous. Hungarian philosopher Bela Hamvas described society as "a group of people all distorted in the same direction." Having an antithetical worldview can be a very welcome change and need not be stigmatized by the word "cult" which is understood to mean weird, bad, and dangerous. As long as a person brings their powers of discernment, there is nothing dangerous about Actualized or any other personal development product, teacher, channel, etc.

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@Natasha I personally believe you don't understand Integral.  You need to be able to hold more than one perspective in your mind at the same time.  For you and the people on here this is impossible.  

However, anybody can read it and parrot back its concepts.


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Well he does have a video on critical thinking, he doesn't want you to just accept it all straight away

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@Nomad I learn as I go, one step at a time :)

What integral teachers/ material do you advice for me and others on here? Why don't you start a thread, so we all can learn?


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4 minutes ago, Nomad said:

@Emerald Wilkins You would disagree.  Youre a memeber of it.

It's easy to come back with this short punchy answer. Support your view with an actual argument, grounded in rationality, if you want me to take it seriously or consider your viewpoint. Understand, I mean you no ill will nor am I simply trying to protect Leo from attack. I have an issue with your viewpoint, and I would like you to address it.

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