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Tony 845

Dark night of the soul & kundalini syndrome?!?!

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So if you aren't familiar with it I guess there is a bad side to enlightenment (Dark night of the soul) apparently you can awaken to a dark side, pretty much you become awakend but you realize deeply that nothing matters & you don't care about nothing anymore from what I'm gathering. My question is does this only happen to people that don't know about awakening & it's a shocker to them or does this happen to people that are seekers as well? & how often does this happen? This sounds pretty shitty.. also is it the same as a kundalini syndrome? Everything about this topic seems kinda vague, anyone out there have any legit info on this??? @Leo Gura

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I think it happens to almost everyone. The thing is not to get stuck in "nothing". We have to see the darkness before we can light it up :)

This is different from kundalini symptoms.

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5 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

My question is does this only happen to people that don't know about awakening & it's a shocker to them or does this happen to people that are seekers as well?

Adyashanti said he has been thru this and wouldn't wish it upon his worst enemy...


He clearly was a seeker


It can happen to anyone


Also, that's one of the things I often get afraid of as well...

I also believe giving it Thought = giving it more strength

It's good to be aware of it should you face it, then you'll know how you can try to surrender to it and escape it... But other than that, keep it in the back of your mind in the buried archives only to be retrieved if going thru it.


It may happen to you, or it may not


All depends on your spirituality level or life's experiences .

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@Tony 845 If they truly didn't care about anything anymore, then they wouldn't move or eat.

It is true that MOST people who find Enlightenment don't care about sharing about it. Why? Because what society needs right now is Stage Green and Yellow. Society isn't prepared for stage Torqouise.


"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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@Tony 845 It's mostly just a phase. You pass through it. It's not solid enlightenment yet. And it doesn't happen to everyone.

I have a vid called: The Dark Side Of Meditation, which covers this to some extent.

Solid awakening is the most awesome thing. Assuming you're the metaphysical sort of person. If you're attached to being an ego, then it could be a problem.

I've never experienced anything as good in life as awakening. But that's me.

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@Tony 845 Theravada Buddhism says that everyone will go through the dark night/kundalini awakening. Its a natural stage. I went through it and came out the other side. Its severity and flavor is different for everyone, however.

Below is a more detailed explanation according to the Theravada enlightenment model, and how to get through it:

Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha by Ingram also does a good job of explaining the stages.

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@Leo Gura could you make a video one day on detailing the degrees enlightenment, is there a difference between awakening & enlightenment, I feel like across the board many people that are seekers are even confused, also do you still dream after enlightenment? Or get scared or nervous about anything anymore? I have soo many questions still?

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