
Is every bad thing happening to us for a reason?

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A question for the people on this forum who are further with this work and had some awakenings.

Is every bad thing, like a breakup, getting cheated on, or becoming sick happening because the universe/god wants to teach you a lesson, or to grow yourself?

When you are a materialist the world is a cruel place where your life can be a string of bad luck and its all just because some soulless atoms arranged in a random way. The further I go into spirituality the more I intuit that there is a reason behind all the bad emotions I feel. Of course its nicer to think about it that way but the big question is - is it true? I might also be deluding myself like a fundamental christian who is happy 24 hours a day because he thinks heaven is waiting for him.

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Everything that happens has nothing attach to it. A breakup isn't bad unless you say it's bad. Equally, you can say a breakup is good.

This just creates a flow. Universe is a flow, with events happening. It's you that creates the bad or good environment or assignment. it's you who judge the events. It's you who judge the universe. But it was never bad or good in the first place.

That's just my view

You're not human, you're the universe

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No.  That's what a Self thinks.  It's the Self that says 'that's for me'.  BE-ing just is what it is.  You don't really wanna try to understand BE-ing, you just want to surrender to it.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Yeah I see it like this. When you adjust your mentality , you’ll see that tribulations arent bad at all - they are  there to test you. And in years to come , all these things that seemed negative at the time will be recontextualized. You’ll realise they happened precisely as they were meant to.

An example from my own experience. This year I went all out on my life purpose in writing and music, pouring all my time and energy into it. I reached June and all of my savings had been whittled to the bottom - I wasn’t getting any revenue from what I was doing, and I needed a job. I was hesistant to get a job because I value my time, but I had no choice. I found the PERFECT job as a support worker for young people with disabilities , helping them integrate into society by getting jobs and their licenses and such: it was a job where I could still satisfy my life purpose by inspiring these kids and encourage them into a rich inspiring life. 

It felt so perfect. A guy who I do my spiritual practice with worked there, and referred me to management. I passionately made my way through the application process, and made the final job interview , which I absolutely nailed no doubt about it - they were excited to have me on board.

The next week, I got a phone call, and they told me they chose somebody else. I was absolutely gutted - I’m sure I was the perfect person for that role!! I was fuming , defeated , upset , and stressed because what the heck was I going to do about my finances? 

Actually, it was a slap in the face to get me in line. I had committed to my life purpose this year, and yet I still had nothing to show for it. A whole lot of practice and preparation but no ACTION! 

I’m july I published a 10 pieces of writing and 10 videos on YouTube, sustaining myself off busking alone. Suddenly , I was proactively building my platform for my life purpose and having a ball, but only because I didn’t get that job. Thank God! I was never meant to get that job! I was always meant to build my own. 



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I know good and bad are just meaning that are attached, but are you life events still happening for a reason?

This goes more into stuff like reincarnation. Does anybody here know more about it?

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10 hours ago, MM1988 said:

Is every bad thing, like a breakup, getting cheated on, or becoming sick happening because the universe/god wants to teach you a lesson, or to grow yourself?

Yes, but let's not make it seem like God is forcing us through this like some sort of parent. More accurate would be to say that you chose this, and that you're teaching yourself.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@see_on_see this is very true but its easy for me of going into a spiral of thinking like "why me?", "its completely pointless that this emotional pain is happening to me" "im suffering for nothing" "everybody else has it easy by pure luck" and stuff like that. Especially in the morning after waking up things often seem pointless and hopeless, it usually clears up a bit during the day.

Edited by MM1988

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Every thought, word, action, emotion, ect... all energy/frequency emit unconsciously or consciously creates a wave thus ripple effect in U niverse.

What goes around comes around. At first it may be hard to accept and grasp because someone may lose a loved one then think it was their fault thinking this way but understand, certain things must play out in order for you to grow. The universal self knows best, trust it and trust all is for a greater good.

Sometimes we need something very close or that were physically attached to to leave us in order for us to deal, let go and grow. Sometimes it requires a more powerful rebound effect in order to transcend the ego to become more whole.

Everything is a lesson and everything is a ripple effect all started with you.


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@MM1988 You’re infinite. There’s no possibility of lessons, only in appearance, if you believe you’re finite. The events of life perceived as “bad”, are experienced from a perspective of “I’m a separate finite thing”, which things “happen” to, but in truth, nothing is happening. 



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@see_on_see is totally right. Events happen to you, and it seems like the best thing to do is try to understand them from many different perspectives to get the “message” out of them.

Whether your life happens because of some transcendant force like God or just for no reason at all, why not use your experiences of reality to your advantage? Here are some questions I ask myself when thinking about the past: Why does thinking about that situation, chain of events, or life conditions make me feel uncomfortable? What exactly happened in that situation? Are my emotions telling me to change in a particular direction? 

Learning from mistakes and growing is a tough process, but like Carlos Castenada said: “We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.”


@MM1988 it’s pretty common for people to feel anxious or depressed in the morning. Eat a large breakfast when you wake up! You just fasted for 8 hours when sleeping, your brain and body need energy to run properly

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21 minutes ago, Caterpillar said:

I think some bad things happen for a reason but not every bad thing. I think some kind beings deliberately hurt you to steer you in a different direction. But there also evil beings who enjoy hurting you. 

What you call evil beings are just playing his part in this play. 

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You know what consoles me when things are going rough?

I know deep in side that nothing lasts for ever. I know that after a while, tomorrow, a week from now, next month, etc. Whatever was bothering me will not be there. That though would have subdivided. A though that was creating a situation that wasn’t even real. Something in my mind. Lala land. Which we feel is real in that moment but the truth is that is just make believe land.


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