
why are you here?

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Why are you on this forum?

When I on this forum I am thinking, conceptualizing and I feel it´s making my Ego stronger instead of weaker. I think that thinking about non duality will lead me closer to non duality but the act of thinking about it is distancing me from it. It´s so damn tricky!
But on the other hand it does inspire me to keep on working with my spiritual pursuits. 
I feel maybe my time is spent wiser meditating, painting, listening to music. Whatever makes me feel alive in the moment and what makes me not think about time and concepts.
Buddhist teachings seems to agree that learning concepts are of no use if you don´t use them. And learning concepts that are beyond your current experience is not useful. In my mind maybe even counterproductive?

Please comment and/or tell us why you are here?

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I think what it comes down to is seeking interesting things to research further, and finding like-minded people. But ultimately it's just exhausting the need to find more or even relate with others, in some way extinguishing desire in general. 

I do spend much less time here now, too many discussions seem to end in debates I've lost any interest in - not saying their pointless because I'm sure the people get something out of them (growth, or just moving further along their own paths), but to me they don't have any real meaning anymore.

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Im here when i lack understanding in something or clear some misunderstanding to someone just starting out...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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I comehere to touch base with like-minded people and pump up my motivation. To hear thoughts and suggestions from those who've already been where I am. Yep, this place can be frustrating as heck, and I take leaves of absence every so often when I feel as though I've gotten my fill. 

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Collaboration.  Synergy.  Feedback.  Sanity check for ideas.  Motivation to create and develop Personal Development systems.  Seeing what people actually do and think.  

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@luckieluuke Uhmm to summon Pumpkin head? If I really knew, I probably wouldn't be here.

Is that profile pic pumpkin head or a cowboy?

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I’m here for understanding and help sometimes I might need to correct my wrong self... gain motivation and meet and listen minded people saying and concepts... ??❤️❤️ Thats all and Thank you

?IngitScooby ?

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