
Orange all the way?

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For most of the time of my life (28 now) i classify myself as : glimpses of red and blue, some orange (maybe 10-20%) especially in high school, some green (20-30%) mostly in university years and the rest yellow and now i'm feeling like i've bypassed most of the stages too fast too soon. I've decided to try every stage all the way (as much as i can get) started from orange. Not an unhealthy orange of course but i miss a lot from that stage. I never had a car (borowing my father's all the time), a fulfilling job with a career possibility, a sexy top model girlfriend (always avarege looking girls) not to mention a small business etc. I have some privileges and all i mentioned above are possible if i use'em properly and work enough. The problem is that i'm lazy and i consider these orange type of things superficial and useless to the core and deep down i feel i have to pursue more turquoise kind of pleasures but if i dont go orange all the way i think that turquoise might be more difficult way to live and embody because of the regret i might feel for not even trying these orange stuff. What would you do in my place? Going on forward or backwards for some years in a conscious way (without getting stuck of course)?

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@Leo-Tzu I was centered in Orange for a long time - and I have never been materialistic. I've never been driven for money. My Orange was about personal goal setting, science and rational/logical thinking. I was solid Orange without ever having a nice car, high paying job, fancy clothes etc. 

You say "deep down i feel i have to pursue more turquoise kind of pleasures ". I don't think the turquoise experiences are the type of pleasures you imagine them to be.

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@Leo-Tzu I would trust your authenticity and be genuine. Follow your intuition and inner desires. I wouldn't worry so much about what defines different stages. Some people feel a deep inner calling at a young age. Adyashanti was just a kid when he began feeling called to enlightenment/turquoise.

You may have already had a few peeks into turqoise without intellectually knowing it. When I was younger, I had a few mystical experiences that I dismissed as being "wooo wooo and irrational".

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56 minutes ago, Leo-Tzu said:

What would you do in my place?

I would go all in on winning and getting whatever that lifestyle means to you. While at the same time, keeping up your spiritual practice to ground the success you're achieving.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@Leo-Tzu Drop all theories and beliefs you have about life, and pursue what remains.

Drop your beliefs about orange -> pretend they dont exist

Drop your beliefs about turquiose -> pretend they don't exist

pretend spiral dynamics is a made up, crackpot theory

drop all beliefs about spirituality and non-duality -> they are made up by crack pots. There is no non-duality


Pursue what remains. This is true spirituality.

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@Leo-Tzu Spiral Dynamics is more about consciousness/state of being rather than the activities you do.

Just because you don't have a car/hot girlfriend/business, doesn't mean you're NOT orange. You can have a pure orange mentality and still be lacking on the materialism front.

Similarly, you can be pure yellow or even turquoise while dabbling in materialism as you see fit. You can be highly conscious AND have a super hot girl friend! Don't make the mistake of thinking hot girlfriend = lower position on the spiral dynamics model.

You say you don't know what to do, as if there is some sort of problem lol. I don't see a problem. You are somewhere on the spiral and that's just the way it should be.

Just remember, what you do does not equate to your relative position. This model is about your consciousness so take a look at your mentality and attitude.

I don't know anything about you, but by the original post alone I would guess that you are smack dab in the middle of stage green. I say this because you seem to be repulsed by stage orange, which means you're either above or below it, but at the same time you're on this forum so that alone puts you above blue. I'm guessing that you aren't quite as yellow yet as you'd like to believe, because a yellow person wouldn't have to ask this question in the first place. Of course there's a mix here and there though.

So really, there's nothing to do. But don't take my word for it... do some more self inquiry!

Edited by RendHeaven

It's Love.

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@Leo-Tzu im going back to living resonantly which would probably register as orange - green and some yellow, I was developing for life conditions didn;t have and I was not feeling good, I dropped it and now just live freely

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Actually, I probably register as Purple now. I literally perceive reality as this auric field of oscillation and I make decisions based on beliefs like true self resonance and experience energies frequencies etc. and at least believe and experience I can intuitively revicieve some form of communication from parts of unique self that exist in other dimensions, and I pretty much go for mystical experience at every moment, that sounds more Purple than anything.

Edited by 11modal11

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