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No BREAK in Consciousness -Feeling of Eternally Aware Realized (still intellectually)

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Yesterday, I finally deeply understood this point I heard during one of Rupert Spira's video.


He says that when we pause and really look 'back' at our experience since a very young age... starting from our oldest memory, then you can explore and realize the fact that you do not have a single moment of non-experience.


Sure, when we go to sleep at night, and wake up in the morning... Our body does not have any experience...

But in our consciousness' experience there is no pause... that deep sleep almost feels like it was a "gap" with the duration of "zero" seconds... it almost is as if it did not exist at all.


If we break our life-experience into frame by frame as can be done for a video file, then in our direct experience, we have a continuous flow of experiencing... never non-experience. The last thing we remember before sleeping is a last final blimp of a thought you might be having, or just shutting your eyes and laying there, then that quick blur of sleep happens which is a non-existent dot and assuming u did not have a dream, the next thing after closing ur eyes to sleep is opening ur eyes to wake up (with "time" passed in the real world) but you see, YOU DO NOT HAVE A PAUSE OR A STOP IN YOUR EXPERIENCE. And experience is existence! There is no non-experience aka non-existence. This is so simple! but it's overlooked so easily.


I am not sure what other insights i can understand as a result of seeing this thing to be true. 

other than the fact that as Leo says "there is no where to go" there is just experieince and always will be. non-stop


even if say u were in an accident, got knocked out and went into a coma for 1 month


sure ur body is out cold and in other's experieince around you, your body was laying motionless for a month. but in ur experinece, if u just went black lets say, last thing u saw was car hitting the barrier and next thing u know is ur opening ur eyes. u dont have a memory or experinece of the blackness/nothingness - because there were no thoughts in that state and mind only knows thoughts/objects. so that memory is not recalled because it was just pure existence experience you had while u were out.

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