Tony 845

Energy pouring through the top of my head during a strong determination sit!

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I did a strong determination sit last night for 2 hours & ten minutes, the last 2 minutes of the sit got crazy, for about 1-2 mintutes it felt like energy/electricity was pouring out the top of my head (crown shakra) I guess, I've only been mediating for a year & I have never experienced anything like this, is there was any questioning about enlightenment left in me it's now forever gone, that was crazy, anyone else have any experiences like this & if so what the hell does it mean? 

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Damn, good sh!t brother. Not spilling over my head, but mixing on top. You're on track.  

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Kundalini starting to awaken

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Do you mean a tingling sensation or something more intense?

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celebration! thy crown chakra flourishes! yaaaaaaay

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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@Tony 845 Yes. I’ve found head to toe relaxation waves lead to barely breathing at all in a few minutes, and then the crown goes cosmic ❤️. I think what’s going on as far as it taking two hours to get there is a predetermined thinking that one needs to mediate for hours on end. The “connection” is the absence of resistant thoughts. Predetermining immense length of meditation is a thought one would struggle to drop if proceeding to do it.  

I think you’d be better off surrendering now, in a 15 minute meditation, and spend that 1:45 doing something you love. 



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Cool man. I remember the first year of my meditation, I got huge headaches/pressures 24/7. The head tension is still here but not so intense. I learned to accept it.


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@luismatos my 3rd eye is buzzing all throughout the day, especially since I've started this strong determination sitting.

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@Leo Gura if it wasn't for guys like you, echart, adyashanti, ram das, shinzen young & the Buddha, this wouldn't of been possible, you have no clue how much you've helped me over the past year my friend w/ you're vidoes. "I" lol battle w/ OCD-Anxiety & enlightenment/ awakening I feel is the only thing that will one day demolish it. P.s. May be a stupid question, but is this an enlightenment experience? 

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@Girzo way more intense, it was only a minute, but a life altering Mintute, put it this way, I don't question enlightenment anymore minute. Like a damn fire bursting out of the top of my head, extreme pressure, it was the craziest thing I've ever experienced, while mediating 

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