
Leo, has your advice to young people changed?

17 posts in this topic

@Leo Gura Your channel has developed and grown over the past few years and I'm so glad to have stumbled upon your videos  (started watching in early 2014). You have changed my life in so many positive ways! 

You've made a few videos in the past advising young people (college/highschool) but I wonder if your advice has changed given the experiences you've had over the past few years.

Knowing what you know about the present day in terms of society, starting a business, ascending Maslow's hierarchy of needs and now researching and attaining permanent enlightenment etc., would your list of advice change? What would you say to a young person today about pathways to living a full life and self-transcendence  (assuming they're completely on board with your current videos)?

Past thing like the Blueprint and the Lifestyle Minimalism video (LP, learning, meditation, enlightenment, contemplation, being, mindful action) jump to mind. Would you say those are good starting points or would you modify them knowing what you know today?

Having gone through the process and fallen in the traps in your ventures, what would you say to a younger generation?


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Definitely do the damn practice. I'm not Leo but I'm a young person myself so I have DIRECT EXPERIENCE. I've been following Leo all throughout highschool, and I believe I've intellectually or conceptually grasped everything he's talked about (to this day I feel completely on board listening to his newest uploads) but one thing I never actually did was to fucking sit down in silence. I just always found a way to read more books or watch more videos... gathering theory in some form. Only now I see that it was all a fucking distraction, the theory doesn't mean anything without the practice, and if anything I've turned actualized.org into a belief. Bad! It's actually brilliantly stupid, here I am nodding my head when he talks about erasing your identity but meanwhile I'm constructing an identity about being spiritually inquisitive...

Currently (in college) I'm trying to untangle my belief system again and this time I'm prioritizing the act of doing nothing :) 

It's Love.

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great question, following the topic --> 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
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17 hours ago, RendHeaven said:

Definitely do the damn practice. I'm not Leo but I'm a young person myself so I have DIRECT EXPERIENCE. I've been following Leo all throughout highschool, and I believe I've intellectually or conceptually grasped everything he's talked about (to this day I feel completely on board listening to his newest uploads) but one thing I never actually did was to fucking sit down in silence. I just always found a way to read more books or watch more videos... gathering theory in some form. Only now I see that it was all a fucking distraction, the theory doesn't mean anything without the practice, and if anything I've turned actualized.org into a belief. Bad! It's actually brilliantly stupid, here I am nodding my head when he talks about erasing your identity but meanwhile I'm constructing an identity about being spiritually inquisitive...

Currently (in college) I'm trying to untangle my belief system again and this time I'm prioritizing the act of doing nothing :) 

Yeah I know what you mean! Leo highlighted in his recent videos how you make this persona about being a "self-actualizer" and being "spiritual" which is really just building up an ego. Devil acts by deceiving I guess. He did highlight earlier how you do need massive conceptual knowledge and study of this material just so you are on the right track so to say, but at some point i think you need to transcend that. I wonder what he would say now regarding conceptual study.

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@Cepzeu It hasn't changed that much. The fundamentals are still the same.

The one thing I would change is, if you have a clear sense of direction, college is not necessarily the way to go. I now feel that college is only right for certain types of people and certain types of majors.

If you're self-driven, you can out-perform college by your own.

Of course it all depends on what you want to do with your life. If you want to be a doctor or engineer, college is basically a must.

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@Leo Gura In regards to college, is it helpful for someone who wants to start their own business? I am currently studying a business degree at my University and it is clear to me that I want to run my own one day - even though I have no idea what I want my business to be (a.k.a my passion, in which I will be taking the Life Purpose Course to find).

However, I enjoy learning the business concepts that I am being taught, the studying habits and skills I am picking up and the social aspect that comes with being apart of a big University.

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@THJ50 For business, I much prefer hands-on, do-it-yourself-entrepreneurship rather than learning theory. Business is all about practice.

But that's my take on it. You could have different plans.

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@Leo Gura most kids who go to college still have no idea what they want to do or sense of direction and are just following their parent's advice who may not know any better themselves. I've lost 5 years studying business this way. 

How would you suggest the pre-college folk go about figuring out what they want to do in life before they get sucked in the academia. I have a cousin in that age who is quite lost in life but don't really have any advice for him, I doubt he would consider something like life-purpose course. 

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
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@Michael569 No other way than the LP Course. That course is my life's work, struggling to figure it out for myself. It is no small thing. The course is really just the tip of an iceberg. If a person is unwilling to do the course, they are not remotely serious about this issue and will never resolve it anyways. Life purpose is not something for lazy slobs.

I invested about 10 years figuring it out until I finally did. The principles are all there. But it takes serious work to actualize it.

It's worth the work in the end. Unfortunately so few people will ever see that. Just like enlightenment. It's so amazing, but who will ever get it? Almost no one. Almost no one will realize what life can be.

There is no cure for too little vision.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


There is no cure for too little vision.

Does that mean if I (or whoever) have little vision at the moment we can't ever have good vision?

How does one prevent having little vision? I am confused by what you mean.

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@Lorcan no he meant that you cant help ppl without vision. ie no other way besides vision 

 you can of course build strong visions. its a skill

Edited by d0ornokey

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I'm a fan of the College Education with the proper caveat added to it.  College is great for building Course of Study and Shore of Reference -- but it's really just a launchpad for these in your life.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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I remember in one of Leo's videos he mentioned that college is great for people up to the age of 25 years.

I'm 26 and I'm only just becoming interested in study after being lazy all through high school.

What are peoples thoughts? Am I too old? I'm not looking to study directly for a job e.g. teaching, engineering, I just want to create a habit of getting bulk study and research done.

Do you think someone in my position would benefit from studying psychology or philosophy at college or would I be better off doing setting my own study? Would love to hear some experiences/thoughts on this

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@Jacko I would imagine you could accomplish more on your own and enjoy it more.

Learning is so much more enjoyable solo, without all the stupid tests and class schedules.

As long as you have the motivation for it.

College curriculums are so lame. They don't cover the most important and juicy topics.

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On 18. 8. 2018 at 2:01 PM, Jacko said:

What are peoples thoughts? Am I too old? I'm not looking to study directly for a job e.g. teaching, engineering, I just want to create a habit of getting bulk study and research done.


External motivation can help, but perhaps do something smaller that helps you build the habit. Like a course you attend twice a week, or a weekend a month or something. You'll never finish college with that motivation anyway. College gives you a thorough technical background so that you can excel in a field of choice, but you have to be already deeply interested in that field for your own reasons and know some of the overview stuff. 

Edited by Elisabeth

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