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Tell Me If I Meditate Accurately

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I am meditating now for almost 4 months, I know it's not that much, but it's the good beginning and I will meditate everyday till the end of my life, because it's like eating healthy or training, it is a life long habit, I don't have the same hour for meditation I meditate either in the morning or evening, the only rule is that I need to meditate for more then half of an hour, before midnight, because that's like the next day, so of course I've always keep good posture and focus on my breath and body sensations, sometimes I have really interesting fantasies during meditation, like I don't have if I am not meditating, but I think that everything is great after meditation I always fell a little bit "weird" and more aware of sensations, like if I had a clearer vision and movements, so I always feel very good after meditation so I think that it's working, also when I look in the mirror then my eyes look a bit better but that's maybe because they are closed so long, there are days when I meditate only 20 minutes, if the day is really interesting, but 20 minutes is always a minimum, I never meditate less that 20 minutes, almost always weird stuff are happening to me when I meditate, a lot of really really interesting fantasies like if it was a visualisation, also emotions, weird sensations, but I think that they can happen it's not like there must be a full emptiness right ? But of course I am only focusing on that empty present moment like a body sensations and breathing etc, and all of the other sensations are happening because of that, but I think that I do it accurately, and I do it everyday, I would feel really really bad if I would missed a day, because I would feel like I am breaking  the process 

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You are becoming aware of subtler realities. 

It’s nothing to care about. See the characteristics of it. It comes and it goes. See the changing phenomena of reality and stay equanimous. 


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