
Meditation experience feedback

4 posts in this topic

On several occasions I have experienced the following "sensation": 

During my meditation session, my perception of my back was altered.  Specifically, instead of perceiving that my back was straight, I perceived that my back was completely bent 45-90' to the side--feeling like I was almost falling over to the side.  Though, I would open my eyes and my back would be perfectly straight (vertical). 

Now, my hypothesis is these are potentially very early stages of dissolving the distinction between self and other, as my sensations/perceptions of myself were being altered.  



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I've experienced this before. It's super weird, and it is literally as you describe it. It's as you're dissolving and engulfed by "something".

It's you stopping the labeling, stopping the balance, stopping everything that you think you're doing and you are now just being. When you "be", you're no longer sitting, you're not longer breathing, you're no longer keeping your balance or keeping your back straight. you're just being awareness. The sensations is something I don't know where it comes from, but it means you're doing something right :P .

It's rare for me to feel something like this. But when it happens, and I realize it, it goes away

You're not human, you're the universe

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Interesting insight,

Yes, I have experienced this 3-times in the past 3 years (so, quite infrequently).  I am a novice meditator (10 minutes a day, probably 60% of days).  

For me, the sensation does not go away, even when I open my eyes (to ensure I am not going to fall over).  It only goes away once I stand up and move on with my day.  Interestingly, I have only experienced this when meditating while sitting on a bench, I have not experienced this while sitting on the ground; probably because there are less distractions for me to sit on a bench (it is more effortless for me).  


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I would suggest to meditate even longer then, go upto 15 mins and see where that takes you

You're not human, you're the universe

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