Leo Kaminski

Why do so many famous people do suicid?

18 posts in this topic

Hey guys, I know this is a topic a lot of people will answer with a lack of connection of those famous people and I consider this an on point fact, but I am interested in debating this topic also from other points of view. It's also more about what those suicides means for our society in general.

Let me begin, with claiming that I know that those famous people get special attention. I know there are many ordinary (not famous) people who engage in suicide but I am not aware about those numbers. 

So let me start. I recently noticed that a lot of famous people encounter suicide and since I liked a few of them I thought about the topic a little bit. For example, the Linkin Park front man, Avici, a german Soccer Goalkeeper years ago etc. 

I am sure every individual has their own story and good reasons for why the committed suicide, but in general I got to say that those names make me sad. Often times I hear those people did to much drugs and all of this stuff. 

First question, maybe meditation is the answer, but I want to ask this. Why are drugs, such a big topic in the music industry? I know they have to work a lot, but in the end they are kind of pursuing their life purpose aren't they? So anyways I know a lot of pressure comes with being a famous musician, but still I am always surprised by how many people do drugs whether it are celebs or ordinary people. 

Society is kind of structured the way, that being a celeb is the ultimate goal. Whether through social media, sports, music or whatever else makes you famous today. What do you guys think about this kind of belief that society shows celeb status as something very attractive for a lot of people?

Second big question. I guess  a lot of people know the famous quote from Jim Carrey: “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.”

Famous celebs that earn a lot of money are kind of rushing the system. They can learn from first hand that fame, status and money won't make you happy, why the hell is there no one out there that helps them to get on a path of happiness and fulfillment? I mean those people, they don't have to care about making ends meat, they have time and can afford to learn from the best, so why aren't they committing to a path of growing? I mean after partying and all of this shit they all kind of notice the limitations of that. But it seems to me as if they are unhappy, but try to pursue the stuff that made them unhappy in the first place all over again. 

So my question would be, why aren't more successful people on the path of growing, but rather involved into drugs and patty shit, even after noticing that it is  a sink whole?

Thanks for reading help me to grow guys!

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Because life is a riddle, and when you solve it you die

Don't be fooled, it is not physical death.

But the ego is willing to die before giving over its control

The feeling of knowing you are about to die is comparable to a deja vu.

This state should not be interpreted wrongly.

death from the inside, not outside

Edited by emow

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@emow This sounds pretty interesting, do you mean those people rather fight against the ego death by using all kinds of human distractions (drugs, party, sex etc.) instead of facing what is there?

I mean if you have no idea about this stuff theoretically I feel as if it is pretty hard to surrender to it so that would make sense.

But in most cases they are so far away from real ego death, so what comes to mind (what you could have meant) would be, that even the smallest growing process requires a little bit of opening up. Widening the perspective that you accept, which means to overcome some barriers of your own ego, which always feels like a little death? 

Did I got you correct? If so, do you belief that it is even to painful to widen the perspective a little bit?

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we are all on the path towards becoming an observer, in a know it all world. 

this process is exponential, in the end you will die. and that is certain once you are in the required vibe. 

the vibe where everything is the same, but different. and you know. 

this vibe there is less control, this vibe contains panic if one does not understand the situation. 

coming from the "un -knowing" angle of enlightenment. one that lacks knowledge of where the path is headed. Fear is a big factor. 

negativity stems from lack of understanding of context 

enlightenment can seem as mental kidnapping for some.

we are attracted to people that have resources within the system we live in. 

not the money one.

but if a system catches another system, it is more real.

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@Leo Kaminski Famous people commit suicide because they realize success and fame doesn't make them happy. 

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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@MrDmitriiV You have such an amazing profile picture! 

I guess you are right, but just because it doesn't make one happy, you don't have to commit suicide right away. I am mean you can pursue other things instead. And I feel like famous people often are not guided enough from the point they are in.


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@emow I love your words and my intuition tells me that they are really spot on, but I got to say that I can't get behind them a 100%. 

Especially the second part, with the systems! I love how it sounds but could you elaborate that a little bit more. 


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I have to go over and reflect on one thing 
1.) capitalism, what is capitalism? 

When most people are faced with the word "capitalism", they immediately start thinking about money,  

This is partly correct, but it does not justify the depth of the word.

Capitalism does not have to have anything to do with money, at all.

Capitalism is simply a mutual, and voluntary process of value exchange between two parties



So let me ask you something,

Is money the only form of value that can be exchanged between two parties? 

Or are there other forms of value too? 


Can two people exchange value without having to use money in its process?


How about, information? 


Isn't information something that we consider very valuable? 

Well yes. 
allow me to explain.

Each and every conversation you go through, and will ever go through.

There is an exchange of value going on. 

 can you see it? 

To absorb information.
to collect information.  

It's just not very noticeable to you right now.

but just like all of us, you are picky

when you meet a new person, within 10 seconds you know if this person is "interesting" or not. 

but why? 

what makes this person interesting

instead of reflecting, and looking for a pattern.

we throw labels, labels that are preventing us from reflecting in the moment. 

what makes certain people interesting? and why do we want to spend more time around them? why are we attracted to them? they have more resources, resources within the system you can't see, but live in. why are some people famous? 

well. resources.

what is standing in the way?


all reasons are fueled by emptiness and falsehood. 

that is why silence is power.

have you ever met an un-interesting person? one you can see through as you steer the conversation your way. as if you were "ahead" of that person. 

well, what if you are. 

she lacks resources, within the real system. 
a system sharing many similarities with the money one.

the one I call: happiness around the corner.
"how much money will I make hourly if I decide to pursue this specific career path?" 
"when I get this"
"when I get that" 

stuck in the future
painting pictures 

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One of the most famous actresses, Marilyn Monroe, committed suicide. She was at the top of her success and fame when she committed suicide. She had everything to live for, you cannot conceive of more fame, more success, more charisma, more beauty, more health. Everything was there, nothing could be improved upon, and still something was lacking. The inside, the within, was empty, a beautiful woman, but not satisfied, not contented. 

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@Leo Kaminski I've been suicidal for almost 5 years. You feel trapped and like literally there's no escape but death.

Study basic psychology.  

Remeber Chester Bennington? All his close friends knew he was suicidal, even if they tried to help him, how can I blind person guide another blind person?! 

Edited by MrDmitriiV

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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1 minute ago, Prabhaker said:

One of the most famous actresses, Marilyn Monroe, committed suicide. She was at the top of her success and fame when she committed suicide. She had everything to live for, you cannot conceive of more fame, more success, more charisma, more beauty, more health. Everything was there, nothing could be improved upon, and still something was lacking. The inside, the within, was empty, a beautiful woman, but not satisfied, not contented. 

when you are on top of the world,  it can be hard to find the truth at your feet 

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They dont suicid. They are good people that awakens from the farce of the system and try to change the world. They powerful position as celebs is a threat to the status quo and the elite eliminate them and says in their medias that is a suicide.

I know people who study symbolism, numerology and is so clear how Avicci exposed pedophile elites in his videoclips. Some of them are ridiculed like Jim Carrey or kanye treated like fools.

Others who fight directy the elites were murdered like Michale Jackson, Prince, Paul Walker, Avcicii.

Before some ignorant call me conspiranoic, get informed first. Its sad that you dont know spanish because there is really good info on youtube that isnt already banned.

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to where i would like to go,
I will not need a plane, 
or fame
I will not need a car

that is not how you go, 
to where we want to go
in fact
each action, 
taking us further away, 
from where we really want to be 
each thought
each action 
so let it just be 
let it be no actions 
no distractions 
feel my vibe
feel what it's like to be alive
so let it  be  no actions 
no distractions 
feel my vibe
and feel what it's like to be alive


Edited by emow

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10 hours ago, Leo Kaminski said:

Why do so many famous people do suicid?

too much brainwashing

unborn Truth

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If you really play out stage orange to the bone you have two options:

1. Have a paradigm shift into stage green. (Heavy emotional work)

2. Commit suicide. Study the traps of stage orange. They leave you empty on the inside, while you may have the whole world at your feet on the outside.

*This post is exaggerated but you get the gist lol*

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Fame is like pouring gasoline onto an already toxic and deluded ego-mind. It makes the ego drunk with power.

And the day after you get everything you ever wanted will be the most depressing day of your life. People overlook this point in our materialistic culture.

Unsuccessful people cannot appreciate how hollow success is. Successful people can.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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