
Effects of Raising Base Level Consiouness

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So whenever I get high from marijuana, I feel more creative, I am more funny and witty, also topic I think about make more sense and I see the way to problem more easily.

I also for example can rap a lot easier and better lol like creative verses in the rhyming sense and it all flows so nicely and I am also left wondering Woah, how am I doing this.

Apart from that being in the moment and enjoying it fully.


In some @Leo Gura videos I have watched, he talks about increasing the base level consiouness which can be done via meditation and other techniques. Leo says as one progresses in the meditation path, one gets so many creative ideas and insights that you feel you don't have enough time to act them all out and they are all so good.


So when has these increases in base level of consciousness, then is it fair to say that if I have this boost for example, it will be like "being high on weed" would be my normal permanent state?

I suppose no body buzz or time dilation effecfs.. but what will that base level consiouness increase look like? Am I right to think that the creativity I feel during my highs would be something I will be able to access more readily and in my normal state?


Also, while high, I feel like everyone who gets high and isn't too aware or knowledgeable about Non-duality or never heard of it, acts out its effects so nicely


When high, we don't worry about the past and don't worry about the future (unless in a paranoid setting and ur worried someone might catch u if ur high or something) but other than that, when I got high with another first and it was his first time

He was just laughing, jolly , enjoying, not caring or worrying about anything


I guess thats partially being in the moment fully looks like... No where close to awakening-bliss I am sure lol but , if u talk to those ppl about their experience then, that look, ur having all this fun because ur not projecting into future or worring about ur past



But then again, how will one pay the bills if he/she 24/11



Anyhow, main question was about base level consiouness increase and its effects as compared to my experience on weed.




Edited by SoonHei
Topic title edit and tagging ma man leo

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It’s a literal real-ized permanence of self as eternal love & peace. More like a remembering than being high. Much funnier too. Were it not for holding & attaching to thoughts, you wouldn’t see any state as the ‘normal’ state, and you’d feel pretty free and “high” most or all of the time. It’s tricky though because chasing the highs as a ‘state’ can be thought attachment (hamster wheeling), and at the same time incredible highs can also reveal partial insights that lead to the whole insight. Good luck. ?              Higher ‘highs’ can even deliver the whole insight too. WIthout clarity on direct experience vs thought though, they can dissipate a bit afterwards.



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Wow thank you for that


Hmm. That's true. I can see how it can be seen as chasing the high like state


But yeah it does seem as ur mind is emptier , the creative insights and ideas will naturally flow too

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I can only speak from my experience right now.. it doesn't really feel like I've gained anything. more like I've lost a whole bag of fears, worries, concepts, beliefs, expectations. 

it's a high-like state in the sense that I feel like I'm floating, I feel lighter and more in synch with the melody of life. as if I'd let go of lots of resistance and now life is just flowing through me effortlessly <3

I don't know, it's hard to describe 

whatever arises, love that

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7 hours ago, phoenix666 said:

I feel lighter and more in synch with the melody of life. as if I'd let go of lots of resistance and now life is just flowing through me effortlessly

you said hard to describe but that line above was perfect


that's really what i am thinking it maybe like


when one or at-least I am high, i can equate my experience (although temporary for the duration of the high) to what you said above


in that moment, resistance is definitely let go of - allowing things to flow more naturally and effortlessly indeed

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thank you so much, dear @SoonHei so glad that my description resonates with you!

1 hour ago, SoonHei said:

n that moment, resistance is definitely let go of - allowing things to flow more naturally and effortlessly indeed

exactly <3

that's wonderful, if using herbs helps you to tap into such feelings. now imagine that you can feel like that without <3 you have it in you, you just have to become aware of it 


whatever arises, love that

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9 minutes ago, phoenix666 said:

now imagine that you can feel like that without <3 you have it in you, you just have to become aware of it 

exactly! this right here is the driving force


really easy to see the happiness and paranoia which come about in those states


it is so easy to see that a paranoia or a fear during state of the high is just thought/projection


i use the herbs to explore this realm and i can do it with more clarity vs the normal mode


one thing which is very noticeable is that during that time, my awareness understands stuff and i can see how it just makes absolute sense.

i may often write down something epic i realize but when i read that later in the normal state, it doesn't resonate so well... only thing i can think of is that the clarity goes away due to the rush of other things mind focuses on in the normal state vs the high state

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18 hours ago, SoonHei said:

i use the herbs to explore this realm and i can do it with more clarity

that's wonderful. yeah, they can be a real door to 'the other side' :)

18 hours ago, SoonHei said:

one thing which is very noticeable is that during that time, my awareness understands stuff and i can see how it just makes absolute sense.

i may often write down something epic i realize but when i read that later in the normal state, it doesn't resonate so well... only thing i can think of is that the clarity goes away due to the rush of other things mind focuses on in the normal state vs the high state

I know that feeling

what helps me a lot to integrate my experiences is contemplation and journaling

whatever arises, love that

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