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Negativity Stemps From Lack Of Logic And Rationality

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Because if everyone would think logically and rational there would be no conflicts, because what's the point of the conflict, there would be just peace and happiness and pleasure,  because everyone would want to live only in the positive world and emotions, every conflict would be thinken through, and there would be logical and rational solutions to everything, everytime that there would be a conflict people would just think about the best solutions 

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The problem here is that human beings are inherently emotional creatures. So, even the desire to be logical and rational comes from an emotional root. So, if we only thought logically and rationally, it would not be able to account for the emotional components of life.

Also, logic and rationality only work in relation to a premise. And that premise is taken for granted as inherently true. The issue here is that all premises are created by human beings, and as such, cannot contain Truth. So, to base one's self in logic and rationality, can be a fool's errand if the premise is rooted in falsehood... which all premises are at the end of the day. 

Also, not all people are capable of rational thought. It takes a high degree of skill to think rationally. So, it's expecting too much of people.

Also, lack of logic/rationality is not the root of negativity in the first place. It makes perfect rational sense to do certain negative things, if we ignore the emotional reality underneath it. In fact, it's true that our ability to rationalize things away that allows for human beings to justify all kinds of terrible things. They just have to make sure they take certain premises to be inherently true, and they can rationalize anything with sound logic, and do terrible and destructive things. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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So in the end I can use my science and logic and rationality to justify anything that I do, I know that but, but my logic and rationality is always fully based in truth, there is no rational or logical reason for negativity over pleasure, but like you've said not so many people can think so logically and rational

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Logic And Rationality is the best way, science is on of the best stuff which allows you to rationalise everything 

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1 hour ago, Cortex said:

 but my logic and rationality is always fully based in truth,

Those who are sure of this relegate their irrational and emotional side to their Shadow, where that aspect takes covert control of the intentions without your knowledge of it. Others can see how irrational you are... but you won't be able to. Some of the most irrational people are the ones most identified with rationality. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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So if everyone would also focus on pleasure and peace there would be no negativity 

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Negativity is pretty much part of life IME. We can't always be running high and a state of pleasure, it comes down eventually just to go up.

Peace is something else, thats like dropping all judgments and manipulation of reality which is dropping the need to be a state of pleasure or avoiding pain. 

Positivity and negativity also comes from judgment. Being doesn't discriminate and it views all forms of energy as one, it's like complete acceptance.

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