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Mental Photography

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With all the topics covered such as the paranormal, consciousness, enlightenment, infinity, infinite intelligence etc etc is anybody else open to the fact of mental photography* being something that can be developed? Cultivating the ability to mentally photograph books (but not limited to) and being to retain 75%+ of the information in those books* for life, anybody open to this possibility? 

@Leo Gura I would appreciate your take on this. Thanks in advance. 

I might take down this thread soon. Idk. 

Edited by Rinne

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Yes this is available to everyone but too many people today excessively use smart devices and those natural abilities go dormant due to lack of exercise/use. As a child photographic memory was quite common, the higher you vibrate, the clearer you will see thus remember.


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@pluto Thanks for a response pluto it seems like you are one of the very few that are aware and open to something like this being possible. 

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@Rinne Its as simple as people today using GPS to find a location. In the old days we used our brains, taxi drivers and drivers memorized everything by the book and experience from driving to different places. Nowadays most people cant remember anything and have to use the GPS to take them places even though they been there multiple times because it has become like a crutch and they rely on it(to do everything for them) because they don't have to use their brains so the parts of the brains used in the past when not used/exercised go dormant or like our bodies, overweight, obese and useless.

Try get an obese person to complete or win the Ninja Warrior? Its not happening. Same thing happens when we don't use the brain and allow things to do everything for us.

The more things you rely on like devices and or things that do everything for you, the less human and more robotic/zombie-like and less creative you become. The more we use smart devices, the dumber we get, literally. It robs us of our natural creativity and disrupts connection to our infinite nature, our infinite potential, our infinite intelligence.

I understand what you mean, i used to feel extremely alone for many years as i have pretty much known and felt more than the average person accepts since i was a child. Although there is quite a few that are aware of this, if you keep your focus there and remain open, you will attract more like yourself and your frequency.

The problem is we get distracted by the fear-based-ego-driven-survival-mode-life and we tend to forget about the magic in between the lines. Keep your attention where you want it to be, the more you do, the more you will attract those who are also on the same wavelength.

All the best <3



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22 minutes ago, pluto said:

Its as simple as people today using GPS to find a location. In the old days we used our brains, taxi drivers and drivers memorized everything by the book and experience from driving to different places. Nowadays most people cant remember anything and have to use the GPS to take them places even though they been there multiple times because it has become like a crutch and they rely on it(to do everything for them) because they don't have to use their brains so the parts of the brains used in the past when not used/exercised go dormant or like our bodies, overweight, obese and useless.

Use it or lose it. 

22 minutes ago, pluto said:

The more things you rely on like devices and or things that do everything for you, the less human and more robotic/zombie-like and less creative you become. The more we use smart devices, the dumber we get, literally. It robs us of our natural creativity and disrupts connection to our infinite nature, our infinite potential, our infinite intelligence.

Thanks for this enlightening. 

23 minutes ago, pluto said:

All the best <3

Same bro same bro!

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