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Semen preservation for higher spiritual gains

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So there is this popular believe, that when you don't mastubarte or have sex and keep inside your semen you are not only more healthier, because of keeping inside your vitamins and minerals, but also more spiritually attuned and better at meditation, what is your opinion about it ? For me there is not so much difference, even I would say that when I don't have any sexual contact for more than two weeks or don't mastubarte I think about it during meditation and it distracts me, so I would say that key to good meditation is having all of your needs meet before your meditation practice so that all of distractions are limited  

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Do as you please but be open that it could change. Seemen retention is not about limiting yourself, it’s the opposite. People who like it feel that they can be even more sexual and they learn that sexual energy is not about ejaculating. 

They feel sharper and it suits their lifestyle, with or without partner. If you practice your wife will be happy. And we all know that having a happy wife is of great importance! 

The older one gets the more one should keep it in acording to this philosophy. 

When you get into it after sometime and still decide to ejaculate you will feel a difference in your energy level. 

I like to make love and I like being sexual with my wife but if this is good for spirituality or not, I am not sure. Some people say yes and others just like it. 

Meditation will probably be a better alternative. But then again... Do as you please! Try and experiment. You can always come back to this question later on and see if you want to try. 

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Too little and too much are two sides of the same coin that is your idea that you should do something other than what comes natural. I drowned myself in different forms of pleasure, and then i caged myself in abstinence. Both were equally destructive.  

Edited by WindInTheLeaf

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Semen retention is good, only when you know how to channel your sexual energy properly. Otherwise too much sexual tension unreleased and unchanneled may produce lot of anxiety, agressivity and being unable to focus on spiritual and meditative practise.

I'm not a yogui and dont have knowledge about kundalini chakras and how to manage all the energy so I try to release every 7 days.

Edited by Moreira

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I am currently doing this. If you have a strong sense of purpose in your life then you can retain it almost effortlessly; I went four months without it once I discovered Leo's book list and got into reading as many as I could. Even having a girl in your life can be enough sometimes.

Edited by StardewValley

I have permanently locked myself out of my account to force myself to focus on my work. Goodbye.

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  On 8/12/2018 at 10:41 PM, Cortex said:

So there is this popular believe, that when you don't mastubarte or have sex and keep inside your semen you are not only more healthier, because of keeping inside your vitamins and minerals, but also more spiritually attuned and better at meditation, what is your opinion about it ?

No, this is nonsense, but the vice versa is more likely to be true. If you are more spiritually attuned and better at meditation, you don't masturbate or have sex and you keep inside your semen and you are more healthier.

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Try it out, see what happens but don't bust your balls if you have a wet-dream :D It may work for some, may not for others.

If you truly believe it will work for you, it most probably will because the u-niverse is mental.


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