
Typical People Are Here To Serve Special And Non Typical People

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Typical people are the worst kind of people that there can ever be, they are not talented, they have no special abilities, they are easy to manipulate, they just are not fully anything that's why they are nothing, maybe about 1% of the population is special and is born to be the best, because of the special talents, abilities, looks, and everything else, there are just people who are a lot more than humans, for example Shaolin monks which have amazing non human bodies capable of incredible things, or talented artists gifted by infinite intelligence itself to create like gods in human skin, or CEOs, or beautiful celebrities, I can't even describe this feeling of how superior this people are and I can also become, but it's there, and I will achieve my dreams to become on of them because that is my birthright, I've been in a lot of castings and was once in a funny Tv show, but in this year I will be pushing to the fullest, and everyone around me knows that this is my last year to become a famous celebrity, because I won't wait any longer, couple of years ago I've made a video in which I was masturbating and the whole Scholl and other schools seen it, even my parents were in school to talk about it with the school CEO, But I was feeling like I was alive, think about it, I was walking and talking with my friends and every other people walking pass me were saying something about it, not to mention all of the girls which kinda didn't know how to react but were interested, this video of mine was watched by so many people because while masturbating I was laughing in a extreme funny way, like if I was in a Manic episode, and this laught was so childish, I was just laughing like a little child, and then I send it to a couple of people and then it turns out that hundreths by now even thousands of people watched this, so I've had this kind of drive since I was 14 years old, that's why my parents were in school because it could even by in a sense crime that I've committed, just hilarious situation, but I was very proud of myself, in the same way that I was proud of myself when I was in a TV show in last month, and I hope that I will be proud of myself forever when I'll finally become a famous celebrity 

Edited by Cortex
Real Life Story About The Beginning Of My Passion To Show Myself

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It happend to be that the most talented and intelligent people is who have the worst mental issues. Its a double edge blade.

You con see mediocre people living in bliss of ignorance.

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And the once you achieve your dream of becoming a very famous celebrity you will realize that you will one day die and be forgotten to the sands of time. What then, when you realize that your celebrity status hasn't saved you from your own mortality? And all those beautiful, talented, ugly, and untalented people are all under ground in a hundred years in just the same way being eaten by ants and worms with flesh rotted away. None of them significant and none of them insignificant. 

You sound so much like me when I was a teenager. I was suffering under the delusions that you are until I had my experiences of ego transcendence. I wanted to be better than everyone else and I couldn't stand being looked over in a crowd. I wanted the world to stop once I died, and for the whole world to care about me. And I lived my entire life for the legacy that I would leave after I died. My life wasn't important to me at all... only my legacy. And I was so neurotic because of my megalomania. I carried the weight of the universe on my shoulders because of my delusions of grandeur.

And even as I achieved the things that I wanted to achieve, there was only a brief high of achieving significance. Then, I would go seeking again for more and more significance, like a drug. And a drug that I had to find ways to get, otherwise I was afraid I might fade away into nothingness. I had to be the best and come off just a particular way.

What I didn't realize is that I had created a prison for myself and I was wasting my life for an idea. And that idea was my self-concept that I wanted everyone to know about and for that self-concept to be eternal. But the self-concept was never real... it was just an idea.

Is this idea of superiority worth sacrificing your entire being over? What if you just allowed yourself to be human? What monsters would attack you then? Would you realize that you're not immune from the reaper then?

Edited by Emerald

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Narcissistic Personality Disorder, In the most extreme form, that it is called Pathological Narcissism  

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7 minutes ago, Cortex said:

Narcissistic Personality Disorder, In the most extreme form, that it is called Pathological Narcissism  

Do you have any plans for remedying this issue? I can't stress to you enough how much of a burden it is to carry around that problem. I know it's uncomfortable because Narcissism is a bit of a security blanket. But if I could give you two minutes outside of it, you'd be making a ton of effort just to be free from that burden. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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This is not a problem, this is heaven when I have a lot of narcissistic supply, when I don't well then this is pretty big problem, but I am this way very very long time, there really is no true me inside, even my therapist knows this, because sometimes Narcissism can go so far that there is no such things as true self, it's like the M.C asher painting 

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What is a good man but a bad man's teacher?
What is a bad man but a good man's job?
If you don't understand this, you will get lost,
however intelligent you are.
It is the great secret.



Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Jesus, I am myself conscious of this long before my therapist, my therapist is just there to listen, it's really high quality therapist, but that's not the point, I myself know who I am better than anyone, and my tharapist is also a source of supply, because I can talk  about myself all the time 

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And of course I don't put any faith in him, he is just another egoist in a form of some tharapist who only thinks about himself and doesn't give a flying f*ck about anything else, you think that I don't know that ? But he is just there whenever I need a prescription sometimes for a new drug, because all of the negative stuff also are present within my system because of it, like a panic attacks, mostly panic attacks because depression would show up if I didn't get my supply for a longer period of time, but there are some shorter periods, like for example someone see me in a situation which doesn't belong to my self image,

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Outer posted a very great video about this, it really does explain it pretty great, and btw this therapist is just a tool for me which I use for a drug prescription, so please don't think that some tharapist who is not in my special people category has any power over my psychology, I am just myself very aware of myself and can be honest here because you all don't see me in real life and are far away so you clearly don't present any danger so this is just like my commonplace book or journal so you can be sure that I say the truth about myself in here 

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32 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

You're my favorite person on this forum ahaha

Yes this is pretty fascinating :) 


The honesty is a breath of fresh air

Edited by Sashaj

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Feel Good thinks that If he tells me how bad I am, that it will break me but he doesn't realise that I don't really care about what he says, I would post here my masturbation session and it would show him a perfect example about my attitude towards him 

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And I am very interesting individual despite my controversial lifestyle, I am a very big philosopher, I meditate a lot, I even read The Red Book from Carl Jung Un this month, so I am pretty big into self actualization 

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2 minutes ago, Cortex said:

Feel Good thinks that If he tells me how bad I am, that it will break me but he doesn't realise that I don't really care about what he says, I would post here my masturbation session and it would show him a perfect example about my attitude towards him 

the way that we treat others is a reflection of the way we treat ourselves.

i'm not here to tell you that you need to respect others. i'm here to tell you that you can live without the internal agony that i know you go through almost everyday or maybe everyday.

it is possible to live in a more gentle way, healthier, building healthy relationships. it can be done. you don't need hide behind your self-image all the time. you don't need to spend this tremendous amount of energy trying to sell your image.

why so much struggle? why so much loneliness?

unborn Truth

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Hahaha you guys are really nice but what trying to do won’t work with him

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Once again, If I have a lot of supply I feel like God, right know my life is great and beautiful, And this year will be the most adventures year maybe of my life, I will go back from vacations and will be going to a lot of castings while going to high school and having more sexual contacts than in my first year, a lot of people provide me with supply, how great I am, How much knowledge I possess etc, especially when I am on the casting and with the beautiful people who are more like myself or on some other Tv event, only couple times a day I fell panic if someone thinks about me something which isn't how I would picture myself, but that's their fault because the project their own worthlessness onto me, because they live in delusion of their stupid worlds, but really this year is my last battle for becoming which I should become, and it will be really a great adventure so really wish me luck and we will see but the times where my supply was low are now history and I will never go back to that place, all right I've already said everything which had to be said, and this year will be both my last chance and also incredible adventure

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You're similar to me in how you think. I can never keep my supply people for too long. Although I consciously feel that I am above everybody, subconsciously I feel that they are above me (even though I deny it) and I sabotage myself until they leave me, or there are the people who I feel even subconsciously are below me and I get rid of them myself eventually.

I have permanently locked myself out of my account to force myself to focus on my work. Goodbye.

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