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Spiral Dynamics Stage Coral Examples Mega-Thread

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Post here all of your knowledge about stage Coral on spiral dynamics, it's time for learning about this stage so let's do it here  

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From M.A. Carrano, The discoverer of the Coral vMeme:


"[All] of my research appears to indicate that Coral thinking emerges in Turquoise when it is forced to co-exist and compete in positions of power within 2nd Tier Yellow and Turquoise life conditions wherein Antisocial Personality Disorder is statistically over-represented amid said populations of 2nd Tier personalities. Healthy Coral, having already achieved fluency in 2nd Tier systems thinking at Yellow and having come to understand (albeit consciously or intuitively) the metaphysic, epistemology, and ontology of holism that defines Turquoise, begins to integrate the strategies and tactics of 2nd Tier Antisocial Personalities in order to compete with them in the treacherous and cut-throat life conditions that occupy the halls of power without itself succumbing to Antisocial Personality Disorder itself. I describe individuals capable of this modality of thinking and being as "quasipaths." These individuals aren't antisocials, but they have the potential for antisocial behavior - which they utilize in competition against other antisocials. Unhealthy Coral, conversely, becomes depersonalized to the collateral damage inveterate to Coral life conditions and metastasizes into 2nd Tier Systems/Cybernetics Wizards with environmentally conditioned Antisocial Personality Disorder. To make a healthy shift from Turquoise into Coral requires one first learn about systems-thinking to a point of fluency (Yellow), to then learn to conceive of one's self and one's world as a organically-integrated, cybernatically-interacting whole and to live in synchrony with the synchronicity of one's environments, and then to migrate into Coral Life Conditions, which are: positions of power and responsbility with individuals who exhibit psychopathy predelications. Once there, apply one's systems competencies to outfox, out manuever, and triumph over the power-struggles that inevitibly exist and assume a position of authority within the dominance hierarchy at the top of the Spiral. Insofar as I can tell, Coral is authoritarian, absolutely. However, it orchestrates systems which are constellated from a wide variety of organizing protocols. Fascism is not necessary. Coral can install a democracy, but will include a back door whereby it can easily seize control of the democratic processes through fear, intimidation, and coercian of a ruling class elected to represent the people without the people coming to awareness of Coral's shadow influence. Coral is less likely to install a fascism because fascism is too crude and obvious a tool for control. Instead, Coral prefers to set up systems which people will gladly accept: systems which appear outwardly benevolent and good, and therefore don't rouse the public's suspicions regarding those command and control said systems. In other words, it is far more likely to create systems which win wide-spread approval from the populations - such as Green egalitarian governments like Sweden and Denmark - while from behind the scenes it hacks, hijacks, and takes over the processes of government while misleading the populations that it's primary function is to operate to the interests of the people when, in fact, these functions are secondary to Coral's personal need to survive and remain in power, which it must do before it can even begin to help the public. But every measure I can think of, exit-level Turquoise/entry-level Coral thinkers include Vladimir Putin, Michael J. Morell, Henry Kissinger, and perhaps Elon Musk and John McAfee. CNN, MSNBC, ABC and Russia Today all indicate that, while appearing Green, are currently under Coral Control. Fox News appears, with its Blue/Orange span in the Spiral, similarly appears to be under Coral Control. I currently speculate that there are less than 1,000 exit-level Turquoise/entry-level Coral thinkers on earth, and less than 100 Peak Coral thinkers on earth. If you would like to see examples of Coral, please visit the following links. 1. Michael J. Morell:

5. Elon Musk:


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@11modal11 how can vladimir putin be Coral?! he eliminates people who are opposed to him and supresses gay protests. putin is just BLUE for my opinion. Coral wouldnt do those unmoral and unconsiouse things.

Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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Locking this because I feel the examples posted here will mislead many people, since Coral is so poorly understood.

You guys are in no position to talk about Coral.

Focus instead on mastering the lower stages. Most of you still do not understand what Yellow and Turquoise are, let alone some hypothetical Coral.

@11modal11 The examples you posted and quoted are absurd.


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