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Supreme Mathmatics

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Does anybody knows Supreme Mathmatics? I want to share it with you.

Mathmatics got famous due to being used by the Wu Tang Clan. It's a concept that helps the individual to actualize. It is so easy that a 10 year old can learn and use it, but deep enough that you could use it your whole life. There is a keyword for every number from 0 - 9.

1 - Knowledge
2 - Wisdom
3 - Understanding
4 - Culture/Freedom
5 - Power/Refinement
6 - Equality
7 - God
8 - Build/Destroy
9 - Born
0 - Cipher

You use that as a tool for difficult situations. For Example: You got to have Knowledge (1) + Wisdom (2) to develope Understanding. This is the base to influence for culture (4) (...)

Here is a song from Lord Jamar on Supreme Mathmatics

And it goes on! They say that everyone is god, not that there is a external god! It's very spiritual, but I don't want to go in detail now

But, as every relatively widespread religion / philosophy,  it got some weak spots. It was developed in the racist climate of the US of A in the 60s, which translates into a kind of judo racism against whites that may or may not appropriate any more..

What do you say?

Edited by supremeyingyang

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