No way, as way, to headlessness

By Faceless in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
No way, as way, to headlessness     Only a head knows it is, only a head knows it is not.  To know or not to know, only a head questions.  Only a head seeks answers, and evades problems.  Only a head escapes its own invented punishment to its own projected reward.  Only a head has a point of view, opinion, perspective, only a head needs one.  Only a head invents and fortifies the continuity of the space between here and there, (subject-object).    Time as ‘the i’ invents the space between that which is infinite(whole).    What a way to utilize freedom when there is the possibility and the luxury of leisure. To sit or to walk, without absolutely any movement of identification. No movement of imagination, no movement of time as the i who is separate from THE HAPPENING. One holistic movement/non-movement of beauty and joy which is timelessness. One dynamic-stillness which is empty, yet immense.     But how does this come about?   A partial explanation of how this mysterious happening comes about... As the mind tries to capture the immensity of this phenomenon, it soon finds that any movement of mind to recall the event reduces the actual essence the occurrence itself. The minds capacity being finite can never express the actuality of the actuality. Nor can it really remember as there was not an entity recording in the first place. What I know after some some time investigating this movement of (dynamic stillness), which seems to be both movement and non-movement simultaneously, as strange as that may seem.  In this actualized sustained passive attention, being (non exclusive), to all movement of the self-thought; there is a cessation of all positive-negative movement of volitional pursuit. Non-reaction, non-response; not to accept, or condemn, any feeling or thoughts as they arises. To let thought-feelings die on there own without introducing incomplete action as the i who controls, suppresses, and restrains. Complete negation and cessation of all fragmented action influenced by the false notion of division, as the i distinct from thought, others, and the entire happening itself. In this awareness there is not just whole undivided attention of thought-self, but also attention to all surroundings, (THE HAPPENING), in its entirety. Attention so entire that ‘the i’ who attends is totally vacant.  With this total passive awareness there is no movement of registration, which then allows for an absence of recollection, in which there is no content to project itself as a veil over the next moment of now. With this comes a suspension of identification, as in No (i), time. Absolutely no static content of the self and it’s accumulation, being imprinted and carried over onto each dynamic now. With this passive awareness empty of (volition-desire), is an immeasurable beauty and mysteriousness that cannot ever fully expresses in words,(measure).    There is an obviousness to this indeed. In order to see WHAT IS, “the i” with all its accumulation, being limitated and narrow must end.  It’s apparent that there is not a ‘way or how to’ when it comes to the loosing of ones head. Any method, system, routine, or any other mechanical means to loose ones head implies volition-will, strife, and this perpetual desire to attain a projected goal in time. This movement of thought as the i seeking security in its own movement, is the very reinforcement of the veil of the conditioned consciousness itself. Only positive-negative movement of the i functions in such a pattern.  When it comes down to it, this a question of whether or not (experience, knowledge, memory), as the i, can ‘actually’ cease to operate now. Then there can be an unconditioned seeing, void of the mechanical impulse to forecast and anticipate what may come in time. Ultimately implying that all fear-time-thought, (accumulation-projection) must cease to manifest itself. A sustained movement of non-conditioned movement of action-reaction, which is in essence, the movement of the self.   
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