Austin W

Can You Ever Go Wrong In Life By Using Money As A Starting Point?

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I'm 17 years old and I have thought a lot about what makes me happy and the type of career I would like to have. I have explored many of my interests and learned a lot about myself in the process, but seeing that my greatest joys are reading and writing I don't feel closer to realizing a practical occupation. I like books because they give me knew ways of looking at the world (ways of adding knowledge to my knowledge graph, as Leo might say). I don't really have a goal in mind to use this knowledge, except that I would like to one day write to make others feel the same way I feel when I read a great book, and to bring hope into people's lives who feel lost. 


I am going to college next year, and with such vague interests I have a three-pronged strategy:

1. Take Leo's life purpose course

2. Read books and take in knowledge from my courses.

3. Make a lot of money, so that I can realize my ultimate life purpose (once I make it clear).





I feel like the first two parts of this plan are rock solid but I am not sure about the third. I could probably skip this step except for the fact that I have no idea what I want to do and that I am the type of person who has many interests and can't seem to stick to any for long. I feel like having a good amount of starting cash will allow me to self-actualize more by purchasing my ideal living conditions and allowing me to purchase seminars and the like more easily so that I can find my life purpose quicker than if I just tried to find it with little money. I am tending towards starting my own business but I could use some suggestions as to other possible occupations as well as any tips for my college life or anything else I have mentioned. Overall, I am young, and I'm looking for perspectives from like minded individuals who have more experience than me.






P.S. I have talked to my parents about my future, and my mother is against anything that won't make me a lot of money. I could just ignore her wishes, but she may help me more if she sees that I am making money. My dad does not really care. Some things to consider.....


Thanks Guys.


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To my opinion your goals are not in conflict with each other.

Don`t forget that psychologically spoken you are in the middle of your development as a youngster. So a study as well as some cash will provide a lot needed security for all your developmental lines. A sense of security is a must in Maslow `s pyramid.

Off course you listen to your parents but in the end it`s you who should make any decision about your own future. To get stronger here, meditate on certain aspects of it.

As a person who is defining himself as a person with many interests I would suggest to start with studying the work of Ken Wilber and his Integral Project. This will give you a solid base to all your interests and the key to unlock your potential.9_9

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Hi there,

J.K. Rowling is a billionaire, you will make loads of money with writing, or with anything you consider your Life Purpose, for that matter.

However, I sense that you feel like you need money to do self-improvement, that's wrong. Take Responsibility. Don't Play the Victim. Try to find the best way of developing yourself right now. Most people, even in this community, do not do this. This is a Trap set by our lower self to prevent us from doing great work. But you better believe that pushing through this will greatly contribute to accomplishing your goals.

Hope this helps :)

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You don't need to make alot if money, but if you want quick results, it pays to invest in understanding such as seminars, lectures, courses, coaches, retreats and other services that require money.

What you resist, persists and less of you exists. There is a part of you that never leaves. You are not in; you have never been. You know. You put it there and time stretches. 

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Speaking from my own experience, somebody who choose the "let's become rich first, then we'll have all the freedom to pursue our wildest desires" path, I can wholeheartadly recommend AGAINST it. It's sound logical and  and rational, and it might work if you're an android who likes to chip away at things or perhaps you have very good, supportive and understanding social support circle and the rest of your life is in a great shape (that way you might tolerate doing "tolerable work"), but overall what I learned is this: we think money will make us happy, that money is needed before all else, that it's a prequisite for our goals, because we're brainwashed to believe that going for money is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL, even though generally we have more material abundance than the majority of the world and most likely our goals can be done without big stacks of savings anyway.

I poured a year of my life into making an ecommerce company (selling China sourced goods, the new craze nowadays, not without merit) and it's currently grossing about 50k EUR/mo and I'm fairly secure it's going to be a multi millionaire grossing company in 2-3 years and perhaps multi 10-millions in 5-7. I'm currently in the process of leaving it all behind. I started it when I was 22.

I sacrificed my friends, moved to a new country (where I feel I haven't made any real friends, even after a year which might be a residual effect of my dis-passion), I'm living with my family who I feel is limiting my growth and I feel we have no real respect for each other. We lived in a black, ground floor hole for 7 months until november. I really would like to strech my brain and come up with 10 more things to make this a better post, but you get the idea. I tried qutting 2-3 times since november, because I wasn't really feeling the magical improvement effects of money in my life. I saw logically how my goals made sense, but on a daily basis, I wasn't capable of doing it anymore. I didn't feel it.

I was always waiting for the moment where I could outsource my daily (customer support) work to an employee and finally focus on doing my passion-purpose (which is similar to what Leo is doing, helping people become a better version of themselves). I was really working hard. But I just couldn't focus on teaching and growing while I wasn't really living what I was saying. Tolering negative people in your life, working for money (but no passion nor contribution), not being able to really work on myself (such as diet and health) because of living together with 2 other people who are perfect sleepwalkers. All in all, I could've come up with creative ideas to solve these problems, by isolating and solving them.

I didn't achieve the success I imagined. I was hacking away at the branches. Our exteriors changed, such as a nice house and living conditions, but I was just not feeling my "success", and some problems persisted. I felt more and more like Andre Agassi, being successful at something I don't like. I figured that just making X money and then "outsourcing" it all will never actually work. I can slave away for big bucks for years, but in the end I will always have to manage the business in some fashion, especially if it grows to be a BIG company. 

So my conclusion was that I couldn't accept the consequences of being rich THIS WAY. I still desire to be wealthy and financially free. But I also discovered that I can make a sustainable business and the money I need by DOING MY CALLING/PURPOSE/MISSION directly. I don't need to take a detour. Why not choose the most direct path to my fullfilment?

I figured if I would become rich what the hell would I do anyway? My money making business would always be a responsability and it would always occupy a mental space in my mind, be a mental thorn so to speak. I would be a hundred times more happy to lead a business I DON'T EVER WANT TO STOP DOING with less financial success instead.

I did learn a lot of practical skills about how to manage a business, entrepreneurship, I realized I'm quite capable and smart, and I can get things done. So atleast I got something out of it. I do get a starting fund to start my new life and I expect I could ask for financial help if I would need to invest in my new business. I'll be making a living by freelancing and I will actively train my speaking (toastmasters) and writing skills. All is good now. I'm so happy just writing this. :)


So Austin, I definitely recommend that you don't take the seemingly  obvious "right" path, ok? :)

I would imagine after taking Leo's course you would have a lot more ideas about what you're going to do anyway.

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@Adam D  Holy shit, you've just described my life at the moment in that post!

Although I'm half way, at the intersection of follow the money, or following my excitement, joy, bliss, integrity. More and more I'm finding out what's real and what's not. Health, relationships, fun, feeling alive, happiness, being the best version of myself, improving, self-awareness and so on.

Thanks for your comment Adam!


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@Duco James Glad you find my comment helpful.

I'm also glad to tell that since then I quit my "successful" business and started a new life in Budapest. It sure have a lot more peace and living "alone" (with my roommate) leaves lots of time and quiet allowing me to ponder and plan. I'm happy to say that I figured out my exact plan on how to actually carve out a business in the personal development market.

I'm getting used to living on a budget. I'm currently looking for a job, which will be to pay the bills, have socialisation and motivation mainly, and then everything that aids me in my journey is an extra. I can't imagine I could find a job that would align with my purpose and adequately meet my financial needs at the moment, so it'll do, it's a conscious choice. In my freetime I'll build my creative outlet.

Definitely was a good move and I'm glad I've done it. :)

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@Adam D Alright! Thank you for your reply. Happy to hear you've made the right move!

Hmm interesting choice, how come you have chosen to go to Budapest?


"I'm happy to say that I figured out my exact plan on how to actually carve out a business in the personal development market."

Is there anything you would like to share more about on that?

Thanks again.






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1 hour ago, Duco James said:

@Adam D Alright! Thank you for your reply. Happy to hear you've made the right move!

Hmm interesting choice, how come you have chosen to go to Budapest?

Is there anything you would like to share more about on that?

Thanks again.






the question is where is your focus taking you, many pretend they seek wealth to help others, that  is a crock of hooey, what is your focus and the direction you are moving making you. what will you become with money as your main focus.  generally its only after humans have wore themselves out and endured a lot of pain and misery trying to find what they think is happiness do they begin to seek what might give them real happiness.

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7 hours ago, charlie2dogs said:

the question is where is your focus taking you,

Isn't it the other way around, or supposed to be?


7 hours ago, charlie2dogs said:

many pretend they seek wealth to help others,

I have been guilty of this for some time.


7 hours ago, charlie2dogs said:

what is your focus and the direction you are moving making you. what will you become with money as your main focus.  generally its only after humans have wore themselves out and endured a lot of pain and misery trying to find what they think is happiness do they begin to seek what might give them real happiness.

And this is exactly what happened. 


Thank you for your response @charlie2dogs.

Edited by Duco James

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On 2016. 06. 06. at 11:50 AM, Duco James said:

@Adam D Alright! Thank you for your reply. Happy to hear you've made the right move!

Hmm interesting choice, how come you have chosen to go to Budapest?

Is there anything you would like to share more about on that?

Thanks again.






I'm Hungarian, thus Budapest seemed like an obvious choice for me. :)

I can share you my idea, since execution is what matters anyway. I'm making a self-development magazine/authority site, where experts and contributors will write articles, and occasionally me as well (since I like to creatively express myself too) in exchange for exposure, a creative outlet or whatever there in it for that you get for being published. Initially I wanted to do a solo-blog, vlog, etc but in the end I decided to not do it alone since growth will be slower and I might not be consistent with it and fail. I was thinking about a magazine but was a bit turned off that "I couldn't write on it". I figured I'm disempowering myself by choosing to "A or B" instead of "A and B" this cocondrum. I figured why not both?

Obviously I have a story to tell too and I will post my articles, but having contributors  write for me will accelerate the traffic growth and provide a lot more value to many more people a lot sooner. Basically people win, the contributors win and I win. Win-win-win. There's really no such thing like this yet in the Hungarian market. 

It's a lot more motivating too. I can learn a lot and meet interesting people and position myself as an authority and later I'll have a lot more opportunities to do interesting and creative projects.

Moneywise, I figured I can take this model and do joint ventures, be a co-author of books with experts, videocourses etc, which I can then sell on my own website. Be a marketplace for self-development products and services where I take a cut maybe (that's very long term)? Basically with my succesful magazine, I expect that I can try out any idea and see if it works or not.

So that's it. If you're from a niche market or small country, I think this can really work. Hope it helps.

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Treat money like a tool, not as a goal. If you need X amount of money to get your life purpose accomplished, they saving up some money can be a smart move. But don't chase the money. You will actually sell yourself short that way.

If I had followed money, there would be no

I followed my purpose instead and now money is irrelevant and plentiful AT THE SAME TIME!

I can pretty much guarantee you'll regret chasing money, in the end.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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