Kevin Dunlop

Personal Accounts Of What Its Like Now That You Are Self-actualized

5 posts in this topic

Lets see what you have come to believe and what it feels like now that you are self-actualized. Ill give my own example.

I realize that my reality is like a huge universe full of possabilities and mysteries to explore. I am the comander of this universe but I am not obligated to command anything because it all knows how to take care of itself without me. I can effortlessly enjoy being an observer with no obligations at all, enjoying the profound beauty of this world. I know that Ive got it all and that this has nothing to do with the external world. I dont worry about getting or not having stuff because I dont want stuff. But if I do get an idea the stuff I need will either show up or I just choose another idea that works with the stuff I have or can get. I dont need to invent problems for myself when I can just enjoy the abundant world that is pouring out goodness all the time. I see the world as full of trees dangling with fruit, full of people doing amazing things that I can do too. But when I dont want to hang out with them nature is even more amazing and spectacular. I never get bored because if there is nothing interesting happening where I am I just get up and start walikng somewhere else. Just walking somewhere is interesting let alone arriving at a new place full of things to observe, find and expolre. I dont get lonely because people want to be around me. I get invited to be a part of numerous projects, gatherings and relationships, too many to ever have time for. People want to be around me because I alleviate their stress, effortlessly help solve their problems, show them good examples. But most of all I am truely interested in knowing them, listening to them and seeing them succeed. But I am not attached to any social activities. Being alone allows me to explore my own mind and creativity undistracted. Any type of art I want to create is easy, I just look at a few examples of that type of art and the new ideas present themselves to me in full detail. I can just sit there and view hundreds of new pictures as they materialize because creativity and problem solving are my hobbies so I have gotten really good at them. Nothing has to be draining or stressful because nothing is that important. Everything is taken care of already - if I have to do something else or never existed everything would roll along in its own process just fine without me. Being able to change my beliefs and try new ones gives me dramaticly different perspectives of reality, I realize its all a hallucination created by viewing the world through certian filters. But we are not stuck with the firsr few filters we are given just to get us started. Most people believe they are the filters but I know I am that which uses the filters. So I learned how to create my own filters so that I can interpret, respond to, interact and experience the world the way I want to. To me this is my greatest potential self-creation. I dont have to try to be someboby great in the eyes of other people. I know I am an unexplainable mystery that no one can ever define. Other people only really know themselves anyway so thats why I am better off self- actualizing my reality. My goals are that life should be easy, fun. beautiful, loving, free to improvize, interesting and full of learning. I have done alot of discarding of old beliefs and trying out new ones eventually allowing me to set up my reality this way to improve my experience of life.  There is no reason things cant get even better! How about you? What have you come to believe because of your self- actualization process?




Edited by Kevin Dunlop

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@Kevin Dunlop I love the optimism and the profundity of your post! Your vision of being self-actualized excites me deeply! 

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Thanks Zane, once you get the hang of editing the identity, the improvements make things much easier. It also helps loosen up the unconscious over-protection the identity thinks it needs to function. When the identity stops thinking it is so important  or cant be changed for the better it can be tapered down and leave a lot of room for an almost constant state of meditation. The mind chatter begins to know its not important and doesnt bother with its bumbling ideas all the time. This leaves one in a quiet state where unconditional love can be focused into ones experience of reality.

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On 3/21/2016 at 4:38 PM, Kevin Dunlop said:

I see the world as full of trees dangling with fruit

Nice phrasing :)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Thank you Leo, I do see this as a writing project, among other things, which I am quite enjoying.  Thanks for setting it all up. 


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