
Enough with full orange people

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I have a friend , whose father is rich and he has a lot of money to spend . 

In social media I see people like this a lot,and I try  not to judge but be aware of the mind traps with consummerism.

What are your thoughts?

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@Outer That was a really good answer I hadnt thought, although If you dont know someone pesronally you cant have a full personal opinion from just a artistic photo and a quote.

I just didnt like the quote , dpesnt matter if a wannabe rich wrote that or a poor or anyone , when your only tool is money you are so decieved.

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Wealth is helpful to obtain stuff that can definitely enhance life. I definitely enjoy my music more when I have a high quality set of headphones or sound system and that can easily cost $1000 or more. I really like Osho in this regard because he doesn't shame money or wealth. There is nothing wrong with money or wealth, they help expand one's ability to do things like attend college. I understand we are talking about an expensive watch (not a necessity), I'm just saying. 

I would not spend too much energy being frustrated with other's people lifestyle. People have their own reasons for living the way they do, we can sit here and argue whether one is more fulfilling or not, but our understanding isn't really helpful to your friend's if it just doesn't click with him. 

I have a friend who LOVES movies. He watches youtube-based videos to keep up with the industries, who's directing whats, who's acting in what movie, etc. While I think movies can be great and entertaining, they also feel hollow and not as fulfilling as say going on a hike, taking some LSD, finishing a good book. But its just how it is. If I went up to him and told him, he's living his life wrong, he should be meditating and doing self-development, he'd look at me like I had a million eyes and tell me "No! Sgt. Pepper, you got it all wrong, these Marvel movies will change your life, they're so epic!"

Anyways, just worry about yourself. Who cares what others do (to an extent). Do what you want and let the joy in. Generally speaking here. It's also fun to inquire and consider why other people live the way they do, but from a curious open-minded stand point. That's why I watched all the marvel movies cause a lot of my friends asked me and I enjoy connecting with them. I did not find as much joy as my friends did in watching Infinity War, but I found joy in connecting with them. 

Edited by SgtPepper

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It's obvious that this "wealth" is not giving this person much pleasure. If it did, they would not feel a need to brag about it online. Clearly they are missing a deeper spark in life that no amount of materialism can fill in. This person needs a hug, a lot of love and compassion. 

These people are not really buying the stuff for itself but for the excitement  they feel when they get it... this is the "life experience" they talk about. I get that feeling every time I walk into a bookstore and get a new book, that feeling is equal to getting a new laptop or camera in my opinion, the later just lasts a bit longer. 

Imaging you can work yourself up to turquoise and live this 100% of time. That's what we are trying to achieve here and that's what will probably remain hidden from this poor soul. 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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12 hours ago, Michael569 said:

These people are not really buying the stuff for itself but for the excitement  they feel when they get it... this is the "life experience" they talk about. I get that feeling every time I walk into a bookstore and get a new book, that feeling is equal to getting a new laptop or camera in my opinion, the later just lasts a bit longer. 


So true man!

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