
Is Leo vegetarian/vegan?

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Saw @Leo Gura health food video.. was so interesting. But he didn’t quite give away if he was pescatarian, vegetarian or vegan... or ate meat. 

Im just curious if anyone knows? 


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he definitely eats meat cause I've seen meat in his fridge during his 30 day retreat. He had bacon and chicken. 

Edited by SgtPepper

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@SgtPepper really? He’s so intelligent within all areas .. I can’t imagine him eating bacon. 

I mean, that’s fine if he did.

But he would seem the environment protection type to understand the greater good and not eat meat. 

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@Thetruthseeker I feel like he is slowly moving towards a plant based diet. Leo is a person who acts from awareness & not repression. Most Vegetarian / Vegans including myself react from the point of morality & emotional reaction so people choose to go cold turkey (going cold turkey has made me relapse a few times & the cravings for meat haven't fully gone away since I was a meat addict growing up). As he mentioned about the NoFap movement, not much success dawns from repression nd moralization but more from experience. I am sure as he gets more conscious & compassionate he will not have to put in any effort when it comes to living a cruelty free life. 

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33 minutes ago, SgtPepper said:

Actually my mistake it was during Hawaii retreat: - 3:45 he shows his fridge. he has eggs and bacon - definitely not vegan haha.

he says he doesn't normally eat bacon, but during his retreats, he lets himself slide. he also mentions that rice and chicken is a staple for dinner.

He could have had those foods to help with the retreat in some way.

I dont really understand stick-in-ass veganism. Just like smoking a cigar once in a year dont turn you into smoker, why is there such a stigma inside and outside vegetarian/vegan community that committing to the ideology 100% and never breaking it?

"Oh he ate meat! So he is not vegan loololol"

Im planning to move into vegetarian diet, and if i do i will allow myself to eat meat in such situations like if my friend is offering food he/she prepared. If i can cure whatever negative things 25 years of eating empty calories and meat has done to me in 3 months, then surely i can eat meat once a week and not immediatly turn into a sluggish loser

Edited by Hansu

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@Hansu would you eat human flesh if your friend prepared it for you?


this is not an attack


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35 minutes ago, Vipassana said:

@Hansu would you eat human flesh if your friend prepared it for you?


If i didnt have personal problems with eating human flesh and i enjoyed it, yes. This would be true even if i had dropped eating human flesh earlier for health reason, then eating it now and then wouldnt really make noticeable enough difference in my overall non-human based diet.

Clearly your reason to avoid meat is different, so i would appreciate hearing your viepoint instead of you throwing smartass strawman.

Thank you, #noattack


Edited by Hansu

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what i was trying to say is there is a double standard. People demonize cannibalism but see no problem with eating animals. Some people get to the point where they no longer can eat flesh because they see animals as being no lesser than humans. (I am definitely not at that point and wasn't trying to be a smart ass was just triggering an response so my point would be more clear) 

1 hour ago, Hansu said:

I dont really understand stick-in-ass veganism. Just like smoking a cigar once in a year dont turn you into smoker, why is there such a stigma inside and outside vegetarian/vegan community that committing to the ideology 100% and never breaking it?

i definitely agree that there is stick-in-ass veganism but if one has developed love & compassion, one cannot imagine him / herself eating meat. Moralizing to others about do's and don'ts is a whole different story but the main motive for veganism should be to live in abundance with all lives simply because you can in modern american society. 

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Oneness and non plant based diet can't fit together.

There is infintie sources of information how you and every single living being around you can benefit from you switching to vegan diet ranging, including: health, environmental, animal cruelty aspect, should I mention spiritual aspect or that's too "complicated" and hard to understand?



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wonder if Leo is reading this and sniggering while munching on a steak :D

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I would guess that these would be Leo's arguments for eating meat:

"No matter how you live your life, you will cause death and harm anyways."/"Death is part of life!"

"Suffering and death is illusion."/"Who cares lol, Absolute Infinity!"

Leo is a moral nihilist and it seems like people just don't want to accept that fact. :D


On 8/8/2018 at 1:46 AM, Hansu said:

I dont really understand stick-in-ass veganism. Just like smoking a cigar once in a year dont turn you into smoker, why is there such a stigma inside and outside vegetarian/vegan community that committing to the ideology 100% and never breaking it?

From the vegan perspective, it is wrong to actively kill an animal unnecessarily, and also to fund industries that do so. Imagine you thought raping was wrong, and you knew a person who from time to time would be raping people, would you accept the excuse of "You're such a stick-in-ass anti-rapists. If I rape once in a while it's not like it will make that much of a difference!". You'd be viewed as completely insane, and from the perspective of an ethical vegan you look the same if you from time to time kill an animal for taste-pleasure.

Another good analogy is being a vampire. Imagine if there were vampires around and they had alternatives to sucking peoples blood out of their veins (always causing death in the process). Imagine these vampires could drink artificial blood, though they hated the taste and wouldn't be fully healthy doing so. If there was a vampire who then went on to snatch himself a human from time to time (and in the process necessarily kill him) because he just "can't help himself", or because he wants to be fully healthy, what would you think about that vampire? 

And with veganism it's even worse, because even if you are concerned about your health there are multiple sources of flesh that don't come from fully sentient animals. For example, Leo could eat mussels or various forms of insects (in fact, there is almost no primate around who does not consume insects) and be fully healthy as well, but he chooses his comfort for whatever reason he has. Morality is subjective, so we can bend it to how it suits us the most, and I think that is what Leo is doing.

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 Ah, heh. Im more used to direct approach so i can sometimes miss something


7 hours ago, Scholar said:

Imagine you thought raping was wrong, and you knew a person who from time to time would be raping people, would you accept the excuse of "You're such a stick-in-ass anti-rapists.

But accidental raping happens all the time. People with low social awareness have sex with other people who also have low social awareness, where the raped person is unable to show adequate signs of refusing sex because of low social awareness, and the "rapist" is unable to pick up the signs and stop the act because of his/her low social awareness. The "rapist" however is not usually prosecuted even though some people in society nowdays would love to send those people to jail.

I think it is the same with eating meat. If your friend accidentally or unknowingly of your veganism prepares meat to you, i dont see a problem eating that meat for the same reason i dont see it as a problem to NOT jail people who commit accidental rapes. Why? Because i see raising awareness as more important than following an ideology. Raising awareness regarding veganism is much more powerful way to turn more people into vegans, than spreading your meme-generating stick-assiness to your friends and loved ones. As long as you act like those people in memes, you are causing more harm than good.

My message derailed a little but i hope it opens how i see my veganism diet.

Btw: eating vegetarian is awesome

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It's possible Leo is moving towards vegetarianism/veganism, but its also just as possible that he is not.

I am not vegan because I have not seen evidence that has convinced me that going 100% plant based is safe in the sense that taking pills that cover Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 DHA & EPA are actual healthy replacements to naturally occurring nutrients within fish and meat. I worry about synthetic sources of vitamins.

I have definitely started to eat more plant based though - broccoli, kale, beans, seeds, fruits, but I still eat meat, especially cause I still live at home with parents.

I will just wait for more studies on vegan diet. 

It's also not for everyone, I know someone with Crohn's disease who cannot intake the amount of fiber vegan intake, can't eat raw vegetables either. His body is more cohesive to eggs, dairy, and meat.



Edited by SgtPepper

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On 8.8.2018 at 9:55 AM, RabbitHole said:

Oneness and non plant based diet can't fit together.

Im not trying to defend non-vegans here. This is simply not true.

Can a hawk not be one with everything, or can a tiger not be one with everything?

You can eat a chicken and still be in love with it and cherish its gift.

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11 hours ago, SgtPepper said:

It's possible Leo is moving towards vegetarianism/veganism, but its also just as possible that he is not.

I am not vegan because I have not seen evidence that has convinced me that going 100% plant based is safe in the sense that taking pills that cover Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 DHA & EPA are actual healthy replacements to naturally occurring nutrients within fish and meat. I worry about synthetic sources of vitamins.

I have definitely started to eat more plant based though - broccoli, kale, beans, seeds, fruits, but I still eat meat, especially cause I still live at home with parents.

I will just wait for more studies on vegan diet. 

It's also not for everyone, I know someone with Crohn's disease who cannot intake the amount of fiber vegan intake, can't eat raw vegetables either. His body is more cohesive to eggs, dairy, and meat.



That's not quite true, you do not need to consume eggs, dairy and meat if you have the option to consume mussels and insects. Primates are insect eating animals, and human beings have this weird cultural thing where we completely ignore that fact. Ask one of those Paleo guys whether they eat insects, none of them do. They don't even consider it to be a possibility. 

If you are worried about ethics/ecology you really will have a hard time to justify consuming product that cause great suffering, death and environmental destruction if you have the option to consume insects/mussels. Just do some research on this, human beings have specific genetic adaptations to digest insect exoskeletons. No need for synthetic anything, you can in fact raise your own mealworms! As far as I know it's not difficult at all.


13 hours ago, Hansu said:


 Ah, heh. Im more used to direct approach so i can sometimes miss something


But accidental raping happens all the time. People with low social awareness have sex with other people who also have low social awareness, where the raped person is unable to show adequate signs of refusing sex because of low social awareness, and the "rapist" is unable to pick up the signs and stop the act because of his/her low social awareness. The "rapist" however is not usually prosecuted even though some people in society nowdays would love to send those people to jail.

I think it is the same with eating meat. If your friend accidentally or unknowingly of your veganism prepares meat to you, i dont see a problem eating that meat for the same reason i dont see it as a problem to NOT jail people who commit accidental rapes. Why? Because i see raising awareness as more important than following an ideology. Raising awareness regarding veganism is much more powerful way to turn more people into vegans, than spreading your meme-generating stick-assiness to your friends and loved ones. As long as you act like those people in memes, you are causing more harm than good.

My message derailed a little but i hope it opens how i see my veganism diet.

Btw: eating vegetarian is awesome

Yes, but nobody is complaining about people who get offered meat accidentally and then eat it. People are complaining about people buying meat fully conscious of their decision.

Look, I would still prefer everyone on this planet to be a stick-in-the-ass vegan than have carnists around. It's hilarious how people complain about the behavior of vegans when their own behavior is causing incredible amounts of suffering in other sentient beings without any regard for life. It's like the difference between a mass murderer and an annoying police officer who pulls everyone over because he is an asshole. You cannot compare the two at all, though that is exactly what is happening in the hopes of dismissing the vegan movement. People get offended by calling the slaughtering of animals murder, instead of getting offended by the fact that these animals are dying for no other reason than our comfort. It is quite hilarious.

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On 8/10/2018 at 0:14 PM, Scholar said:

That's not quite true, you do not need to consume eggs, dairy and meat if you have the option to consume mussels and insects. Primates are insect eating animals, and human beings have this weird cultural thing where we completely ignore that fact. Ask one of those Paleo guys whether they eat insects, none of them do. They don't even consider it to be a possibility. 

If you are worried about ethics/ecology you really will have a hard time to justify consuming product that cause great suffering, death and environmental destruction if you have the option to consume insects/mussels. Just do some research on this, human beings have specific genetic adaptations to digest insect exoskeletons. No need for synthetic anything, you can in fact raise your own mealworms! As far as I know it's not difficult at all.

Mussels are great! I eat them since they are part of my culture when it comes to seafood.

Insects are gross though, Im not eating them. Ethically it doesn't make me feel better because I am still eating a living thing. Me prioritizing a chickens life over insects or even plants for that matter is arbitrary. 

Not to mention, I care about fitting in a social setting and being cohesive. Being Vegan is already a challenge in itself. Imagine me bringing insects to thanksgiving? lol.

Those arguments are not compelling enough to have me insects. I mean mealworms? the fact that I am disgusted at the sight of them already indicates that its not for me. 

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16 hours ago, SgtPepper said:

Mussels are great! I eat them since they are part of my culture when it comes to seafood.

Insects are gross though, Im not eating them. Ethically it doesn't make me feel better because I am still eating a living thing. Me prioritizing a chickens life over insects or even plants for that matter is arbitrary. 

Not to mention, I care about fitting in a social setting and being cohesive. Being Vegan is already a challenge in itself. Imagine me bringing insects to thanksgiving? lol.

Those arguments are not compelling enough to have me insects. I mean mealworms? the fact that I am disgusted at the sight of them already indicates that its not for me. 

There is no difference between beheading a dog puppy and killing an ant to you? Do you think the ant has the same capacity to suffer as the puppy does? Do you think the ants experience of life is as vivid and complex as that of a cow? Basing your ethical system on life itself is very arbitrary and I would challenge you that you actually do not operate that way at all. If a plant has no experience of life whatsoever, why would you be worried about killing it? Sounds more like you want to justify the killing of fully sentient mammals by equalizing the worth with all other life that exists. By that logic you can justify any behavior whatsoever.

Anyways, it doesn't matter that much. Mussels are most likely more than enough to sustain your health even if you have suspicions that a vegan diet might not be healthy for you. Problem solved!

Edited by Scholar

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2 hours ago, Scholar said:

There is no difference between beheading a dog puppy and killing an ant to you?

There is to me because I am more attached to dogs than ants. But ants are still sentient beings.

2 hours ago, Scholar said:

Do you think the ant has the same capacity to suffer as the puppy does? Do you think the ants experience of life is as vivid and complex as that of a cow?

Yeah. Why not? They are conscious after all and care about their own life. You're telling me ants won't feel being cut in half?

2 hours ago, Scholar said:

If a plant has no experience of life whatsoever, why would you be worried about killing it?


I do not believe that. I think plants are very conscious and express life differently than mammals. 



Mussels are alive too. They feed microorganism indicating they have an ego and self-interest. This is actually a controversial thing in the Vegan community.

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