By Dino D
in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
A camera takes a photo of a hammer...
The camera never captures the hammer and it never experiences fully all of the properties of the hammer and how it looks (every light aspects of it)
A camera captures light, renders it, and produces a software/hardware digital memory of it...
A camera only experiences hes personal rendered version of the hammer
A camera will never ever experience a hammer, a camera does not experience reality on an otside world directly-never
A camera can only be councios of her own memmory, of her own rendered version of the hammer, or of her own counciousnes of her rendered version of the hammer
The only thing that the camera will ever experience is her life is its own counciosnes, or her counciosnes rendered version of reality
Its the same with humans-outside world
The mistake that the camera (a human) makes is the assumption that is made of analyzing their experience, and their experience of counciousnes, or of her counciousnes experience of reality/oitside world
The camera sees that her conciousnes/experience/perception in a way is not real, does not trully exists, that it is very very relative, self created and with all the other properties that the camere by thinking and inquiry concludes...(the properties of her rendered version of the outside world) and then comes the mistake: all of those propertis that the camera experiences for her own subjective experience or counciousnes (witch in the total end is -no self, nothing exist, everything just is pure awareness and so on) the camere falsy contributes to the ,,real reality" and there is the mistake... the camera mistakes her experienced rendered version of the hammer, for the hammer it self, and then because; for only the rendered version; and for the cameras counciosnes= it is realy truth that this version does not exist, that this rendered version of the hammer is in fact not the hammer, this rendered version is in FACT THE CAMERA, then the camera (the human) assumes and dogmaticaly believs that the real hammer does also not exist (because the rendered version does not and because the rendered version of the hammer is not the hammer, it is in fact the camera) and that the real hammer is also fact the camera-one with the camera and so on...
The camera mistakes the rendered version and the experience of it for the hamer it self...
then i take the hammer i destroy the camera... the end of the story...
the same works with humans, there is no brain, we are all one, and so on... do you see the mehanics of where non duality is wrong? were is the mistake, the dogma and what in the end is a mistake and a lie, or how am I (esspecialy on this anallogy) still wrong?
Leo said the brain is made out of your counciousnes, it only appers in your counciousnes and so on... I say, NO the rendered version of your brain is you, it appears in you it is in your counciousnes, and it is made of it, but not the brain it self... when i leave the room the brain is there, when i die its still there, other people can see it, you can capture it with instruments (like cameras) and so on, its also there right now evan if my unborn and unconsieved child is not evan born and does not experience it i still see the brain (just imagine a guy with open scull for this example) thats it i cant write in short....