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Infinite Intelligence understood Intellectually

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Referencing Leo's Infinite Intelligence video.

Think of a computer software - call it The Earth, Open World.

What this app/program does is it displays a virtual 3D earth. Let's say you start off in the middle of a forest when the program runs at time = 0

Now as time progresses, the changes occur as they would in the natural real world, animals move about, weather, day/night occur so on.

The infinite intelligence would be as you scroll around and move your mouse, you can zoom in or zoom out and the program must be written in such a way that as you do so, it displays what would exist in the real world. e.g. as you zoom in into a tree trunk, you see the smaller and smaller parts of the tree bark, the animals or bacteria that would exist on each of those levels, as you zoom in further, you see the hair on the legs of that insect/bacteria, you zoom in further, and you see more information which makes up the hair on the leg of that bacteria which lives in the tree bark and so on. down to atoms/quarks and even more stuff that isn't yet name but exists finitely deeper and you may even find a human or another sort of life as u keep zooming in . endless infinite possibilities all as smaller building blocks of layers above and all in harmony and connected with infinite elegant intelligent structure - reality. 


so it is all logically showing the building blocks zoomed-in and zoomed-out 


that is what nature/real life is - we take it for granted that all of it, exists, as it does. but that's the infinite consciousnesses, creating it all such that it makes sense showing building blocks of life up and down the zoom-scale of reality


not only that, it connects and links it all with the added dimension of time. as you wind the clocks back/forth you can see how a change caused by one thing leads to another. so all of this is being done by the infinite consciousness  - it is not a material construction. it is all consciousness , infinite consciousness  creating as the looker goes deeper and deeper within reality


"everywhere you look, you will find more of me" - consciousness 

Love Is The Answer

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