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Share here your mystical experiences, how did you got them, when did you got them etc

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Also give some of the best techniques and advices for atteining mystical states and experiences 

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@Cortex , you've asked a question which much of the content of this forum is aimed towards. 

Look through the Psychedelics threads and meditation threads. That is how mystical states are commonly achieved.

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I took a lot of psychedelics as a kid so my mind knows how things can be more than what they normally are.

As an adult now many years later I don't do psychedelics anymore and I have mystical experiences every once in a while with no drugs.

I get there by thinking or by not thinking.

I used to think I got there by accident but it's not an accident, if you take the time each day to meditate on nothing you may not have the experience during meditation it can just hit you out of the blue sometime during the day, I used to think that was by accident but it's not it's because of your daily practice, it just doesn't happen when you're trying to make it happen, lol

That happened to me for years and I never knew what was going on but waking up is like trying to fall asleep, the more you try to make yourself fall asleep the harder it is...and vice versa lol I just recently learned that

But you don't have to think about nothing, you can focus intensely on "spiritual" things, like healing or the meaning of life, or any question like that and you can do it anytime, waiting for something to load on your computer, waiting in line, waiting for water to boil, if you have insomnia, walking to the store...

My mystical experiences so far have ranged from just being nearly in tears to laughing and crying out loud like a crazy person, feeling completely at peace as if I'm full and completely satisfied, I've felt realization physically wash over my body, you know it's real because you can feel it physically.

Also there is a feeling that can last for hours, if you've ever taken pain killers, it is almost exactly like that. You have a happy feeling in your body and nothing bothers you. You still know that things are happening like you may have a ton of bills to pay, it's still there you but you're not worried about it at all, almost exactly the same as pain killers like codeine.

There's so much more but this is getting too long probably. 

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