
Tom Campbell and others like him?

33 posts in this topic


That video is a nice attempt, but that approach will always fail.

It is not possible to have a scientific theory of everything because a theory is precisely not everything, and neither is science.

Reality is not a code or a language or an equation or a model of any kind.

The only proper theory of everything is: Infinity.

But that's not a theory. That's actual everything (and nothing) ;)

Any attempt to capture the Truth in symbols will always fail. The Truth cannot fit into any kind of box because the box itself is an infinitely small part of the Truth.

What science is trying to do can only be achieved through spirituality. And it was already achieved 5000 years ago. The problem is, people still don't get it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I'm still blown away by the first 2 minutes of it. "You've always been in the pool". That has the sound of infinity to it.

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@cetus56 That part is real good. That's exactly correct. All experiences are in fact eternal. They have existed FOREVER. This very sentence you are reading has existed within Absolute Infinity for eternity. The mind is just overlooking this oh-so-obvious fact.

Right now, look around the room you're in. You are looking at eternity in the flesh.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

The only proper theory of everything is: Infinity.

But that's not a theory. That's actual everything (and nothing) ;)

Any attempt to capture the Truth in symbols will always fail. The Truth cannot fit into any kind of box because the box itself is an infinitely small part of the Truth.

I've noticed some spiritual teachers use terms like "absolute truth" and "relative truths". It seems to be convenient for communication - if both parties agree on usage. 

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35 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@cetus56 All experiences are in fact eternal. They have existed FOREVER. This very sentence you are reading has existed within Absolute Infinity for eternity. The mind is just overlooking this oh-so-obvious fact.

I have a sense of an "eternal now". Yet here, you use past tense (have existed) which suggests a timeline of past and present. I'm coming to realize that the past is a concept and memories are appearances in now. 

When you say "have existed" are you using the conventional past tense or a form of an eternal now?

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@Serotoninluv Just various ways of saying the same thing.

If something is eternal, it has always existed, in a sense.

When I write Truth with a capital T, that is refering to the absolute. Relative truth I write with a lowercase t.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

On that point he is wrong.

He hasn't become fully conscious of infinity because his physics background is in the way.

Reality is actual Infinity. In fact, that's the only thing that exists: infinity. Every other object is just a consequence of infinity.

Reality is infinite both as a whole and as every part of the whole. Infinity contains within it an infinite number of infinities.

This requires a radical, super-human level of consciousness to realize so it's not surprising that very few people realize it. Even those people who are into spirituality, meditation, and nonduality rarely reach Infinity.

Thank you Leo


It's always an honor getting a direct reply from you.



Keep doing your thing, another Me <3


I wish to experience Infinity in this lifetime and I will.


Break all my duality chains and live in the Non-dual


Can't wait for your next video, hope you release it soon


Love Is The Answer

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@Outer There are a thousand ways to say the same thing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Outer There are a thousand ways to say the same thing.

WHen are you going to release your video, man?

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On 8/8/2018 at 2:34 AM, InfinitePotential said:

Here's a great video with Bruce Lipton and Tom Campbell:


Phenomenal video! Highly recommend watching this if you are into both science and nondual consciousness.

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21 hours ago, MarkusR said:

Phenomenal video! Highly recommend watching this if you are into both science and nondual consciousness.

@MarkusR @InfinitePotential  @Leo Gura @anyone else


one thing both Tom Campbell and Bruce Lipton are saying in the video that "our goal" here is to grow the one-consiouness system or lower the entropy of the universe


the key is LOVE ~ working together ~ binding together to grow as a whole of community ~ be selfless ~ be egoless ~ egodeath


so all this points to enlightment - or just the end of the selfishness or the death of the self



they see it and describe it as what would seem to be a "conscious effort" towards this goal - in that, they say this is our purpose to be here and give meaning to this. which all makese sense.. the only issue i got with that is the ABSOLUTE TRUTH from which we see that there is NO GOAL or PURPOSE... would it be okay to state this: that by being selfless and being uncondiontional Love, we will "naturally" let the events unfold which work towards this natural flow of life.. now we can call this a consious effort towards it and say this is out goal OR when we awaken and let out EGO die, this movement occurs on its own and we realize that IT JUST IS (aka no goal) ... i think i may have answered the querry on my own.. just wanted all y'all 2 cents :) 

Love Is The Answer

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