
Tom Campbell and others like him?

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I stumbled upon this fella here after someone posted a video of his in one of the treads.

This guy is amazing. In the sense that he seems "somewhat enlightened" he refers to the universe as a virtual reality...


his view isn't really incorrect... in short: he is calling the absolute/god/Oneness a virtual reality machine


reason why i like his approach is that his background of being a physicist, i am able to use his teachings and experiments he has done to show some of my friends scientific proof about our non-existence (double slit experiment and its variants) 

my friends have asked me before about proofs etc and it gets very difficult to try and get them to have an open mind but Tom's teachings can guide the way for the ignorant. 


I know Leo has mentioned Tom in a few threads as well (also listed him as once of the people at stage turquoise) 


anyone here know any other "teachers" like Tom Campbell? 

and if you know Tom Campbell, any good significant videos of his you may share.


Thank you.



BTW, he is also in the process of making a documentary and doing some more experiments which will really bring all this front and center to the science/general public's eyes.

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In my limited experience, Leo is the most tom Campbell like teacher I have come across

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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Hmmm. I'd agree with you on that one.


I'd say Leo is deeper actually in some sense. But they are both approaching it in a unique way vs the common other ones like mooji, Sadhguru, Rupert Spira etc.



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5 hours ago, SoonHei said:

his view isn't really incorrect... in short: he is calling the absolute/god/Oneness a virtual reality machine

Virtual reality = hallucination = illusion = dream = Maya = the Great Mind

It's exactly the same thing said in different ways.

What "virtual reality" really means is: a reality without substance. Appearances with nothing behind the scenes. Pure information. Software without hardware. Pure mind.

Virtual reality is just another way of saying idealism.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Here's a great video with Bruce Lipton and Tom Campbell:



Joe Dispenza:



Donald Hoffman:


And here's a cool video on digital physics and idealism:


Also you can check out stuff about the holographic universe, both the paranormal book and the hard physics (see Leonard Susskind videos), AND this sick video:


Peter Russell:


Fred Alan Wolf:



“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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@SoonHei Michael Talbot  David Bohm-holographic universe. Awesome stuff. 

In his book, The Holographic Universe, Michael Talbot said, “There is compelling evidence that the only time quanta [electrons] ever manifest as particles is when we are looking at them. When an electron isn‟t being looked at, it is always a wave.” 
To put it the other way around, the natural state of an electron is as a wave. It only pops out of its wave state to form a particle in a specific location in space and time when it is being observed. Then, when it‟s not being observed, it goes back into its wave state. 

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sorry to re-kindle this topic. but one thing i want to sort of clear out for my own understanding is this.


Tom campbell seems to suggest that the "larger consiouness system" aka god/the absolute is not and cannot be INFINTE


he said nothing can really be INFINTE - it can be very very VERY big that it seems INFINITE to us... but it cannot be INFINTE... i understand where he's coming from with his math/physics background... infinity really just is a concept...


until it isn't and that's where we have reality... 


am i right to think that tom campbell, even though he suggests to be open-minded to understand his studies, isn't open-minded enough himself yet to be able to appriciate and say that this is infinty here and now?


he also seems to suggest (unless he's talking about our current life / maya ) that there's this purpose of growing/lowering entropy of the universe by loving each other etc... is this another "trap" on the path to enligtenment that he's fallen on ?


and another thing, he also says the system is not and cannot be "perfect"

but in all of our teachings from spirtuality / leo / so many others. it's always zaid God/Absolute/Oneness is infinte and perfect, total, complete


is he once again stuck in a belief talking about our world of form, in that when given meaning, we would call things imperfect when in reality it is all complete and perfect as it is appearing?



thank you.

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@SoonHei Instead of asking conceptual questions and expecting conceptual answers why not sit in silence and find what is truth in your direct experiance. I'm only saying this b-c conceptual knowledge will only get you so far but direct experiance is everything.

Look at it this way, you can ask a million questions about skydiving, but only the direct experiance of actually jumping out of a plane can show you what is beyond the concepts. I'm giving you this friendly advice b-c you don't want to miss out on the importance of having direct experiance for yourself. The conceptual knowledge pales in comparison to direct experiance.

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@cetus56 thank you as always for your very kind approach. i absolutely appropriate it.


the direct experience for me is something i am working towards. slowly but surely. no psychedelics involved thus far... only Mary Jane thus far


i ask these questions usually to clear something up in my mind which appears as a road-block

this was one point of view which is quite different than the ones i have been introduced to before - spirituality approach vs scientific approach


infinite and perfect universe vs finite and imperfect - the former gives me peace and the sense of POWER that God / Oneness would have.


so when i saw that it could be a possibility of a metaphor of infinity as suggested by Mr. Campbell . i couldn't help but to ask this to clear that up.


and again, my direct experience is a work in progress. unsure how far i am from it seeing that i only really began this work couple of months ago and haven't tried any psychedelics .


only 1 thing i had was that experience i have shared before which you @cetus56 also had where everything broke down and seemed utterly meaningless... definitely far from infinite in that direct experience of mine :) 


thank you once again @cetus56 :) <3 


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7 hours ago, SoonHei said:

sorry to re-kindle this topic. but one thing i want to sort of clear out for my own understanding is this.


Tom campbell seems to suggest that the "larger consiouness system" aka god/the absolute is not and cannot be INFINTE


he said nothing can really be INFINTE - it can be very very VERY big that it seems INFINITE to us... but it cannot be INFINTE... i understand where he's coming from with his math/physics background... infinity really just is a concept...


until it isn't and that's where we have reality... 


am i right to think that tom campbell, even though he suggests to be open-minded to understand his studies, isn't open-minded enough himself yet to be able to appriciate and say that this is infinty here and now?


he also seems to suggest (unless he's talking about our current life / maya ) that there's this purpose of growing/lowering entropy of the universe by loving each other etc... is this another "trap" on the path to enligtenment that he's fallen on ?


and another thing, he also says the system is not and cannot be "perfect"

but in all of our teachings from spirtuality / leo / so many others. it's always zaid God/Absolute/Oneness is infinte and perfect, total, complete


is he once again stuck in a belief talking about our world of form, in that when given meaning, we would call things imperfect when in reality it is all complete and perfect as it is appearing?



thank you.

Just my two cents, but I would say that RELATIVELY speaking, there is nothing infinite.  You couldn't point to an infinite object.  But objectively speaking, going to the Absolute most fundamental nature of reality (like, wth is going on, how is there something rather than nothing), we could call it Infinite.  It can't be pointed to, or grasped intellectually, or written down in a book, etc.

As for the lower entropy thing, I have wanted to research this more.  There is a christian and physicist Hugh Ross whom I believe has a similar viewpoint.  Again, I think relatively speaking, you want to feel good and loving each other is the way to do that.  But absolutely speaking, Reality is an infinite singularity of absolute nothingness that has Infinity couched within it, so to speak.  And it can't be touched and nothing anyone seems to do will ever change that.... For example, humans would HATE for the world to end, and yet objectively speaking who's to say that what humans care about matters?  It reminds me of how Jordan Peterson seems to think there is objective morality... yes certain behaviors and ethics are ingrained in our psychology from billions of years of evolution.  But that's not objective.  Objective is regardless of what any subjective view thinks....

So objectively any growth and entropy decrease and ultimate purpose / story to reality is already existent now.  Perhaps from a relative, linear point of view we are destined to unite, link up the entire universe to form a single conscious system, all get enlightened etc.  Though the popular theory in physics is heat death through increased entropy (til there is absolutely nothing happening in the universe.... perhaps a ripe condition for a new universe to emerge).


Anyways, I disagree that there is nothing infinite.  It makes less sense to me that there is some super large object that is just like "uh guess I exist now... let's go ahead and make stuff happen".  It makes more sense that... well can't be put into words... but that Infinity necessarily exists.  It couldn't have been any other way..... Of course whatever th is going on it's all pretty remarkable.

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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7 minutes ago, InfinitePotential said:

It makes more sense that... well can't be put into words... but that Infinity necessarily exists.  It couldn't have been any other way..... Of course whatever th is going on it's all pretty remarkable.


this right here. that's exactly it.

a very very large object thinking... aite, so what to do etc vs what you're saying here. i'd go with what you're saying


i am sure Tom Campbell understands a heck whole lot more than both of us (acutally, i dunno about ur experieinces/knowdlege) but yeah, that's one thing which can be viewed in a different light


for all we know, what we are talking about here is the SAME EXACT thing but we are calling it by a different "name" (concept) and this is likely the case lol


but saying it this way is more mirrioring of the reality IMO :)


also. can't aruge with that name of yours... INFINTEpotential ::) 

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8 hours ago, SoonHei said:

Tom campbell seems to suggest that the "larger consiouness system" aka god/the absolute is not and cannot be INFINTE

On that point he is wrong.

He hasn't become fully conscious of infinity because his physics background is in the way.

Reality is actual Infinity. In fact, that's the only thing that exists: infinity. Every other object is just a consequence of infinity.

Reality is infinite both as a whole and as every part of the whole. Infinity contains within it an infinite number of infinities.

This requires a radical, super-human level of consciousness to realize so it's not surprising that very few people realize it. Even those people who are into spirituality, meditation, and nonduality rarely reach Infinity.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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25 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


This requires a radical, super-human level of consciousness to realize so it's not surprising that very few people realize it. Even those people who are into spirituality, meditation, and nonduality rarely reach Infinity.

What do you mean? Ive experienced infinity many times without drugs i dont have super human level of conciousness

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@NoSelfSelf Maybe you are taking your level of consciousness for granted.

There are also many levels of depth of seeing infinity.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura mybe because my conciousness hasnt found how to share my gifts with the world...yeah true some experience i saw that im the t shirt in front of me could feel a connection sometimes i could see infinity far away in the distance  sometimes my vision becomes really sharp its always different...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf I notice that many naturally spiritually-gifted people -- because their consciousness comes to them so effortlessly -- just take it completely for granted that this is how all human being are. Which greatly overestimates the abilities of ordinary folk.

From an enlightened-master's POV, his consciousness does not seem super-human to him. But from the ordinary folks POV, it is.

Psychedelics make this very clear because they expand consciousness so dramatically in such a short period of time, and then drop you back down just as fast. Which creates a great sense of the degrees that consciousness comes in.

By doing years of slow, gradual meditation work, people can easily forget just how unconscious they used to be and just how much they've grown.

For example, I often catch myself taking my last 5 years of growth for granted. Sorta just assuming that all people are like me, and that even I was like me 5 years ago. But this is an illusion. I've grown enormously. It's just become my new normal to the point where its hard to even remember how unconscious I used to be.

The average person is nowhere close to being able to see infinity. I still struggle seeing it sober even though intellectually I know I'm smack dab inside it all the time.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Good to know. It makes perfect sense. Being skilled at adapting that to each situation is a different story tho.

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Interesting how the E8 looks strikingly similar to the Om mandala


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