Black Flag

What does it mean to not judge? How can we not?

10 posts in this topic

I feel I'm misunderstanding.

When it is said: Don't judge people (e.g. where they are in the spi-dy model) or do not judge yourself (common to say to people when first learning to meditate)... what does this mean?

If I want to improve as a person, surely I must judge my actions in order to make a decision. If I don't judge, can I still make this decision? I must weigh up all the sides of the story to investigate the most healthy outcome right? How would I be able to reach a decision in what to do if I didn't judge my way of thinking? 

If someone were to cold blood murder someone, I would say that this is incorrect behavior. I have judged between someone committing murder and not committing murder and concluded that it would be best for no murder at all. In another situation, perhaps the best way is for the murder to happen. I have judged the situation depending on the person and the environment... how can I not judge this? 

When we say judgement, do we really mean criticizing or finding fault that has negative emotion attached to it? I'm also feeling right now that I shouldn't be judging anyone or anything, as this is "bad". Perhaps I'm stuck in some form moralizing? 

Can someone help clarify? 


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2 hours ago, Black Flag said:

I'm also feeling right now that I shouldn't be judging anyone or anything, as this is "bad". Perhaps I'm stuck in some form moralizing?

Yes! That's the problem.

All is one and reality is infinite, so to impose limitations on yourself and others would be to live in falsehood and cause damage in the process.

If you notice someone acting too unconscious, I encourage you to judge them. Judge the shit out of them if necessary.

The key is to judge consciously. If it's out of love, it's okay.

Namaste. ?

The man who changes the world is the man who changes himself.

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@Black Flag

Make the distinction between observation and judgment.

Observation: Today I went to the grocery store and bought cookies. This violated the diet I've been on.

Judgment: Today I went to the grocery store and bought cookies. I'm such an idiot, I can't believe I ruined my diet. I'll never get skinny. Fuck.

Observation is just data. It's the difference between the facts of the situation and the stories we add on. Complete detachment from the situation, almost like you were viewing everything in third person.

You can recognize something isn't "good" and still not judge it. I don't like smoking, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go around shaming people who smoke. You just recognize they're on their own journey and doing what they think is right.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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If your ego is judging others do you think it is correct? 

Does your judge seek to punish those who do not conform to your egos rules?

are you following a practice and watching yourself progress through this practice? Are you steering yourself in the direction of the path you are following without judgement towards yourself when you veer off the path?

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For Enlightenment, you wanna just accept BE-ing in the moment without pre-judgments or pre-expectations.  So, just let judgment happen, don't try to judge or not judge.  The idea that there's a you that's judging is clinging to the 'Paradigm of Self'.  What if judgments were just part of what's here?  Could you surrender to BE-ing in such a way that you'd be ok with whatever happens?

Don't try not to judge.  Raise your awareness instead.  I know this is counter-intuitive because we wanna do something for Enlightenment, right.  But Enlightenment is only BE-ing in the moment without pre-judgments or pre-expectations.  You're surrendering to BE-ing without pre-judgments, that's doesn't mean that you don't judge.  Judgments will be part of your experience when you surrender to BE-ing -- they just won't be 'your' judgments anymore.  And that hinges on the degree that you can transcend the 'Paradigm of Self or No Self' -- the only way you can do that is to locate and embody BE-ing.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor  how do you define judgement? Are you saying that judgement exists after enlightenment? Or are you describing a device or technique to bypass the the thought that judgement is “bad” altogether ?



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On 8/6/2018 at 0:38 PM, Black Flag said:
On 8/6/2018 at 0:38 PM, Black Flag said:

If someone were to cold blood murder someone, I would say that this is incorrect behavior. I have judged between someone committing murder and not committing murder and concluded that it would be best for no murder at all. In another situation, perhaps the best way is for the murder to happen. I have judged the situation depending on the person and the environment... how can I not judge this? 




If it were me, the first thing I would do is call the police & have the murderer arrested.  If I know about it & keep it quiet, it could turn me into an accomplice & it would be the same as if I had killed her with my own two hands.  The courts can do the judging whilst I remain free.  There is no judgement from me here.  However, there are consequences for a person's actions based on the society in which they live.  It's automatic & you don't have to enforce it yourself (unless that's your job).

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We judge in the relative world all the time.

He is tall.

She is driving too fast.

That was a great movie.

Urban Meyer should be fired.

What a beautiful sunset!!

Any adjective, adverb or opinion is a judgement in a relative world. Now, some judgments can be harmful (she is such a bitch!!!) or benign (I think Kendrick Lamar is a better rapper than Drake). 

If we take a closer look. . . all judgments are relative and empty. NONE are True in an absolute sense. Delusion arises when we actually believe the judgement is True and Real. 

Take a look behind the curtain - what exists PRIOR to the judgement?

Consider this hack: sit and wait for a judgement. A real juicy one. When it arises, observe it from a distance. Give yourself some space from the thought. See if you can notice it appear and disappear. If you can do free from attachement, you may realize that the appearance/disappearance of the thought has no more relevance, in an absolute sense, than the appearance/disappearance of a bird chirp.

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