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Dreaming about death

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It starts by being chased. There are many different variations of this claustrophobic feeling. Many times i find myself chasing the pursuer. This is where the belief " you have to dive into your fears" has sunk a little into the subconcious and influenced my decision when i was not lucid.  

Which raises some questions but i digress. Most of the time it starts with me being chased and then as the story develops i begin chasing aggressively, out of fear.

As i begin chasing the pursuer we eventually find ourselves running into pitch black darkness.  As soon as we enter the darkness it's as if the evil i was pursuing becomes one with the darkness and envelops me completely. The feeling like you're diving into water, but darkness. Surrounded. 

So this one person or entity i was chasing. All of a sudden became everything and it was there all around me.  I knew it was there, looking but no where to be found but who's presence was all around me.

The dream will either reset and i'll assume various positions in the dream and in various points in it's progression of the tour. And just play them out until it's done. 

It's a recurring dream.




Edited by MisterMan

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Nice to hear i'm not alone :)

I had some further thoughts last night with regards to this. As i began to remember more and more dreams, some bad some pure excitement and happiness and joy. I began to remember all the different locations in my dreams and the assorted meaning or story that takes place in each one. 

I then began to notice which might come as obvious to many that these dreams were a direct reflection of my waking life. Say for example, a still lake reflecting the clouds above. 

What if someone asked wether the reflection of the clouds on the lake were not real? This is how i felt about the dream world. 

So the distinction between waking and dream like became blurry. As i saw the two like the organism of a tree, where one is above gound and another is below. The two only seem separate but really are one.

I was able to filter out all the nonsense and focus on the emotional status of each dream. In other words how each dream made me feel, and how it related to my waking life.

I noticed that in both my waking life and the dream world, each world drew from the same emotions.  In other words the emotions that dictated my life were also  the same emotions that compelled my dreams.

Crazy stuff. I get so high off the implications. 


I also came to see that just like my mind is just running simulations and worlds when i'm asleep, there are real similarities in how i project my perspective and outlook in waking life. Which really gets the juices flowing. 

Coupled with your senses being a relationship between a set of frequencies, and the instrument you possess to interpret these frequencies there is no "outside" world. Man shit is getting crazier and crazier. It's like the senses that you are privy to are a wall that you cannot see past or behind. You cannot see beyond the senses. In a sense, it blinds you. 


Edited by MisterMan

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