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some questions

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Simple questions, would appreciate honest and seirous answers : 

1) Why did I create all this?

2) Why am I experiencing consciousness individually? 

3) If the buddha broke the cycle of rebirth, how am I still here? 



Meditation is like polishing a brick to make a mirror. Philosophy is like a net to catch water. The buddah did not meditate. It's just how he sits. 

- Alan Watts 

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these are some powerful questions

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44 minutes ago, Pramit said:

Simple questions, would appreciate honest and seirous answers : 

1) Why did I create all this?

2) Why am I experiencing consciousness individually? 

3) If the buddha broke the cycle of rebirth, how am I still here? 


We want answers to our questions but do we not need to question/investigate the very nature of questions themselves, and what we hope to gain from the answers? 

Does the mind use questions to perpetuate itself/perpetuate the “questioner”/“I”?

Does the mind seek knowledge in the form of answers to its questions because the mind itself is made out of knowledge/the known, and is therefore always accumulating what can be known to perpetuate itself?

Is it not the compulsive nature of mind/thinking to create problems, questions, or issues, then go about trying to solve them, in a self-feeding loop?

Will questions and their answers just perpetuate more questions?

Does one seek answers to questions or observe this very quality of seeking inherent to mind itself?

Edited by robdl

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25 minutes ago, Pramit said:

2) Why am I experiencing consciousness individually? 


How come you perceive to be experiencing consciousness individually?

what is individual consciousness to you?

if you believe you experience individual consciousness, does that not mean you have a feeling that you're not experiencing unity consciousness? what does it feel like, this feeling of not experiencing unity consciousness, where does this feeling come from?

what supports this feeling that things could be more? which place is that, from where does it feel? your heart?your hand, your feet, the sky?what is going on here?

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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Can we see that the mind seeking identity, the mind seeking pleasure, the mind escaping fear, the mind seeking knowledge, and the mind seeking answers are all one and the same as thought seeking security in its own movement?

To see the fact of it directly, not to ponder, accept/deny the concept of it via intellectual thinking?

Edited by robdl

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1 hour ago, robdl said:

To see the fact of it directly, not to ponder, accept/deny the concept of it via intellectual thinking?


Seeing the whole of that fact, free of any fragmented movement of division. 

Not escape the fact to such abstractions as, “resting as awareness”, for example

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I'll be answering from what I've understood from Prior to Consciousness lectures of Nisargadatta Maharaj. There will be a note at the end, make sure you read it as well.

10 hours ago, Pramit said:

1) Why did I create all this?

No one in particular is responsible for any of this. This is all a spontaneous happening. Only the Absolute is. Ever present. Out of that, this knowingness/consciousness appeared spontaneously with birth and from Consciousness came the world. Consciousness is that seed in which the whole trea of life resides. There is no individual cause and effect. Just a spontaneous happening. That Consciousness appeared as an expression of Absolute without anyone's permission. And similarly it will dissolve spontaneously into the Absolute at some point without anyone's permission (after your death). All the while, the Absolute is only reality that exists. untouched, unaffected, unchanged, ever present.

10 hours ago, Pramit said:

2) Why am I experiencing consciousness individually? 

That's an optical illusion of Consciousness from your part. There is nothing personal in the Absolute. You are already and only the Absolute. But just because you don't know that, you identify yourself with all other stuff and that creates the illusion of individuality. 

10 hours ago, Pramit said:

3) If the buddha broke the cycle of rebirth, how am I still here? 

You're not here. Once again, that's the optical illusion. No one was ever here. A seed of knowingness appears at birth and with it comes the optical illusion. The Absolute is beyond knowingness and unknowingness. The Absolute can't know itself. Because there is nothing else in existence for the Absolute to contrast with and know itself. The Absolute just is. The question ''who am I'' arises in Consciousness because it perceives many other objects. The absolute just is. That is where a Jnani is.


Talking about these questions are nothing but mental masturbation and idea building. The only purpose answering these question can serve is when the questioner gets his mental itch scratched, so that he can actually start the journey while putting aside his doubt. Whatever is said about The Absolute, is by default false. These questions will be satisfied completely when you discover yourself as a Jnani.

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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14 hours ago, Pramit said:

Simple questions, would appreciate honest and seirous answers : 

1) Why did I create all this?

Cause you’re eternal & alone. 

2) Why am I experiencing consciousness individually? 

Cause you’re alone. There is One, so there’s no other way. 

3) If the buddha broke the cycle of rebirth, how am I still here? 

Buddha referred to the cycles of duality in your mind based on the belief in life & death. There’s no reincarnation, there is just you. 






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