
I feel like there's nothing special about anything

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@0ne you can't find something special by asking us for it. Everyone differs in what he finds special. I'm sure you find some things more special than others. Try and contemplate for yourself what special means at first and then try to see in life things that are special. I'm sure you agree that good emotions are special. If you feel better for a thing than for another thing, then it is special. If you feel better looking at someone who helps you with something than with someone who doesn't then that human is special for you. In the grand scheme of things of course nothing is special...except the grand scheme itself ?

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  On 8/5/2018 at 1:09 PM, 0ne said:

Am I wrong?

if that's how you feel, how can you possibly be wrong?

the question is... is that how you want to feel about your life?

unborn Truth

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I absolutely don't! But I have realized that expecting something extraordinary as a result of personal development is futile and now I'm left with this really plain reality, which I also don't seem to be having any control over.

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@Outer I think many dictionary definitions are limited in perspective.

By special I mean that feeling of fulfillment.

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No, it's made up. 

But if you'd really feel that way fully, that would be liberation, but your body and other people's bodies probably still means something essential to the idea of your existence, in other words, death still has meaning.

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@0ne Try a psychedelic ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@0ne Of course. Nothing is special about anything.


However, everything is special

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You decide what attitude you have towards life.

You can see magic and extraordinary things everywhere or nowhere.

Beauty can be found everywhere, in the small things, like watching a bird fly or looking at an ant carrying a fly on his back.

Or Beauty can be found nowhere. YOU DECIDE how you see the world.

Maybe you are depressed a bit, Creativity is a good remedy for depression:)

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  On 8/5/2018 at 3:46 PM, 0ne said:

@Outer I think many dictionary definitions are limited in perspective.

By special I mean that feeling of fulfillment.

If you have the money, I suggest you buy Leo's Life Purpose Course to find something that would fulfill you.

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  On 8/5/2018 at 1:09 PM, 0ne said:

I feel like there's nothing special about anything

Am I wrong?

The mind likes to conclude these things. :) So yes If you look at every experience as not being special sure there is nothing wrong with that.  However the opposite is also true, that every experience special. You will never have the same experience twice so everything is special.

Which perspective will bring you the most enjoyment?


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You are loved you are special. Genesis 1 in creation all things made good nothing bad all God created was good. Was loved.. Eternal love.


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  On 8/5/2018 at 1:09 PM, 0ne said:

Am I wrong?

The whole creation has no real "meaning". It's just consciousness wanting to observe itself in the world. You know now that there is nothing special - that gives you freedom to decide what is special for you - if only in a small sense of the word. As my friends replied earlier - what makes you smile and laugh? What brings you joy? As you delve deeper into your Self you'll find that nothing is stationary and every experience is unique in itself - even a moth dancing near your light bulb might make you happier. Sending love!

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  On 8/5/2018 at 1:09 PM, 0ne said:

Am I wrong?


This is how you think about yourself, cause that’s all there is, It’s an incredibly limited and false view void of understanding or even the beginnings of self inquiry. 




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