
Fascinating discussion of 3 people dancing around nonduality

3 posts in this topic

Just watched this youtube video featuring 3 people that are very very, intelligent. They discuss nihilism, but of course from a dualistic perspective. Many, many times they border on the possibility that all of reality is groundless, but that's never really explored...

Well ya can't blame them, the only way to explore it is by drowning in silence ^_^


Just as a disclaimer, I'm not trying to discredit these guys at all. I just found it fascinating that you could intellectually reach the edges of duality but nevertheless end up trapped. I suggest you check out more of Cosmicskeptic's stuff, though he is fundamentally one of those "Atheist channels" that seem to run contradictory to most of the stuff we do here at, the guy really does try hard to push his boundaries and you can see him questioning a lot of things including himself.

It's Love.

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@RendHeaven omg I can’t stand it, it’s like not being able to take my eyes off a train wreck coming. Don’t you wish you were in the yard nextdoor so you could yell over the fence “it’s You”!!!



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