
Enlightenment And The Paranormal...

14 posts in this topic

Hi all,

Bit fearful of posting this topic, as the paranormal is a topic of discussion not always welcomed... but I am curious as to where this fits in, in the realm of enlightenment...

I have always been intrigued by this topic, "ghost" videos, watching things move on their own, voices in recordings, psychics... you know... all that "woooo wooo" stuff? More so since my mom passed away, perhaps in need of affirmation that life goes on, I guess... I have had my own odd and unexplained experiences, and having now started this journey of enlightenment, I've been thinking of where these experiences fit in...

And so, my fellow forumers, I ask... where does the after life or existence of it fit in, in this spiritual enlightenment realm? Is there a place for it? 

Thank you for your consideration...


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Dear Nicole, 

I'm deeply sorry for your loss,

to answer your question, I'm sure today that yes there is. It really seems that I had connections between the world of the invisible and the one we all share here. That is why I'm listening hardcore to Leo's stuff today. 

I will share my personal experience soon, it is a quiet long story, I'm not sure by now if I should create a topic for my paranormal and blessing experiences and if it should be shared at all here. 

I will let you know! 

But to sum up, I have been given moment of grace, which thank to Leo's video I could later on label as enlightened moments, as it was fitting his description of enlightenment, and I could give more details to his descriptions. I was for a few weeks not labeling this moments as such, not labeling it at all, not understanding really what happened at those moments.

Leo says at one point that there are levels of enlightenment , you can see the bull (enlightenment), grab his tail or ride it.

I grabbed the bull's tail and got a few hair, but those moments of grace were forced on to me. I didn't work hardcore for it. 

I didn't ride the bull, or maybe I did, and I fell down... I don't know... But I had this after meeting a medium /trance healer, someone that heals with spirits.

I belonged to the people that only want to believe what they see. Now my beliefs don't have limits. The only real thing is the experience itself. I'm now sure that there is more to this life experience than just what we see. Still not sure what it is, not trying to understand it really, they are things we are just not able to understand, but I will try to find out what I can do to help others and my self with it.

My personal advice is that you can be open for anything, the world is more complex than it seems. Trust your intuition and instinct, forget what is rational, we live in a truly magic univers.

Take good care

Edited by Nic

Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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6 hours ago, Nicole2602 said:

Hi all,

Bit fearful of posting this topic, as the paranormal is a topic of discussion not always welcomed... but I am curious as to where this fits in, in the realm of enlightenment...

I have always been intrigued by this topic, "ghost" videos, watching things move on their own, voices in recordings, psychics... you know... all that "woooo wooo" stuff? More so since my mom passed away, perhaps in need of affirmation that life goes on, I guess... I have had my own odd and unexplained experiences, and having now started this journey of enlightenment, I've been thinking of where these experiences fit in...

And so, my fellow forumers, I ask... where does the after life or existence of it fit in, in this spiritual enlightenment realm? Is there a place for it? 

Thank you for your consideration...


Hi @Nicole2602 !

I dont know about ghost. I have never seem them.

What happens in enlightenment is that you become One with the absolute, source, god anyway you want to call it. You do "visit" return to that. It is the place we came from and where we are all going. That is what happens (among other things).

This is not something you can plan. It is a natural result of your change in vibration.

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I don't have any personal experience with spirits or the afterlife but this seems very interesting to consider. I hope it helps!

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I don't know what happens after you die, but there are some interesting ideas, and some interested studies done in relation to NDE's, OBE's, rebirth, etc... 

Probably the most "sound" study is this one:

Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation: Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged




Ultimately it is a matter of faith. Personally I am "agnostic" on these topics... they could be "true" but there is no clear cut evidence that would pass the purely "materialistic" sceptic test. 

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The paranormal is also part of the illusory side of life, which you are trying to transcend.

Be indifferent to it or ignore it. Otherwise it can become a huge burden.

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15 hours ago, Nicole2602 said:

Hi all,

Bit fearful of posting this topic, as the paranormal is a topic of discussion not always welcomed... but I am curious as to where this fits in, in the realm of enlightenment...

I have always been intrigued by this topic, "ghost" videos, watching things move on their own, voices in recordings, psychics... you know... all that "woooo wooo" stuff? More so since my mom passed away, perhaps in need of affirmation that life goes on, I guess... I have had my own odd and unexplained experiences, and having now started this journey of enlightenment, I've been thinking of where these experiences fit in...

And so, my fellow forumers, I ask... where does the after life or existence of it fit in, in this spiritual enlightenment realm? Is there a place for it? 

Thank you for your consideration...


If you think about enlightenment as waking up from a dream... think about exploring the paranormal as exploring the weirder, subtler aspects of the dream. You'll never make progress toward enlightenment by developing psychic abilities, past life regression, knowledge of the chakras, etc. But it is a possibility to develop these skills... I would wager. Shinzen Young refers to this as exploring the "power realms."

So, think of paranormal experiences and normal experiences on the same level. They are all couched within the dream. But enlightenment is the only way to wake up from that dream, shy of death. Don't let yourself get distracted by them if you're seeking enlightenment.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Emerald Wilkins @Henri

Nicole, basically it is not the normal or the paranormal experience the problem, the problem is your interpretation of it or you trying to understand it. Experience is the only real thing there is. Embrace whatever comes to you, notice it, let it be as it is, then let go of it. I personally don't have a problem with it anymore, as long as I don't ask myself questions about it. I just accept it as it is. For me there is room for psychic abilities and enlightenment. You have a gift, a tool, use it wisely. 

Edited by Nic

Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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1 hour ago, Nic said:

@Emerald Wilkins @Henri

Nicole, basically it is not the normal or the paranormal experience the problem, the problem is your interpretation of it or you trying to understand it. Experience is the only real thing there is. Embrace whatever comes to you, notice it, let it be as it is, then let go of it. I personally don't have a problem with it anymore, as long as I don't ask myself questions about it. I just accept it as it is. For me there is room for psychic abilities and enlightenment. You have a gift, a tool, use it wisely. 

Well said. :)

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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Thanks to everyone for your replies and insights.

I agree with everyone's thinking that this aspect of reality must be viewed within the realm of experience only, and that thinking or analysis of this may not be particularly relevant or even a burden as Henri says.

I suppose I'm just curious as to why these things happen. If ,as far as my very limited understanding of these things goes, you leave your body and are now in another form... you would recognize yourself as such. You would be your true self, yes? Why then would you hang around houses, moving things around? Or make an appearance at a John Edward show to "say" things to previous loved ones? Is that even "you" anymore saying or doing these things? Clearly not as far as the enlightenment topic goes, but it still happens... (there is some compelling evidence to substantiate this...)

Hope I'm making sense! Feeling the rabbit hole opening up on this one...

I suppose as well, having lost someone, there's a "need" I guess to know if that person is still around in some way? Sounds like an attack of ego, I know... I want to know if MY mom is still somewhere around ME...

Anyway, I'm feeling very lost in thought now, so I'll just say thanks again to all for the response... feeling very blessed to have found this forum and have a chance to talk with like-minded people.

Have a great day!

<3 Nicole

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Hello Nicole,

I'm sorry to tell you that if I come with a degree telling you how and why ghosts behave, it would only satisfy your need for answers, leading you to new questions. I personally have also not much understanding of it, at first I was also trying to look for answers. But to give you answers would not help you to get closer to the truth. It would only feel good for your rational part of the mind hating running desperately in circle for an answer, it just hates doubts, and would do anything to find a so called rational answer.

Trust your intuition, if you feel she is here, then she is, if you want to tell her something, that you love her, do it, it won't be more ridiculous than people talking to themselves, expressing love is never a bad thing to do. I would like to tell you to pray for her that she can leave, I suppose ghost aren't ment to stay on earth, and that you will go fine without her, but I'm not sure about it, you got to see a competent (free of charge) medium for this.

But mediums will satisfy the mind, not help you live in peace, to be in the now, so they will nourish what you actually trying to free yourself of here, this is why I would not try to use my so called paranormal abilities and improve them to get questioned answered. But do what ever feels right for you. You can even go to school of mediumship, the Arthur Findlay College in England is the most famous school for training of mediumship, it's like Harry Potter school. It's just not my thing. I want to get to the root of all problems, not looking for answers all the time.

My advice is trying letting go of your mother, your questions, your thoughts and the past you are hanging on to, You do this by quieting the mind, trough meditation and then you'll notice that all the chatter, even the chatter about the chatter, makes no sens at all,

Your suffering about your loss right now can help you rise in awareness, be thankful for whatever comes in your way. 

Good luck by embracing life!


Edited by Nic

Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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@Nic thank you again for your response and advice... easier said than done but I do take your point. 

Namaste ?

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I honestly don't think this idea is worth entertaining at all. But whatever makes you happy. 

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