
Why would I need to grow myself if I could achieve happiness with techniques?

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I can just practice kriya for the rest of my life, or go to a cave and meditate and be absolutely blissful, why would I need to read books, get a life purpose, contribute, get relationships, develop my personality and all that stuff? people do those things just to be happy, but if I can be happy just doing spirituality why would I need to do all that? those things just slow down the process

edit: people misunderstand me, I mean that I cant be happy now, but I can achieve that solely by the practices, my question is why would I need all of the other stuff?

Edited by Viking

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12 minutes ago, Viking said:

I can just practice kriya for the rest of my life, or go to a cave and meditate and be absolutely blissful, why would I need to read books, get a life purpose, contribute, get relationships, develop my personality and all that stuff? people do those things just to be happy, but if I can be happy just doing spirituality why would I need to do all that? those things just slow down the process

Your free to do anything you want. Do what feels true for you.

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12 minutes ago, Viking said:

if I can be happy just doing spirituality why would I need to do all that?

You need food, clothing and shelter too ! 

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14 minutes ago, Viking said:

I can just practice kriya for the rest of my life, or go to a cave and meditate and be absolutely blissful

@Viking I'd suggest living under a bridge for a month and see how that goes first.

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try being happy for 1 full day, start to end, using spiritual techniques. see how you go

you're right to say that you need nothing outside of yourself, but before you jump the gun, can you create sustained unshakable happiness and peace now? What use is happiness that only applies when you're in a cave or your room alone practicing? Those are just more conditions and chains.

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2 minutes ago, Arman said:

try being happy for 1 full day, start to end, using spiritual techniques. see how you go

you're right to say that you need nothing outside of yourself, but before you jump the gun, can you create sustained unshakable happiness and peace now? What use is happiness that only applies when you're in a cave or your room alone practicing? Those are just more conditions and chains.

what I meant is that whole happiness you're talking about could be achieved using the practices, in daily life too, I didnt talk about happiness that depends on sitting in a cave.

I asked if I could achieve that, using solely practices, why would I need all the other stuff? I cant sustain it now obviously, but i can get to that point using the techniques, so why would I need other stuff?

Edited by Viking

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Just now, okulele said:

@Viking If you actually can do it, go sit in a cave and do kriya only. But can you actually do it?

Do you mean that I need the "other stuff", in order to sustain myself getting to the happiness place?

Edited by Viking

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1 hour ago, Viking said:

why would I need to read books, get a life purpose, contribute, get relationships, develop my personality and all that stuff? 

I agree. Poor use of time and effort and energy. 

Invest everything you have into sadhana and become a budhha ;)

Whether you're able to sit in a cave and meditate for 24h or not is not the point. Just whatever your capabilities are use everything for spirituality. :) Seeking carier, fame, money, relationships are distractions

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need. 

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1 minute ago, Viking said:

what I meant is that whole happiness you're talking about could be achieved using the practices, in daily life too, I didnt talk about happiness that depends on sitting in a cave.

I asked if I could achieve that, using solely practices, why would I need all the other stuff? I cant sustain it now obviously, but i can get to that point using the techniques, so why would I need other stuff?

you don't need it per se, but you can't avoid it either because that's resistance. as long as you're human, you're going to have to deal with relationships and moving through the world. even someone who sits by himself has to deal with all his inner demons and relationship dynamics by himself. what then is the difference between spiritual work by doing nothing and spiritual work by being active in the world?

the happiest people are freely engaged in life without being attached to it

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That's like asking, I've married but why should I fuck my wife lol.

Dude nothing is set in stone. Just do what you feels right for you. 

What sort of justifications are you looking for? Its your life. Live that. That's your only full time job 

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Just now, Arman said:

you don't need it per se, but you can't avoid it either because that's resistance. as long as you're human, you're going to have to deal with relationships and moving through the world. even someone who sits by himself has to deal with all his inner demons and relationship dynamics by himself. what then is the difference between spiritual work by doing nothing and spiritual work by being active in the world?

the happiest people are freely engaged in life without being attached to it

so basically what you're saying is that I have this built in "stuff" that wont let me just get to the happiness. I need to accept that im fucked up and deal with it, and get to happiness while dealing with it.

Just now, Preetom said:

That's like asking, I've married but why should I fuck my wife lol.

Dude nothing is set in stone. Just do what you feels right for you. 

What sort of justifications are you looking for? Its your life. Live that. That's your only full time job 

lmao I dont want to live my life, I just want to be happy. living my life is a side thing. nothing feels right for me except addictions

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1 minute ago, Viking said:

so basically what you're saying is that I have this built in "stuff" that wont let me just get to the happiness. I need to accept that im fucked up and deal with it, and get to happiness while dealing with it.

no, it only stops you from getting to happiness if you judge it as a barrier or a problem. none of it has any inherent meaning except for that which you apply to it

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1 hour ago, Viking said:

edit: people misunderstand me, I mean that I cant be happy now, but I can achieve that solely by the practices, my question is why would I need all of the other stuff?

You've already answered your question here. You see, both of the options that you've mentioned in your post are ideas of happiness in the future at some point. You really have no idea actually how it will turn out if you're honest. And you'll never truly know until you actually go down that path. So all this discussion is futile.

5 minutes ago, Viking said:

lmao I dont want to live my life, I just want to be happy. living my life is a side thing. nothing feels right for me except addictions

Maybe that's your journey right now. Maybe you have to hammer this nail called addiction over and over again until you finally get over it realizing it's futility. Not everyone's path is the same and not everyone will have the same experiences.

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17 minutes ago, Artaemis said:

All of those things are like an extension of your metaphysical happiness.

For example, I could just meditate on my partner's presence all day, I don't need to be in a relationship or do anything, I am completely happy and fulfilled already. Being in a relationship with my partner is secondary and not really necessary. But the joy that comes from seeing my partner's presence in such vibrant detail and depth, constantly evolving with his expressions and movements is definitely something I enjoy having in my life. And because he can feel my unconditional love, I am more likely to actually be in 'possession' of him. 

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these. things shall be added unto you."

Same goes for many other areas, not just relationships.

Oh, finally an answer that satisfies me, thank you. Now I understand much better buddha's "The middle path". Just gotta be careful not to attach to those "extra" happinesses.

Then I thought "if I indulge in those happinesses itll take me more time to get to the real happiness" but it's false, because if I dont indulge ill feel unmotivated so it will take me even more time or even never.

I guess what I gotta do is have a daily "god practice", retreats here and there, contemplations when they feel right, and the rest is normal goal oriented/relationship stuff in priority order that will bring the most overall average happiness

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It could be said of him that while others chased the mirage of happiness, he was happy with being content.” “Happiness is a reality of NOW, it not not something that you pursue in the future. Don't pursue happiness, but EXUDE happiness.” “Meditate upon yourself and you'll find bliss.”

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Just now, cetus56 said:

It could be said of him that while others chased the mirage of happiness, he was happy with being content.” “Happiness is a reality of NOW, it not not something that you pursue in the future. Don't pursue happiness, but EXUDE happiness.” “Meditate upon yourself and you'll find bliss.”

doesnt help me and this kind of advice never helped me. you dont talk at my level of consciousness.

Edited by Viking

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5 minutes ago, Viking said:

doesnt help me and this kind of advice never helped me. you dont talk at my level of consciousness.

On point. I often have this feeling when reading comments that sound like cryptic guru quotes. Perhaps it's true but it's not resonating with people on a different level of consiousness.

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Perhaps the happiness the techniques can bring, will open avenues of growth not yet perceived or considered. One thing practices do as a consequence of doing them consistently, is bring more clarity of mind,and "seeing things more clearly"(clearer perception).
"Things" not as in objects,but a clearer,opening up of perception. Of possibilities not previously seen/perceived due to "mind clutter,cloudiness,fogginess etc. Like cleaning dirt off a windshield. If you're consistent,it won't take long to notice. It's easily noticeable when it happens.

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8 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

That's wrong, not everyone have relationships.

Everything is relationship. Relationship to yourself, to the people and other living beings around you, to the objects around you.

There is not one second in life where humans are without any relationship, besides deep sleep and probably the highest forms of samadhi.

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