
Am I Brain Washed?

11 posts in this topic

I told a few of my friends that I prefer to have light skin and that I don't like going to the beach because I get tan. All of a sudden I'm being told I'm brain washed and that I have a closed mind, or that I need to learn about human history. I'm being told I'm brain washed because I'm succumbing to "white power" and the notion that "whiteness" is ideal, or that social media is brain washing me. I'm baffled and at this point I'm offended because I'm a Dominican kid with a poor family born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I simply told them I don't like tans and getting darker and that I want to stay as light as possible because its how I was born and how I have always been. If the color of my skin was dark then i wouldn't want to be light skin. It angered me to the point I turned red that they thought I was brain washed and felt i want to be closer to whites and the "white class" because i want my skin to stay the way it is. They said that subconsciously I want to be white and that I don't even know it; I thought to myself how can you tell me how I feel.  After I calmed down i thought about Leo's video and how he talks about breaking the knowledge graph and not knowing. So is it possible that I don't know, that subconsciously maybe thats why I want my skin to be lighter? Or that I'm closed minded, or brainwashed? 

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I don't think you are closed minded.  You have the right to be the way you want to be.

The problem is that people always want to judge others, just don't pay attention to them. Tell them that you are not brain washed, that you are Ok being how you are, and if they think different, it's Ok.

I suggest you to watch this Leo video.




You don't have to get red or angry because people think differently than you

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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NOOOO. tanning is super unhealthy for your skin. fuck those guys.

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Who is fair? Who is aware of being fair? The body is fair, the brain is washed - maybe - who is the one concerned?

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"Am I Brain Washed?"

Yes, we all are, you were raised in this world after all but at least you're (hopefully/seemingly) not nearly as fucked up as you're friends lol, they're just stuck in the trees of good and evil and you're not racist at all for having preferences like that.

btw, both me and two of my friends agree with you 100% while my sisters and mother compete over who can be the brownest lol (guess they're anti-whites then ha ha ;)), it's all just opinions and preferences and it all comes down to the wheel of fortune, that's what decide what we'll desire etc, there's no "right" and "wrong" there.

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A good meditation is like a good brainwash..9_9 Everything becomes clear again.

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Our ego is brainwashed, let it go.


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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Be careful with Tm. The Tm organisation tries to suppress the fact, that studies report approximately '40% of people', that practise tm, they develop adverse effects. I have been reading mass about it lately. Do like 15 min of practise every day and if you do develop symptoms, then stop.
I am also eager to see, if i get banned for saying this, but it is necessary. People are right to know and nor do they need to pay thousands of dollars for a mantra, when they are shown on websites.

Edited by StonerLord

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On ‎3‎/‎21‎/‎2016 at 10:30 PM, Antman431 said:

I told a few of my friends that I prefer to have light skin and that I don't like going to the beach because I get tan. All of a sudden I'm being told I'm brain washed and that I have a closed mind, or that I need to learn about human history. I'm being told I'm brain washed because I'm succumbing to "white power" and the notion that "whiteness" is ideal, or that social media is brain washing me. I'm baffled and at this point I'm offended because I'm a Dominican kid with a poor family born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I simply told them I don't like tans and getting darker and that I want to stay as light as possible because its how I was born and how I have always been. If the color of my skin was dark then i wouldn't want to be light skin. It angered me to the point I turned red that they thought I was brain washed and felt i want to be closer to whites and the "white class" because i want my skin to stay the way it is. They said that subconsciously I want to be white and that I don't even know it; I thought to myself how can you tell me how I feel.  After I calmed down i thought about Leo's video and how he talks about breaking the knowledge graph and not knowing. So is it possible that I don't know, that subconsciously maybe thats why I want my skin to be lighter? Or that I'm closed minded, or brainwashed? 

I don't like getting a tan either... not that I cold even tan if I wanted to. I just kind of burst into flames when I go outside. So, I stay very ghosty, but I think it works for me. :) This is contrary to my culture's ideal, which generally prefers tan skin. I tend to think people look best with their skin in its natural, un-sunkissed look; whether a person is white, black, or anywhere in between. I think it makes all people look more radiant. But this is just an aesthetic preference. So, it is likely just a preference for you, so you most likely aren't brainwashed.

But cultural norms can have an unconscious impact, so if lighter skin is seen as 'better' where you live, you may have some unconscious conditionings. But you can't unlike what you like. So, I would just accept your preference and be mindful of  your feelings and attitudes regarding that preference. As you pull that apart you will get a clearer idea of why you prefer un-tanned skin.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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9 hours ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

not that I could even tan if I wanted to. I just kind of burst into flames when I go outside.

You and me both (lol). I tan a little afterward though. But it never stops the burn.

On 3/21/2016 at 9:30 PM, Antman431 said:

I told a few of my friends that I prefer to have light skin and that I don't like going to the beach because I get tan. All of a sudden I'm being told I'm brain washed and that I have a closed mind, or that I need to learn about human history. I'm being told I'm brain washed because I'm succumbing to "white power" and the notion that "whiteness" is ideal, or that social media is brain washing me. I'm baffled and at this point I'm offended because I'm a Dominican kid with a poor family born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I simply told them I don't like tans and getting darker and that I want to stay as light as possible because its how I was born and how I have always been. If the color of my skin was dark then i wouldn't want to be light skin. It angered me to the point I turned red that they thought I was brain washed and felt i want to be closer to whites and the "white class" because i want my skin to stay the way it is. They said that subconsciously I want to be white and that I don't even know it; I thought to myself how can you tell me how I feel.  After I calmed down i thought about Leo's video and how he talks about breaking the knowledge graph and not knowing. So is it possible that I don't know, that subconsciously maybe thats why I want my skin to be lighter? Or that I'm closed minded, or brainwashed? 

To be completely honest, I kind of think the whole issue seems ridiculous. You don't like to tan. That doesn't mean your brain washed. Why let the others get to you? And, to what end are they trying to convince you? It seems to me like they are the brainwashed ones. They even took it to the extreme. Really, not wanting a tan makes you a white elitist.o.O

This game of "white power "and "black power" only separates people. In the end we are human, so why do need to be selective about which color of human is better? I'm white, and I'm poor as shit. My skin color has nothing to do with it. These classes are quite stupid. Upper class, lower class, white class, black class, old class, new class, it's all ridiculous labels that only perpetuate separation of people. ¬¬

My advice for you would be simply to be yourself. You are a human and that means that you can literally do anything. Color doesn't matter, it's what's inside that counts. Don't let this petty name calling get to you. Your opinion didn't fit there web, so they attacked. It's a defense mechanism. :D

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On 3/21/2016 at 10:30 PM, Antman431 said:

I told a few of my friends that I prefer to have light skin and that I don't like going to the beach because I get tan. All of a sudden I'm being told I'm brain washed and that I have a closed mind, or that I need to learn about human history. I'm being told I'm brain washed because I'm succumbing to "white power" and the notion that "whiteness" is ideal, or that social media is brain washing me. I'm baffled and at this point I'm offended because I'm a Dominican kid with a poor family born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I simply told them I don't like tans and getting darker and that I want to stay as light as possible because its how I was born and how I have always been. If the color of my skin was dark then i wouldn't want to be light skin. It angered me to the point I turned red that they thought I was brain washed and felt i want to be closer to whites and the "white class" because i want my skin to stay the way it is. They said that subconsciously I want to be white and that I don't even know it; I thought to myself how can you tell me how I feel.  After I calmed down i thought about Leo's video and how he talks about breaking the knowledge graph and not knowing. So is it possible that I don't know, that subconsciously maybe thats why I want my skin to be lighter? Or that I'm closed minded, or brainwashed? 

There is nothing wrong with you, maybe you should find new friends that are real friends.

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