Actualizing Results and feeling Great

2 posts in this topic

Hi everyone,


Just wanted to share a post of how I am transforming myself, and how I’ve been doing this since the past 4 to 5 years or so. Everyday I am still reflecting on how much I am changing and how personal development is shaping my ever changing current reality. I can imagine in the past that some people might not believe in some of what Leo talks about in his videos furthermore thinking he is somewhat crazy and find some of his ideas “airy fairy” or a little out of this world. Yes it would be fair to think this, however I just want to go over some of the things I’ve accomplished and overcame because of what Leo shares and what I’ve learned about myself in this ongoing eye opening process.


When I discovered Leo on Youtube I began to understand the importance of meditation which alone lead me to ultimately overcome a long list of mental conditions which I had been suffering from for many years. For example, I was able to cure depression, anticipatory anxiety, social anxiety, panic attacks, several addictions (i.e.tobacco, marijuanna, alcohol, emotional eating, negative thinking) I was able to loose a total of 60 pounds and instead of feeling down about myself and having no energy I slowly started to adjust to the knowledge and teachings that Leo talks about in his weekly videos. From doubting to believing I started to become happy and alive inside. When my anxiety began to dissolve, I quickly took action and furthered my personal development with some professional talk therapy sessions. With my attitude and mindset evolving towards greatness my intuition told me I’m on the right track and I have been feeling great ever since.


Reading has really helped too. For anyone who is looking to start a habit of reading and wants to read a really interesting and amazing book try reading 

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

It really hit home for me when I started to understand that life on earth really can be heaven. Also, that life on earth can be hell but it is a choice to make for yourself. Being aware means everything. For those who are going through personal struggle you have to be aware of what is causing you pain so that you can become fed up and take action and do something about it.

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My most favorite book is the "The Book of Not Knowing" by Peter Ralston. It takes me sometimes 5-10 minutes to read and re-read a paragraph. The amount of wisdom crammed into that book is astonishing.

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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