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Pamela Zamora

Doing shrooms for the First Time

5 posts in this topic

I am planning my first shroom trip in the upcoming week, I already watched Leo's video on "How to use Psychodelics for Personal development" and following his steps:


My questions are:

  • Can you give me some material to read up on Shrooms?
  • What was your experience and if you did it the Leo way, what is your advise?


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first shroom trip?

take half a normal dose, maybe even 1/3rd of a normal dose

there's no hurry, mushrooms won't be going anywhere, this is your mental health

take a small dose and get used to the effects, get to know the psychedelic feel, and then you can slowly amp up the dose

or perhaps you will be surprised by how special and insightful even a small shroom trip can be and you won't even consider taking more


there's no reason not to take it slowly at first, you can always take bigger doses later on


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get a trip sitter, meditate before and dont eat the whole day and get ready for unchangable transformation

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Don't try to control the mushrooms, they have a mind of their own. The more you surrender, the more you will get out of it. Unless controlling is your thing, and it will teach you a lesson either way.

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