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Lucid Dreaming Advice

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I am able to get to the point of like when you feel like wind is blowing and you need to sort of choose your scene but I can't get to the scene (only by what seems to be chance but I'd like to be more in control).  I end up overthinking and waking up.  Any advice?  Much appreciated..

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Please please read "Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner self" by Robert Waggoner, if you haven't already. Its on google book store and also probably Kindle. Amazing book for lucid dreamers that already know how to get lucid. 

As for your question, I don't have much experience with changing scenes, but I have experimented with it. I don't know your method of wind blowing in the face.... my method is spinning around and supposedly a new scene will emerge when you stop spinning (of course you have to have the intent of landing in a new scene) This method has yet to work for me... 

Another method that I tried - this one I made up on the spot in the middle of a dream- I fell face forward into the ground, and then melted through the ground. Was in a whole new scene once I got through. You should try that one, because it's literally forcing you to create a new scene, as long as you aren't on the second story of a building. 

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