
Easy way to "see" / "be aware" of the Knower

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When you are pranking someone, you are effectively playing two parts.

Let's say you go out in a mall and go to a group of people and do whatever prank... for example, pretend you cannot talk and ask them some goofy stuff or directions or whatever (think YouTube pranks - mind is blank atm lol so can't think of a better example)

While you do the prank, your body + language + story that you're using is true for your unknowing audience but deep within, that thing which knows you are playing the prank on them, THAT one is the Knower.


A simpler analogy came to mind as I was writing this that anytime we are telling a lie, the ONE inside of us who knows that we are lying, that ONE is the knower.

The knower is that which knows the real us / the real answer and the puppet / me is the one displayed to the world (even when you're not pranking) 

again, even this is illusory ofcourse because there is no personal self.

God Bless :)

Love Is The Answer

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The "knower" and the so called "lie" are the same thing.

Infinity Bless :)

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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