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Today is 17 September 2018.

Finally everything crystallizing to something good. 

My brain has definitely grown in leaps. 


That's good news. I still have tons of growing up to do. 


When you love me, I feel better. 

The new consciousness model fits perfectly with my assumptions and thought process. 

I can finally begin work on it. 

This is the effort of past 3 years. It shouldn't have taken this long but I had lot of shit to do and things weren't coming easy to my head. 

Also because I am possibly more naive than I believed before. 

But better late than never. 

The one thing I will need to do is be more conscious about the different traps of consciousness. Not fall into any of those and keep myself out of those as much as possible. 

At any moment you could be either in a trap or attracting a trap for the next moment. 

One way to beat it would be have more awareness. Higher awareness will easily help in defeating a trap from conquering  your mind. 

Higher awareness can be achieved by meditation and also a host of other practices as well. Will need to look into those.

So far so good. 

Came a long way this year but don't regret it one bit. Helped a lot like tons in realizing the whole shit of life. 

Now I can finally move on. 

I will need to make 3 separate registers. 

There are a couple of techniques that I wil have to follow. I will call them formats 

So I will have to follow some formats 

Formats will be written later in the messg.

Right now I have, let me see, I don't remember, maybe 3 or 4 specific formats. I will make it a point to follow them strictly. 






INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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When you already reached a point of awareness and maturity, there's not much figuring out left to do. You reach a bar or a benchmark and it doesn't go further than that. It's like you have explored all the lands and there's nothing left to explore and then life becomes mute and boring. Stagnation or maxing out stage has reached. 

I will call it the saturation point. 

You get too logical, too practical, too grounded, basically everything is quite clear, clear as day. Nothing more to know or see. 


I observe this in him. He has surely reached that and realized humanity is shit. He has been a wonderful steady influence and a huge mental booster. 

That's like  a shining star in my dark clouds. 

Glad it all happened. Perfect. 

He is another feather in my cap. 

Also he is just enjoying football, when the hell is gonna go check the post office for the.... Damn mail!!! 

Maybe this time too he won't be getting it. Shit sucks. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Need to write down my formats and start working on them soon. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Good one.

There is a body consciousness and a Supreme consciousness. When you are experiencing body consciousness yiur desires and mind control you. Outside of it, nothing exists. 

Sin means to miss the mark. 

There is nothing like good and evil, only being on the path or away from the path. 

Jesus says that you can either serve the body or serve the mind depending where your consciousness is placed. 

You are sinning when you act upon the desires of the mind. 

When Awakening begins, you start to tap
into the Self that awakens to itself.
The moment you think l am aware, that's
athought, not Awareness. When you have
become Awareness - and there is no more
'you' being aware (which is a thought) -then
you are no longer here in the body. You have
entered into states of SAMADHl in which
your Awareness is somewhere else and in
those somewhere else's lies realms and
realms of realms of Equally Vali reality to
this reality. It's a Realm Of Awareness where
all i is ONE. In that Oneness, you feel as if
you are one with every flower, with every
tree with every stone and with every human
being. The essence is pure at the basis
of all. After a while you can sense the soil
of your plants, you will feel the Volume of
Space between you and the wall, you will be
more sensory.

ll D 20%
1:31 AM
Space between you and the wall, you will be
more sensory.
When you reach that point, we can say that
- you are INFINITE. You are on 'no man's
land'. It will become extremely difficult to
stay because you are experiencing INFINITE
but you are still in a world of FINITE. You
are not really going 'up, nor 'down'. You are
never overly excited and never overly sad.
The thoughts of sorrow and happiness no
longer exist. You are 'steady', no-thing and
every-thing at once- more like a 'wave.
Here, Joy is not constant, therefore it will
make less and less sense to stay. There
will be no point. You will have to make
Conscious Choice to "cling" to (or hold
focus upon if you wish) something that
belongs to the body in order to stay in the
body. Your life is slowly becoming being
the Fragrance of the flower, rather than the
flower itself. STELL [Ram Dass, Sadhguru,
Daniel Schmidt: Inner Worlds Outer Worlds]
ll D 20%
1:31 AM
Conscious Choice to "cling" to (or hold
focus upon if you wish) something that
belongs to the body in order to stay in the
body. Your life is slowly becoming being
the Fragrance of the flower, rather than the
flower itself. STELL [Ram Dass, Sadhguru,
Daniel Schmidt: Inner Worlds Outer Worlds]
"We are not born into the world. We are
born into something that we make into the
world." - Michael Talbot, Mysticism and the
New Physics
"Death may take man out of the world but
only wisdom can take the world out of the
- Manly P. Hall
"A single dream is more powerful than a
thousand realities. -J.R.R. Tolkin
"Absolutely everything is happening in your
mind, which means that your mind is not in
your body. Your body is in your mind"-
COurse in miracles
"Absolutely everything is happening in your
mind, which means that your mind is not in
your body. Your body is in your mind."-
COurse in miracles
Outstanding work, my compliments. xx..


1 Root physical needs basic, basic health 

Sacral desires and passions 

3 Solar plexus productivity and work and energy 

4 Heart emotions and spirit, ego, self identity, self esteem, prams or life force, identification with the self image, liberation, detachment, oneness consciousness, morality, duality of existence and body consciousness, universe or oneness consciousness and body consciousness, detachment for spiritual relief 

5 Throat words and language and media, influence, senses 

Third eye ~ gut instincts, intuition, feeling, perception, study, research, knowledge, insight work, shadow work. Differentiation between cognitive and reptilian brain. Transcending of the mind. Transcending to suppress senses and avoid getting fooled and have realistic understanding of environment 


7 Crown thoughts and consciousness work  intentions, attention, focus, awareness, intelligence, wit, sharpness, karma  actions. 


Chakra healing means balancing these various points in life because they govern life. It's close replica of the Maslow hierarchy of needs

Based on the object, system, observer concept. 



Chakra traps

Sleeping without schedule, allowing bad thoughts, 

Paradigm consciousness - the consciousness associated with your current body, self identification, ego and current condition. It's more or less fixed and is very susceptible to the changes in the environment and very fickle, at the mercy of the conditions. It's only blissful as long conditions are constant and pleasant. 

Fluid consciousness. 

This is moldable with the use of your cognition and imagination  powers. You can feel happy or sad depending on how you feed your mind and control your responses. The one thing that holds you back from experiencing the fullest extent of this consciousness is the paradigm and body consciousness. Body consciousness is nothing but body identification. 

When both paradigm and body identification are strong, they inhibit the stretching of the fluid consciousness to the extreme level or fullest extent. It's like a wall or a bottle that separates. 


Oneness consciousness is universal consciousness or consciousness of one creation. 

As move along the chakra and evolve spiritually, we move from the lower red consciousness towards the upper blue Consciousness. 

Our consciousness is a mix of red, orange, yellow and green, blue. 

Even the blue Consciousness has shades. This is the field of the fluid consciousness. In the beginning we experience lighter shades of blue and specs of dark blue scattered throughout. This is because we only experience glimpses of the God consciousness or great bliss. There is nothing eternal about it. The consciousness itself is eternal but You only experience it for as long as you allow it and remain in that state. Once you come back, you are again in the yellowed parts or just the lighter shades of blue with the usual specs. 

The further end of this blue spectrum is the dense deep blue which represents God consciousness. Again. In your human form you will only experience glimpses of this, the effect will be more or less permanent, or at least long lasting and you will feel better but this is not an eternal experience or a life long permanent one, it's only as long as you get to feel it. So embrace and cherish it while you experience it. 

Omega consciousness spectral. Moving from red towards blue. 



From red towards blue as you work on your chakras, consciousness and consciousness precursor complex elements. 


This is moving from the fluid consciousness towards the deeper end of it, closer to God consciousness. It's more than enough if you are towards the middle of the spectrum with the slightly deeper shades. You already experience bliss and mental stability and peace here. Further exploration towards the deepest end might lead to dissociation from reality and discomfort when you return back to your yellow blue zone. 

Paradigm consciousness can also be improved but the effect is conditional and dependent on the external conditions and therefore fluctuating. It can be improved by improving outer conditions of existence. It does create happiness, not deep bliss, just everyday feeling of euphoria and happiness, the kind that you get when you win a video game, it's temporary and fragile, it's what society usually defines as happiness derived from material pleasures of money, wealth, success, pleasures, entertainment, excitement, romance, beauty, achievement, attention, adulation. Most people only strive to achieve this and usually get dejected and give up spiritual pursuits assuming that life is only limited to reality and material /physical world. They forget to explore further. Those who experience this happiness feel this is adequate leading to dissatisfaction when things don't work out anymore the way they once did. They get blinded and everything appears to be a blur as long as they are enjoying things. For others who have a deeper perception, they break out of the social conditioning and feel inadequate despite having everything that defines success, these people then look for different spiritual paths to fill the void and seek bliss. The void is because of not experiencing blue consciousness. Those who experience it no longer feel the void and are fulfilled. Most people are just unaware of the void because they fill up their time and attention with other distractions and pleasures. 

Throughout your journey towards a fluid consciousness and deep bliss, the universal laws remain the same, so even if someone thought to manipulate the world through evil doings, they are just pushing themselves further away from the divine truth and towards the red consciousness, they are only causing damage to themselves. They will find it even more difficult to seek peace and more struggle to reach the blue zones. It's in the red consciousness that karma meets. So they have to face consequences of their own misdeeds and problems. Those in the blue zones are enjoying fruits of their hard labor and those in the red are getting ready to face the effects  of their bad karma. Karma exists everywhere because it only represents cause and effect, work and fruit. But it's strongest in the red zones because the conflict between action and consequence is highest there. It's like the energy of a stable ocean is lower than the energy of a destructivr hurricane. There's a lot of energy in the red zone, hence red like fire[since fire is like a concentration of energy], this is the energy of chaos and conflict and destruction. In the blue, the energy is stable and passive and steady, not frenzied or violent. So if someone thought they are being smart by manipulating the world, they are only deceiving themselves and living in delusion. Therefore they are foolish. There's nothing to come from evil actions other than chaos and misery and turbulent flow of energy. There will be so much dysfunction that it will be impossible to bring a stable state. Such people are just doing more harm not only to others but more to themselves. They will never experience peace or lasting happiness. They will suffer in the dungeons of their own hell they created. They are creating a prison planet trapped in the envelope of their wicked desires and harmful passions. They are creating a huge wound that will need much inner work to heal. They are not necessarily evil but their actions are harmful. 



Body is the shelter for the consciousness. Body identification ends at death. 

Satan, lucifer, devil, demon are all metaphors. There is no devil and there is no evil, only good and destructive. 

Body consciousness is the hell and the ego component is the devil. 


Consciousness precursor complex elements are associated with different chakra and their associated energies. 

Thought  - crown  ( mental energy ) 

Word - throat Chakra (energy of chant or sound ) 

Emotion - heart or spirit (spiritual and emotional energy, the highest ) what the heart feels. 

Intention  - third eye (mental energy ) 

Attention  - third eye (mental energy ) 

Visualization  - crown and third eye (mental energy ) 

Quality -  lower Chakra or solar plexus (physical energy ) 

action  -  crown Chakra (physical energy ) 

Desire and passion - sacral chakra. [spiritual energy] 


Body consciousness arises from the reptilian brain and God consciousness or fluid consciousness arises from the cognitive[human brain] and spiritual brain. The spiritual brain is the spirit or the heart. Spirit is merely energy. Heart is the director of this energy. It's like spirit is like a negative film and the heart is the image on it. How the heart feels will determine the image and the strength of this image. If the feeling is strong, this image is sharper otherwise faded. 

The physical nature of things or reality or the physical dimension is limited in its problem, resources and solutions. It's good and bad at the same time. If the physical was infinite then we would have been immortal, in that case it also means eternal suffering and if the physical dimension was infinite it means that our suffering will have no boundary. We would suffer terrible hell and it can go to any length, it can manifest in horror, because now there is no end to what can happen to the body during such suffering. Because the physical dimension is limited, our physical suffering is also limited. The worst that can happen is death. Therfore we need not worry. The suffering will or can never be greater than death. Also if someone is prep evil like a evil dictator he cacnot go on doing evil things forever because someday he is going to die. So the physical limitations do not provide a ground for evil to reign eternal. There is no permanent physical hell which is good news. The bad news is that it's like a double edged sword. So even the solutions are limited. The happiness is limited. You eat a cake and you feel happy but you start craving again. Also if there is suffering like a disease you may not have a cure for it. This is because the physical world has boundaries and there are things for which there is just no solution at all other than acceptance and endurance. But still even the acceptance and endurance is only till death. 

But the spiritual world is infinite.. There anything can happen. You can dream, imagine absolutely anything and nobody can stop you. It's a virtual world where anything is possible and every disease has a cure and every desire has a place.. This again is like a double edged sword. Because it gives you the freedom to limitless imagination and thought and desire. You can create a heaven in your thoughts but you can also create a hell if that's what you chose. And these desires can then start bugging you. When these desires are not fulfilled in real life, they can create massive conflict. However the good news is that even though you felt tortured and in pain because of your condition, you can choose to not feel the pain or at least reduce the severity of a feeling by imagining good things and taking your mind off the bad things and choosing to focus only on the good. You can choose to feel miserable about being by bullied someone  or feel good and imagine something nice and forget or ignore what that person said. The possibilities are limitless of what can be created in the mind. 

In order to experience the fluid consciousness, you do not have to give up paradigm consciousness [just have to control it enough] or you do not have to give up desires of the physical world or pleasures of the senses. You don't have to be free of your physical dimension. You don't have to forget body identification. Although desires to some extent are manipulations of the mind or mind tricks, they are essential for life to move on. Like the desire for romance is essential for procreation. So not all desires are worthless or redundant. But some desires are just not important enough and they are an undue source of misery. 

It's a misunderstanding to think that somehow in order to experience spiritual bliss you have to give up material pursuits and desires and be devoid of desires. This is ridiculous. Because it means you have to lead a very bland life, a very mundane existence. Most religions both in the east and the west focus on giving up everything for spiritual pursuits. Excessive suppression of desires is not healthy, can lead to perversions, depression, isolation from the social world and tendency to do things in a secretive manner that is behind closed doors. It is also very encouraging of hypocrisy. In fact it's very difficult to control desires and may lead to intense frustration and conflict. Such a things appears unnatural.  There seems to be a stigma of sin associated with desires in most religions. This is unnecessary. Also this causes more people to not take religion and spirituality seriously because they don't find it feasible or practice to avoid all desires. It may not be healthy or normal. It's a age old paradigm that has been passed down through generations without dissent or question. It appears totally ridiculous to completely avoid desires. How are desires harmful. Desires are harmful only when they cause harm to the self or others. Or when they totally control the mind so much that it leads to obsession and addiction. But otherwise having a harmless desire and fulfilling it is completely normal and healthy too. We are given desires by nature, not to forget that, hence its natural to feel the way we feel.. It's  unnatural only when it goes overboard. People without desires may get depressed. This may not be healthy, also such person might become uninteresting, morose, robotic and devoid of feeling. 

You can always follow the path of consciousness even while you have your desires without the desires creating any conflict on your spiritual path 

If the desire is creating conflict and obsession and or addiction and interrupting the spiritual work on consciousness and it might be necessary to either get rid of such desire or control it so it doesn't control you. In such a case, where you feel like only your desires are running your world, and tricking and controlling your mind then this is when and where you need to get rid of desires and body identification so that you can freely focus on your spiritual dimension and do consciousness work and break the glass bottle to experience the fluid consciousness. This is where your paradigm consciousness is causing some trouble to your overall growth and it's time to drop it for a while to take a dip in the consciousness ocean. 

This never means that you have to cpmplety give up paradigm consciousness. It only means learning how to manage and balance and control it.

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Mind conditioning is a part of consciousness work. 

Chakra traps 

Focus on - 

  • Chakra balancing 
  • Blue Consciousness 
  • Omega consciousness 
  • 6 formats 
  • Consciousness precursor complex
  • Awareness. Increasing awareness 
  • Chakra traps
  • Consciousness traps 
  • Other practices that help with increasing awareness 
  • Fluid consciousness or ocean consciousness 
  • Focus on emotional intelligence
  • Oneness consciousness 
  • Maslows hierarchy of needs
  • Improve your paradigm consciousness 
  • Development of a healthy ego
  • Reptilian brain and cognitive mind 
  • Not complete dissociation but less attachment to body consciousness 
  • Control your desires. Do not let them control you. 
  • Spirituality without giving up desires. 


Edited by Preety_India

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Write about wiccan

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Bill Donahue 

Greg Braeden God code 

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Part 2 

There are Eco and non Eco elements. All the processes, actions, features, concepts, ways of existence and growth belong to the Eco-structure. The Eco-life is a life that flourishes in the Eco structure and is designed to be in sync with it. The Eco life grows within this Eco structure and thrives. 

All elements that define this structure and life are Eco elements and those that do not are the opposite ones or toxic and are non Eco elements. 

The Eco life has all sorts of supports supporting the life and rejuvenating and growing and caring it. No part or element is redundant. There is perfect harmony. All elements were designed for a good Eco life. They were meant to be, so nothing is outdated or irrelevant. It's all designed to work together to create a good Eco life. The design of the elements and the Eco structure is such that it automatically shuts out all toxic and non Eco elements or at least tries to. Together the Eco life, Eco structure and Eco elements create a  smooth flow or system. No error, less problems and least chaos. 

Hence. The chaos is a sign of an erroneous system because it means a perturbed flow rather than a smooth one. 

If you have light, you will dispel the darkness. Which indirectly implies that darkness is the natural state. 

If you have God, devil can't trap you. You will be protected which again implies that disorderliness or conflict, sabotage or chaos are the natural states or the state created by the devil or the dark force. And god keeps you protected from the dark forces and resolves the chaos. 


Let god be your savior. 



Edited by Preety_India

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Part 3 

Anything negative carries more energy than anything positive. Hence positive is less likely. Negative attracts immediate attention because of the fear factor or survival - protection factor associated with it. Therefore negative forces are stronger than positive. 

Hence we are more motivated by emotions than thoughts. Because emotions have higher energy than thoughts. But high energy is always associated with something negative because low passive energy is associated with positive and high turbulent violent energy is red energy. Therefore any practice that causes high increase in energy will tend to attract demons or negative forces. Therefore we are most motivated by negative emotions because their energy is higher than the energy of positive emotions. Although it should have been opposite but this an anomaly that needs to be accepted. 

Therefore when we see in the world and we find that evil people are highly motivated and they are motivated for evil reasons. This does not mean that evil is better, it simply means that something very strong is needed  to beat it. 






Edited by Preety_India

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On 14/09/2018 at 8:15 PM, Preety_India said:

Spirituality practices and consciousness practices combined

1. Raising spiritual energy 

2 calming spiritual energy 

3 balancing the spiritual energy through raising and calming 

Through prayer and thus pushing your spiritual will power. 

Decreasing it is by meditation, calming your desires and intense emotions and by liberating yourself from it temporarily by detachment. Even by using emotional freedom and emotional intelligence techniques 

4 working on different chakras or precursor elements of the consciousness precursor complex 

5. Avoiding the traps of consciousness.. They are like holes in the consciousness matrix. You can fall in those holes. 

6. Contemplation and insight work to unlock divine intelligence and unlock knowledge and wisdom or the ultimate navigation vehicle through the guide. If consciousness is like a reservoir of treasure then intelligence is like a key to open it. Consciousness is like a book written in some foreign language and intelligence is the language necessary to read it. Contemplation is the process that activates this key necessary to open the treasure guide of consciousness. Contemplation and insight work is needed to sharpen the intelligence in order to understand and access the knowledge shown by the consciousness. Any intelligence that understands and processes and goes hand in hand or in sync with the consciousness is divine intelligence. So your effort in cultivating intelligence through contemplation is actually causing your intelligence to be fine tuned and crystallized or aligned to the divine intelligence. 

7. Raising awareness 

Edited Friday at 08:54 PM by Preety_India


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Discussion of five elements. 

Five elements are earth, fire, water, spirit and air. Spirit is also called ether 


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Chapter 1 



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Chapter 2 

The Five Element Symbols: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Spirit

Catherine Beyer

Updated June 01, 2018

The Greeks proposed the existence of five basic elements. Of these, four were the physical elements – fire, air, water, and earth – of which the entire world is composed. Alchemists eventually associated four triangular symbols to represent these elements.

The fifth element, which goes by a variety of names, is more rarefied than the four physical elements. Some simply call it Spirit. Others call it Aether or Quintessence (literally "the fifth element" in Latin).

In traditional Western occult theory, the elements are hierarchical: Spirit, fire, air, water, and earth – with the first elements being more spiritual and perfect and the last elements being more material and base. Some modern systems, such as Wicca, view the elements as equal.

Before we examine the elements themselves, it is important to understand the qualities, orientations, and correspondences that are associated with the elements. Each element is connected with aspects in each of these and it helps correlate their relationship to one another.

In classical elemental systems, each element has two qualities, and it shares each quality with one other element.


Each element is either warm or cold, and this corresponds with a male or female gender. This is a strongly dichotomous system, where male qualities are things like light, warmth, and activity, and female qualities are dark, cold, passive, and receptive.

The orientation of the triangle is determined by warmth or coldness, male or female. Male, warm elements point upward, ascending toward the spiritual realm. Female, cold elements point downward, descending into the earth.


The second pair of qualities is moistness or dryness. Unlike the warm and cold qualities, moist and dry qualities do not immediately correspond to other concepts.

Opposing Elements

Because each element shares one of its qualities with one other element, that leaves one element completely unrelated.

For example, air is moist like water and warm like fire, but it has nothing in common with earth. These opposing elements are on opposite sides of the diagram and are distinguished by the presence or absence of the crossbar within the triangle:

Air and earth are opposites and have the crossbar

Water and fire are also opposites and lack the crossbar.

Hierarchy of Elements

There is traditionally a hierarchy of elements, although some modern schools of thought have abandoned this system. The lower elements in the hierarchy are more material and physical, with the higher elements becoming more spiritual, more rarefied, and less physical.

That hierarchy can be traced through this diagram. Earth is the lowest, most material element. Circling clockwise from earth you get water, air and then fire, the least material of the elements.

The pentagram has represented many diverse meanings over the centuries. Since at least the Renaissance, one of its associations is with the five elements.


Traditionally, there is a hierarchy among the elements ranging from the most spiritual and rarefied to the least spiritual and most material. This hierarchy determines the placement of elements around the pentagram.

Starting with spirit, the highest element, we descend to fire, then follow the lines of the pentagram over to air, across to water, and down to earth, the lowest and most material of the elements. The final line between earth and spirit completes the geometric shape.


The issue of a pentagram being point-up or point-down only gained relevance in the 19th-century and has everything to do with the arrangement of elements. A point-up pentagram came to symbolize spirit ruling over the four physical elements, while a point-down pentagram symbolized spirit being subsumed by matter or descending into matter.

Since then, some have simplified those associations to simply represent good and evil. This is generally not the position of those who commonly work with point-down pentagrams, and is often not the position of those associating themselves with point-up pentagrams either.


The colors used here are those associated with each element by the Golden Dawn. These associations are commonly borrowed by other groups as well.


Ceremonial occult systems traditionally depend on systems of correspondences: collections of items that are all associated in some way with the desired goal. While the types of correspondences are nearly endless, associations between elements, seasons, time of day, elements, moon phases, and directions have become fairly standardized in the West. These are frequently the basis for additional correspondences.

The Golden Dawn's Elemental/Directional Correspondences

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn codified some of these correspondences in the 19th-century. Most notable here are the cardinal directions.

The Golden Dawn originated in England, and the directional/elemental correspondences reflect a European perspective. To the south are the warmer climates, and thus is associated with fire. The Atlantic ocean lies to the west. The north is cold and formidable, a land of earth but sometimes not a lot else.

Occultists practicing in America or elsewhere sometimes do not find these correspondences to work.

Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Cycles

Cycles are important facets of many occult systems. Looking at daily, monthly, and yearly natural cycles, we find periods of growth and dying, of fullness and barrenness.

Fire is the element of fullness and life, and it is closely associated with the Sun. Therefore, it's unsurprising that noon and summer would be associated with fire. By that same logic, the full moon should also be in the same category.

Earth is in the opposite direction as fire and therefore corresponds with midnight, winter, and the new moon. While these things might represent barrenness, more often they are representative of potential and transformation; the point where the old gives way to the new; the empty fertility readies to feed new creations.

Air is the element of new beginnings, youth, increase, and creativity. As such, it is associated with spring, the waxing moon, and sunrise. Things are growing warmer and brighter, while plants and animals give birth to a new generation.

Water is the element of emotion and wisdom, particularly the wisdom of age. It represents a time past the peak of livelihood, moving toward the end of the cycle.


Fire is associated with strength, activity, blood, and life-force. It is also seen as highly purifying and protective, consuming impurities and driving back the darkness.

Fire is traditionally seen as the most rarefied and spiritual of the physical elements because of its masculine properties (which were superior to female properties). It also lacks physical existence, produces light, and has a transformative power when it comes in contact with a more physical material.

Qualities: Warm, Dry

Gender: Masculine (active)

Elemental: Salamander (Here referring to a mythological lizard creature which could burst into flames)

Golden Dawn Direction: South

Golden Dawn Color: Red

Magical Tool: Sword, athame, dagger, sometimes wand

Planets: Sol (Sun), Mars

Zodiac signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Season: Summer

Time of Day: Noon


Air is the element of intelligence, creativity, and beginnings. Largely intangible and without permanent form, air is an active, masculine element, superior to the more material elements of water and earth.

Qualities: Warm, Moist

Gender: Masculine (active)

Elemental: Sylphs (Invisible beings)

Golden Dawn Direction: East

Golden Dawn Color: Yellow

Magical Tool: Wand, sometimes sword, dagger or athame

Planets: Jupiter

Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Season: Spring

Time of Day: Morning, Sunrise


Water is the element of emotion and the unconscious, as opposed to the conscious intellectualism of air.

Water is one of two elements that have a physical existence that can interact with all of the physical senses. Water is still considered less material (and thus superior) to earth because it possesses more motion and activity than earth.

Qualities: Cold, Moist

Gender: Feminine (passive)

Elemental: Undines (water-based nymphs)

Golden Dawn Direction: West

Golden Dawn Color: Blue

Magical Tool: Cup

Planets: Moon, Venus

Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Season: Fall

Time of Day: Sunset



Earth is the element of stability, groundedness, fertility, materiality, potential, and stillness. Earth can also be an element of beginnings and endings, or death and rebirth, as life comes from the ground and then decomposes back into earth after death.

Qualities: Cold, Dry
Gender: Feminine (passive)
Elemental: Gnomes
Golden Dawn Direction: North
Golden Dawn Color: Green
Magical Tool: Pentacle
Planets: Saturn
Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Season: Winter
Time of Day: Midnight


The element of spirit does not have the same arrangements of correspondences as the physical elements since spirit is not physical. Various different systems may associate planets, tools, and so-forth to it, but such correspondences are far less standardized than those of the other four elements.

The element of spirit goes by several names. The most common are spirit, ether or aether, and quintessence, which is Latin for "fifth element."

There is also no standard symbol for spirit, although circles are common. Eight-spoked wheels and spirals are also sometimes used to represent spirit.

Spirit is a bridge between the physical and the spiritual. In cosmological models, spirit is the transitory material between the physical and celestial realms. Within the microcosm, spirit is the bridge between body and soul.

Golden Dawn Direction: Above, Below, Within

Golden Dawn Color: Violet, Orange, White

























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Chapter 3 

Facing of the different elements. 

North side Earth represented by a cup of salt. 

West is represented by a water represented by a chalice filled with water. 

East is Air represented by a lit incense stick releasing smoke. 

South is Fire. Represented by a lit candle. 

Usually this way. 


Edited by Preety_India

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Chapter 4

Representation of 5 elements 

Fire -  lamp or candle flame. 

Water - chalice with water. 

Earth - a jar of mud with crystals on top. 

Spirit or Ether - wand or Athame and the broom and incense releasing smoke. 

Athame, wand and broom and incense necessary. 

Air is not included. 

Here the air element is already combined with the Ether or spirit element that is they are fused

Edited by Preety_India

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Directions for elements. 


North towards the right - water 

North towards the left - spirit including air. 

South  towards the left - Fire, opposite pole of water. 

South towards the right - Earth 

Symbol of God is to the north facing all symbols. To the center of all symbols is balance between masculine and feminine, between high and low, between high energy and low energy and between good and evil. 


Fire is a source of high energy. Needs calming with water. 


Water is a source of intelligence. Thought, emotion, higher planes and calming or taming of negative and high energy. 


Spirit is a source of higher spiritual plane. Air is a source of knowledge and imagination or visualizations. 

Earth is a source of balance and remaining grounded or attached to something, of substratum or a foundation to base things on and also of being grounded in reality and being realistic or practical. 


Invoking and banishing 

Banishing means taming. 

Invoking different elements. 


Invoking the element of water 

By acquiring more knowledge, connecting to your emotions, intuition and having higher consciousness. Being wise in decisions and sharpening intelligence. Being in harmony with nature, universal laws and understanding the universe. Trying to get united with the spirit and being in blue low energy level consciousness. 


Banishing this element 

If you have to create something or start you need more energy it means you will need to stop being calm and increase focus and motivate yourself into restlessness to get the work done. 


Invoking the element of fire 

This is the energy of creation. The energy needed to start something. The fuel. It's very connected to the spirit and very deeply attached to the spirit. 

In certain cultures the spirit is represented by a flame. 

You have to be careful with it. Fire can be used for cooking or can it be used to destroy something. Therefore this energy is very volatile. If not directed properly can cause massive problems like war, destruction and evil. Used properly and wisely and it can be used for self defense and protection the way fire protects from cold. A weapon can be good or bad depending on the use. You can create something good or create something dangerous. 

You are invoking it every day as you work towards your goals. Fire is also like passion. Too little passion will cause passivity. Too much passion can lead to obsession and destruction. 


Banishing this element 

This element needs careful control. Since it is needed it can be used only as much is needed. When you are too excited or full of rage or getting too emotional, you need to calm down or else you will make illogical decisions. 


Air and spirit 

Invoking the element of air and spirit 

This needs connection to a higher spirit. Through prayer. Experience the spiritual realm. It can be on both cosmological and microcosm level. 

Spiritual planes are different than physical reality. 

This is the connecting bridge between the physical and the spiritual world on a cosmological level and a bridge between the spirit and the body on a microcosm or individual level. 

Banishing this element 

If you think you have lost touch with reality and you need to focus on the flesh or the earth, start by reducing your spiritual impulses and try to have more focus on the physical world. 


Invoking the element of earth 

Being very grounded. Having a set routine or schedule every day. Making practical decisions and choices. Taking good care of the body, the temple. Cutting down excessive day dreaming and grand delusions. 

Connecting with crystals and connecting with nature like gardening or saving the environment. 

Having a firm basis or foundation in life to follow. A set path. Knowing the direction or trajectory of your life. Having a base and a sense of direction and purpose. Not doing things just because others do but knowing why you are doing it. Using a template or set mental map to guide you through life. Creating such a guidance map or structure. 

Being rational and logical in your thinking and decisions. 


Banishing this element 

If you feel you have always been too hard wired and grounded and very practical and you need a break, you also want to dream and fantasize and have a splendid vision. Then cut down your limited thinking. Banish this element for that amount of time and become more positive instead of critical and Visualize and have a vision. Even things that look impossible or difficult right now can be possible some day. Be positive and patient. Keep yourself open minded to different possibilities. Engage in prayer. Do brainstorming. Do not hold back yiur inner feelings or desires. Start to dream the possibility of something. Make your dreams come true. 

Use the power of imagination. 

Invoking an element - - > light the candle 

Banishing an element - - > put out the candle 





Edited by Preety_India

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Cauldron Shopping

By now, we all know my paradoxical position on cauldrons.  There’s no strong reason to have them, but I adore the ones I have and will cart them all over the world if that’s what it takes to keep them with me.  It doesn’t make sense, but it is what it is.

Recognizing that there is a desire (or need) out there for cauldrons, I suppose the smart thing to do would be to set forth some sort of shopping guide.  Cauldrons aren’t exactly cheap, so you’ll want to get it right the first time around.

First thing’s first:  the practical matters.  For example, what metal do you choose?  You can usually find something to use as a cauldron in only two metals:  iron and brass.  My preference here is far and away the iron.  In the first place, it will always be made much thicker than brass, for cast iron is a brittle metal and cannot be thinly pounded.  As such, it will never warp, even if you’re putting it directly into a fire or building a fire in it.  In the second place, cast iron pieces are poured rather than shaped, so any handles or legs on the piece are part of the pot itself, not smaller things welded on later in the process.  This means that the cast iron pot is integrally stronger than an assembled pot.  Thirdly, cast iron seasons to a black color, which means scorch marks and other surface damage will be hardly noticeable.  Moreover, if damage does occur, it can be scoured off and reseasoned very easily.

Unfortunately, I have found brass pieces to be very thin, and that opens them up to more damage.  My poor little brass pot, for example, as a great ding in one side from where it got knocked against a rock in the dark.  The few alcohol fires I’ve burnt in it have warped it and loosened the joins between the pot and the legs, which makes me question its safety in future burnings.  In fact, the pot is so thin that it’s scorched through in one point near the base, weakening the metal to where there will certainly be a hole in that point sometime in the future.  The pot has also permanently discolored in some places where the heat was too intense for it.  Worse still, many manufacturers treat brass with a type of coating to prevent it from tarnishing.  My brass cauldron must have had such a coating, and the heat has utterly destroyed it.  Now the pot’s surface is peppered with all manner of black splotches and stains.  All in all, I cannot recommend the use of brass cauldrons at all unless it is the only option for your tradition (some that deal largely with fairy folk avoid the use of iron in all magical tools).

Another important consideration is how narrow the narrowest part of the pot is.  In short, you do not want a piece you can’t fit your hand into.  Cauldrons take a lot of abuse, and they require a good scouring when they get dirty.  It is practically impossible to scour something when you’ve got to get at it with a narrow brush.  Additionally, if the cauldron is to be used to burn something, you’re going to want as much oxygen as possible getting to the bottom of the pot.  As carbon dioxide is heavier than oxygen, it can get trapped in a narrow-mouthed pot and the flame will snuff itself out.

You’ll also want to consider how you’ll actually use the pot.  If, for example, you would cook something in it, you’d probably want a flat-bottomed pot so that you can use it on a stove top.  If you want to brew potions with potentially poisonous ingredients, you’ll want a pot that can be very thoroughly cleaned, which precludes seasoned cast iron as the material.  If you want to use it as a burning vessel (or have an intense desire to build fires every time you want to whip up a potion), a pot with three legs will be best, since it will keep the hottest parts of the pot from touching a large surface, which could burn it or potentially even start a fire.  A burning vessel should also definitely have a tight-fitting lid, which can be used to smother the fire in an emergency.  Intended use will also influence the optimal size of your cauldron.  If, for instance, you want to use it as an incense censer, you need only something the size of a fruit bowl.  If you want it to prepare food or potions, you’d probably want something with a capacity between 3 and 7 quarts, three being the size of a large saucepan and 7 being something you could make a coven’s worth of stew in.  If you’d like to burn fire in it, I’d strongly recommend going no smaller than about 5 quarts.

With these guidelines in place, then, where do you look to obtain your cauldron?

Well, there’s always have the option of patronizing a Pagan store.  This is always an admirable thing to do, since brick-and-mortar Pagan stores are on the decline and I’d even suspect that smaller online stores are becoming out-competed by larger ones.  Unfortunately, I’ve only ever seen one large-ish cauldron at these places, and it’s still too small to be very practical. Pagan stores typically offer tiny cauldrons, which are largely more decorative than functional pieces.  They often look just like the one pictured on the left, which is a tiny little fellow:  just 3 inches tall, 2 inches deep, and 2.75 inches across.  It will really only be useful as an incense burner, and it will probably cost you at least $20.

If this is a route you’d choose, I’d recommend that you try to find a piece without a symbol put upon it.  In this case, there’s a goddess symbol on the cauldron.  That might prove counterproductive to a god-focused ritual.  Moreover, air and fire–both elements involved in the censer–are masculine elements, so it wouldn’t make sense to have a highly feminine symbol on a tool involved with them.  Symbols just complicate matters unduly.

If you do want a cauldron for an incense burner, though, you don’t have to resort to the Pagan shops.  Lodge Cast iron offers a little 8 oz serving kettle (3.5 inches across, 2 inches deep) that makes a perfect censer as well as a slightly larger 1 pint country kettle (5 inches across, 2.5 inches deep).  The little one is just $10.95 and the larger is $15.95.  Lodge also has a large range of seasoned cast iron flat-bottomed dutch ovens that would make for a great stove top cauldron.  Five-quart pots tend to be around $55 and 7-quart pots about $85.  Lodge also has a large range of seasoned cast iron camp ovens, which are essentially dutch ovens with little feet.  Their 4-quart one runs about $66 and their 6-quart about $89.  I’ve seen their standard dutch ovens for sale in kitchen stores, in Wal-marts, and in hardware stores, and I’ve seen the camp ovens in the outdoor sections of Wal-marts and in camping stores.


If something more stereotypically cauldron like–the pot belly–is more what you had in mind, the potjie (pronounced poi-key) pots are a good option.  These are essentially Dutch ovens but are designed with a narrower opening to discourage a lot of evaporation.  Potjies today come in the traditional legged variety as well as flat bottoms for cooking in modern kitchens.  The no. 2 size, which is a 5 quart capacity pot, runs about $80 for both legged and flat styles.  The 8-quart no. 3 runs about $100.

I may be biased as I have a potjie for my cauldron, but I think they’re superior for cauldron purposes. Aesthetically, they’re certainly more “cauldron-y”, and if you want to burn fires in them, they’re a little safer.  Their legs are much longer than the standard dutch oven, which means there’s very little risk of the floor scorching.  I would certainly emphasize using some sort of trivet if you attempt to burn indoors, though.


For the “cook up a potion” crowd, there’s also an obvious option moving away from the stereotypical look of a cauldron, and that’s dedicating a special regular pot or pan for cauldron use.  In this avenue, I have to admit I’m influenced by what the fictional TV wizard Harry Dresden chose:  enameled cast iron.  It’s got all the heat-retaining qualities of cast iron, but it’s a little easier to clean up.  Plus, the porcelain enamel means that micro bits of your potions are less likely to cling to the pot as they would in seasoned cast iron.  This definitely makes enameled cast iron a lot more ‘potion friendly’ as you would be able to work with poisonous plants with more safety.

Enameled cast iron is, unfortunately, not very cheap.  Retail price for a new 5.5 quart Le Creuset dutch oven is $265, or about $200 more than a seasoned cast iron piece of the same size.  I prefer to look for good vintage pieces on eBay if I want enameled cast iron, and have been able to find lots of casseroles and such for dirt cheap prices.

If enameled cast iron seems more your speed and you desire a more traditional cauldron shape, I’d recommend trying to find a vintage bean pot, such as this one from Descoware.  It’s not a piece currently manufactured by any enameled cast iron company today, but they do pop up somewhat frequently on eBay.  Auctions often close anywhere between $20-$90.  I believe I spent about $60 on my bean pot…which has about a 2 quart capacity and which I use for simmering beans and grains.  A saucepan such as Harry Dresden’s will often be between 1 and 2 quarts and will auction for between $10 and $30.

For fairy-friendly pagan folk who might desire to potion without iron, I would suggest investing in a good copper sauce pan.  This is not going to be a cheap option, even with eBay.  Unfortunately, I would actually discourage anyone from the eBay route unless he or she has the aid of someone who knows a lot about vintage cookware, both for health and wallet safety.  In modern cookware, it’s exceedingly difficult to find copper cookware that doesn’t also include stainless steel, even amongst the old copper pot companies.  However, the French company Mauviel does still make one all copper pot:  their sugar saucepan.  Their 3.78 quart pan runs about $198.  Their smallest, a .9 quart pan, is about $100.  There are three sizes in between with prices increasing as the capacity increases.



Compulsory items 

Earth - crystals and salt, mud pot. 

Water - chalice with water 

Fire - candle and cauldron 

Spirit and air - incense sticks and Chakra, for spirit wand, Athame, and the broom. 


























Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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 Cauldron for burning incense or herbs. During relaxation and when letting the mind off something. Letting go and also for spreading aroma as in aromatherapy. 

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Store passwords on the computer 

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Positive and negative energy. 

There is a lot of negative energy in the environment. 

Whenever there is sabotage and chaos and disorder both on the microcosm level and the cosmological level there is a lot of negative energy that is causing it. Naturally there is a lot of negative energy present. Positive energy is rare. It only comes upon invoking. Negative energy is like stones and pebbles, you find them everywhere. Positive energy is like gems like diamonds you don't find it scattered everywhere. There are found somewhere and only rarely. It's very easy for the body and the mind to attract negative energy all the time. But to attract positive energy will need to invoke it as much as you can. When things are running smoothly it means either the absence of negative energy or the presence of strong positive energies. 

Invoking and cleansing. 

You should keep invoking positive energy and keep banishing or cleansing negative energy all the time. Keep invoking till all the negative energy has left and there is no more chaos or chasm or sabotage left. 

Wherever there is drama, there is negative energy. 



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